Healthy Boundaries - Understanding Your Energy Field

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Healthy Boundaries
Understanding Your Energy Field

Having permeable boundaries that are ’holey’ or fragmented or weakened by not knowing how to say ’no’ can leave you vulnerable to incursion by other people’s energies and especially to them ’pulling your strings’ to get you to do what they want or ’pressing your buttons’ to wind you up or hooking into your energy field for a top-up of their own energy, none of which is conducive to inner peace.

If your boundaries are healthy and strong, nothing and no one can disturb your inner serenity, no matter how much they may try. This does not mean having inflexible boundaries. It’s not conducive to your well-being to be cowering within a defensive wall with your heart firmly closed and a big ’Keep Out’ sign on the front — unless it’s an emergency, but even then you can be courageously sheltered within your crystallized boundary with an open heart. If you have healthy boundaries, your heart is open and you can empathize with others and invite them into your heart knowing you’ll experience only good in the process.

So what causes our boundaries to become weak? Physical damage or scarring can be reflected in the aura and can affect your ability to hold your energy together and prevent psychic leakage. I once worked with a woman who was aware of a sense of weakness in her left side. She felt she lost energy in that part of her body and was constantly depleted, especially by contact with needy people. Some years previously she’d been involved in a car accident and had a visible scar. Seen clairvoyantly, the energy below her left arm was grey and ragged, leaving her open to psychic vampirism as the energy flow around her body, and her aura, was blocked. The area over the site was weak and vulnerable. Energy could ’leak’ out. Hematite, which is magnetic, was stroked over the site to return the aura to its normal magnetic vibration and heal the break. This was followed up with the Australian Bush Flower Essence Slender Rice Flower, which heals physical scarring. Her energy quickly became stronger.

Checking out your aura quickly reveals whether you have weaknesses or ’holes’. For these next two exercises a helpful friend would be useful, but you can do them yourself with a little improvisation and focused intention.

Where’s My Aura?

Your aura, the subtle biomagnetic energy sheath that extends out from your body, is your natural boundary. If it goes too far out (and it can extend for quite a distance), people interpenetrate it all the time and can pull on your energy or infuse you with negativity and gloom. If it’s brought in too tightly, it doesn’t have enough room to do its work of filtering energies before they reach you physically. A comfortable distance is about arm’s length all around your body, but if you feel ’invaded’ you can pull it in closer and protect it with the Bubble of Light or the Amber Melt. As your aura is one of the tools your intuition uses to suss out people and places, having it extend to a sensible distance helps you to feel safe and gives you the best chance of spotting anything untoward before it reaches you. Fortunately you can easily take charge of this process.


Ask your friend to walk towards you with hands outstretched. Try to feel when your aura is touched by the hands. Consciously think about extending your aura out further and get your friend to check it out, pull it in closer and check again. You’ll quickly gain control of how far out this auric field extends. If you’re using your own hands to monitor it, you will be able to push or pull your aura with your hand.

Thank your friend for the assistance and take over the process of checking yourself. You can either use your hands or a crystal for this part of the process.

You can also repair ’holes’ or weak places in your aura with a crystal and detach ’hooks’ from people who are embedded within your auric field. Again, this should be done with focused intention.


✵ Stand comfortably so you can reach all around yourself (sit if you find this easier).

✵ Take a cleansed Charoite, Flint, Selenite or Clear Quartz crystal and, starting at arm’s length above your head, gently brush all over your aura with your crystal. (If you cannot physically reach around your back, the power of your mind will do this for you.)

✵ If the crystal hesitates or drops inwards, or you feel a cold patch or sense a hook or a cord-like obstruction, take your time and ask the crystal to dissolve the hook and repair the hole with light. Spiralling the crystal out, flicking it and spiralling it back in helps this process.

✵ When you’ve checked out the outer levels of your aura, work a little more closely in towards your body, and then more closely still, until you’re sure your aura is healthy and whole.

Sometimes the alignment between the physical body and the aura ’slips’ a little, resulting in a sense of not being comfortable within your body. It is variously described as feeling not quite yourself or having a sense of disequilibrium or disharmony or even of standing outside yourself. Indications vary and can include irritability (physical and emotional), ’buzzing’ or discomfort in the body or ears, and ’flu- or ME-like symptoms. If this is the case, you can often feel the energetic dis-ease in your aura — a bit like getting an electric shock or sensing ’waves’ or ’bumps’. Combing over your aura with an appropriate crystal can realign it with the physical body and restore equilibrium, as can holding Amber over your head or solar plexus and asking to be realigned.

Crystal Tips for the Aura

✵ Quartz and Selenite cleanse, repair, align and re-energize the aura, but other crystals can be helpful such as Amber, Bloodstone, Flint, Green Jasper, Herkimer Diamond, Rainbow Mayanite and Smoky Quartz.

✵ To protect the aura: Amber, Amethyst, Apache Tear, Diamond, Healer’s Gold, Labradorite, Lemurian Jade, Quartz, Shattuckite with Ajoite (wear continuously).

✵ To align your aura with the physical body: Hold Amber over your head or solar plexus.

✵ To align your aura spiritually: Hold Labradorite or Green Ridge Quartz over your head.

✵ To guard against energy leakage: Black Tourmaline or Labradorite (wear constantly).

✵ To repair ’holes’: Amethyst, Aqua Aura, Green Tourmaline, Quartz, Selenite.

✵ To remove negativity: Amber, Apache Tear (hold the crystal over your solar plexus), Black Jade.

✵ Green Ridge Quartz cleanses and realigns the entire chakric and auric systems.

✵ Crystal Balance Violet Flame essence transmutes negativity into positivity and protects the aura.

✵ Crystal Balance Dream Catcher essence is excellent for protecting children’s auras.

Additional Tools

Guardian Angels (Tool 15), Psychic Shields (Tool 16).