The Subtle Energy Bodies - Understanding Your Energy Field

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

The Subtle Energy Bodies
Understanding Your Energy Field

Physical-etheric Body

The physical subtle body, or etheric blueprint, tends to be close to the physical body and can often be seen with metaphysical eyes as a white aura around that body. It is a biomagnetic program and holds imprints of past-life dis-ease, injuries and beliefs which present-life symptoms then reflect. It also holds subtle DNA that can be activated or switched off by behaviour and beliefs, and which in turn affects the DNA in the physical body. It is connected through the seven traditional, lower-frequency chakras on the body and the soma, past-life, alta major and causal vortex chakras.

Emotional Body

The emotional body is created by emotions and feelings, attitudes, heartbreaks, traumas and dramas, not only in the present life but in previous lives. Emotional dis-ease shows up as dark or distorted patches within the subtle emotional body and the solar plexus and heart chakras. The emotional body may contain engrams, bundles of energy that hold a deeply traumatic or joyful memory picture. Dis-ease in this body may also be reflected in the sacral and base chakras and the knees and feet, which will act out insecurities and fears.

Mental Body

The mental body is created by thoughts, memories, credos and ingrained beliefs from both the present and previous lives. It is connected particularly strongly through the throat and head chakras but can be reflected in the lower-body chakras also. This body holds the imprint of all that has been said or taught by authority figures in the past, along with inculcated ideologies and points of view. It may need to be cleared and reprogrammed with perspectives more suited to a person’s current stage of spiritual awareness.

Karmic Body

The karmic blueprint holds the imprint of all previous lives and the soul purpose for the present life but may also strongly reflect a past-life purpose and contracts that have outlived their sell-by date and need clearing. It contains mental programs, physical imprints, and emotional impressions and beliefs that you hold about yourself, many of which may be contradictory as they arise from very different experiences in various lives. When the karmic body is healed, evolutionary intent can be actualized. This body is accessed through the past-life, alta major and causal vortex chakras but may also affect the soma, knee and earth star chakras.

Ancestral Body

The ancestral body holds all that you have inherited down your ancestral lines on both sides, everything the ancestors passed on to you either at the physical or more subtle levels. This may include family sagas; belief systems and attitudes; culture and expectations; and traumas and dramas that shape your world. Healing sent back down the ancestral line to the core experience rebounds forward to heal the line going out into the future, making change possible. This body is accessed through the soul star, past-life, alta major, higher heart, earth star and Gaia gateway chakras. It has a great deal to do with how much at home you feel on the planet and whether you are able to actualize your soul purpose. You may need to release ancestral expectations before energetic harmony can occur.

Planetary Body

A subtle energy body that links into the planet and the Earth’s etheric body and meridians, the planetary body is connected to the wider cosmos, the luminaries, planets and stellar bodies, and the outer reaches of the multi-universe. Through this planetary body you are, therefore, connected into the wider whole. The planetary body is reflected in your birthchart and is accessed through the past-life, alta major, causal vortex, soma, stellar and Gaia gateway chakras. Cosmic or soul dis-ease can be corrected through the planetary body.

Spiritual or Lightbody

The spiritual or lightbody is an integrated, luminous, vibrating energy field consisting of the physical body and the subtle energy bodies, plus the spirit or soul, connected through all the chakras but especially the higher-dimensional ones: soma, soul star, stellar gateway, Gaia gateway, alta major and causal vortex. It is an electromagnetic field of varying oscillation with integrated frequencies from the highest to the lowest, being light in all its varied manifestations. The body itself resonates with the universe, the universal mind and your own soul or spirit. When the lightbody is activated, it can literally re-encode your DNA bringing out its highest potential and allowing your soul’s purpose to manifest. [Subtle body information extracted from Crystal Prescriptions Volume 4: The AZ Guide to Chakra Balancing Crystals and Kundalini Activation Stones.]

A ’Leaky Aura’

If there is damage to the chakras, or to the subtle energy bodies, energetic ’holes’ or weak spots are created in the aura that allow non-beneficial energies to penetrate and upset the balance. Fortunately the ’holes’ can be easily repaired with a crystal and the balance restored.


This illustration does not show the karmic and ancestral energy bodies or the ’new’ chakras. If your energy field looks like this, you will be open to subtle energetic invasion. The gap at the top allows unfiltered energies to flood into the crown chakra and the lack of grounding earth chakras means there is no anchoring to the planet or connection between the higher and lower chakras. Someone whose energy field looks like this will have only a toehold in incarnation at best and, at worst, be open to entity attachment.