Finding Serenity - Accentuate the Positive

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Finding Serenity
Accentuate the Positive

Inner serenity equals inner peace. If you’re able to be in a place of inner serenity, nothing can rock your equilibrium. In the following journey you’ll travel into a place of profound peace, the inner temple of your own heart, and bring that serenity back into everyday life. If you carry a crystal with you it will always remind you of your safe, serene place.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Rose Quartz

Known as the stone of unconditional love and forgiveness, gentle Rose Quartz opens the heart and transforms negative emotions into positive ones. It’s an excellent stone to use during crisis or trauma, as it quickly brings peace. It transmutes negative emotional conditioning and supports positive affirmations.


Rose Quartz (left)


Settle yourself quietly, holding a crystal if you wish.

✵ Close your eyes and breathe gently, withdrawing your attention from the outside world. Focus your attention on your heartbeat, feeling it in your chest and hearing the beat with your inner ear.

✵ As you listen to the beat, let it transport you on a journey to the temple of your heart. You may find this within your physical body or you may travel to the temple of the heart in another dimension. Simply let the heartbeat take you there. This is a place of profound love and deep inner peace. Let that peace and love settle into every pore of your being.

✵ As this peace pours into you, be aware of your connection with the spiritual world, with the divine love that emanates from the heart of the universe. Let this connection strengthen so you’ll always be attuned to this love and can draw on it at any time. Fill your heart with this love and if you’re holding a crystal, place this to your heart so that it, too, fills with love.

✵ When it’s time to leave the temple of the heart, thank the divine energy for being with you and your own heart for being there for you and being a container for this love. Let the serenity of your heart guide you in the days to come. Let your heartbeat transport you back into awareness of your body.

✵ Bring your attention back into the room, stand up and stamp your feet to reground yourself.

Crystal Tips to Bring Serenity

Amethyst, Celestite, Eye of the Storm, Lapis Lace, Prairie Tanzanite, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Selenite.

Crystal Tips for Centring Yourself

Agate (physical), Amethyst (emotional), Eye of the Storm, Selenite or Pietersite (spiritual), Star Sapphire (mental).

Manifest the Self

If you are safely anchored in your true Self, the part of you that is only partially in incarnation — and which can see further and knows far more than the small self, which is connected to the ego — you’ll feel totally secure and completely authentic.

To fully manifest your Self, rather than being influenced by others or trying to conform to the norm, hold a piece of lavender-blue Zoisite or wear Gaia Stone, Tanzanite or Tanzine Aura Quartz.

~ Treasure Chest ~


Iridescent Anandalite reaches exceptionally high dimensions and expands consciousness, harmonizing new frequencies so that the whole body benefits from a quantum uplift. It instils cosmic light into the body to protect it during energetic transformation, filling the spaces between the cells in the physical and energy bodies with light while changes are integrated. (Disharmony created when subtle energy bodies fail to integrate higher consciousness causes spiritual or physical dis-ease.) This shamanic crystal strips you down to the bare bones of your soul before rebuilding your energy bodies. Anandalite activates the body’s natural healing mechanism, constructing an energetic grid that passes healing vibes through the biomagnetic field, etheric and physical bodies to de-energize and deconstruct older, detrimental energy structures. It releases emotional blockages standing in the way of spiritual awakening.


Anandalite (centre)


Anandalite purifies and aligns the whole chakra system to higher frequencies when swept through the aura (see exercise).


✵ Settle yourself in a comfortable place and hold the crystal you’ve chosen to assist in manifesting your Self. Breathe gently and easily. Lift your shoulders up to your ears, pull them back and let go with a big sigh, letting go of any tension you may be feeling.

✵ Take your awareness to your heart and the higher heart chakra located above it; you can touch them to focus your attention there. Allow these chakras to unfold, opening like the petals of a flower.

✵ Take your attention up to the crown chakra at the top of your head. Allow this chakra to open fully. The chakras above your head now also expand and open and you may feel a string pulling you up. Allow yourself to go with this feeling. Consciously allow your vibrations to rise, to reach the highest possible level.

✵ Invite your Self to move down through these chakras until it fills your crown chakra. From the crown chakra, feel your Self enfold your whole body. Experience the love your Self has for you and the wisdom it carries. Draw that love deep into your being.

✵ Invite your Self to move into your heart and ask that it manifests fully in your life. Feel how protected you are, how your vibrations are raised by the manifestation of your Self. Place your crystal over your heart and invite your Self to resonate with the crystal.

