Protecting Family and Friends - Eliminate the Negative

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Protecting Family and Friends
Eliminate the Negative

In terms of protecting others, it isn’t enough simply to change your attitude about yourself; if you’re fearful for others, it has the same insidious effect on them as fearing for yourself does. So, while you cannot keep other people totally protected, you can play your part by picturing them safe, happy and well, and safely wrapped up in pink light — and by encouraging them to use the techniques in this book.

All of the techniques in this book can be applied to other people, but it is better if they do them for themselves, so please share the book as widely as possible.


Whenever you are concerned about someone’s safety or wellbeing, picture them surrounded by pink light. This is not your light, it is