✵ When you are ready to end the exercise, ask your Self to remain with you, safely within your heart but continuing its expanded perception and awareness. Gently close the chakras above your head, letting them fold in on themselves like flowers closing for the night. Close the crown and third eye chakras and make sure that your earth chakra is holding you firmly in incarnation. Slowly, bring your attention back to your physical body and the room around you. Check your grounding cord is in place and get up and move around.

✵ Whenever you need reminding to manifest your Self, hold your crystal to your heart.

Crystal Tips for Manifesting the Self

Ajoite, Chrysotile in Serpentine, Flint, Nirvana Quartz, Prehnite with Epidote, Selenite, Sandstone, Spirit Quartz, Stitchite, Rainbow Mayanite, Tanzanite, Trigonic Quartz, Zoisite.

What Does My Body Say?

Not only does your body language tell other people how you are feeling, and transmit fears or feelings of vulnerability over a wide distance to attract predators or manipulators, but it also affects how you yourself feel. If your body looks as though it’s fearful, it probably is. But change your stance and you change the chemical messengers flying around your body that tell you how you feel.11 If you can stand tall and confident, you’ll feel confident and at peace with yourself.

Think about your body language for a moment. Looking in a mirror, especially catching sight of yourself when you aren’t prepared for it, can be revealing. Ask yourself:

✵ ’Are my shoulders hunched?’

✵ ’Is one shoulder raised as though to ward off a blow?’

✵ ’Are my arms held tight across my chest?’

✵ ’Are my hands clenched into fists?’

✵ ’Do I have a defensive stance?’

✵ ’Am I standing on tiptoe ready to run?’

✵ ’Is my forehead puckered into a frown?’

✵ ’Do my eyes dart about, constantly monitoring my space?’

✵ ’Is my neck tense and hunkered down into my shoulders?’

✵ ’Are my shoulders tense?’

✵ ’Am I smiling, relaxed and standing tall, looking confident and serenely facing the world?’

If your stance is anything but the last, make changes now.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is an excellent grounding and energizing stone. It nurtures you during stress, induces tranquillity and infuses you with life-force. It supports your determination, cleanses negative energy and blocks environmental pollution. If you’ve problems, this stone helps you to get to grips with the underlying causes of them. It supports you during necessary conflict or change. Place a piece of Red Jasper in your hip pocket to stimulate your creative juices and keep your base chakras energized, your pelvis moving freely and your walk confident.


Red Jasper (bottom left)


✵ Straighten up and drop your shoulders, pulling them back and smiling as you do so.

✵ Take a deep breath and open up your solar plexus, pulling your arms back and up over your head before letting all your breath out with a big sigh as you drop your arms.

✵ Flap your hands about and shake your arms. Loosen up those wrists.

✵ Shake out your legs and wiggle your hips around.

✵ Stand tall, shoulders back, head up, eyes wide open and facing the front and arms loose by your sides.

✵ Smile inwardly and recall the happiest moment in your life.

✵ Practise walking with confident ease, head held high and eyes looking straight ahead.

✵ Place a Red Jasper tumble or palm stone in your pocket and hold it whenever you want help to express your confidence.

Releasing Your Pelvis

The base of the spine holds a great deal of tension and can affect how you hold yourself and how freely you move. It can also lock creative energy up tightly. If you release your pelvis, this energy can flow.

~ Treasure Chest ~


Orgonite cleans stagnant and negative energies, filtering out anything toxic and transforming it into positive vibes. Created from crystals and metal shavings enclosed in resin, and generating orgone (life-force) energy, Orgonite raises the vibrations in your personal energy field and the surrounding environment. Depending on the crystals used, it balances the spiritual, emotional and physical bodies. Orgonite is particularly useful for protecting the body against EMF emissions and for blocking ’black’ energy lines in the environment. It is also said to boost the immune system and promote wellness. The shape into which the Orgonite is moulded has a distinct effect on the properties (see effect of shape).



✵ Stand comfortably and loosely with your feet a couple of feet apart. Allow your knees to bend a little.

✵ Keeping your shoulders still, push your pelvis forwards and swing it to the left, then push it backwards and swing it to the right. Be aware that you are rotating around the calm peaceful centre of your being.

✵ Repeat 10 times and then reverse the direction. Your energy should be flowing freely.

✵ Now take your attention to the base of your spine and feel your connection with the Earth beneath your feet.

Additional Tools

Affirmations (Tool 11), Happiness (Tool 21), Animal Allies (Tool 22).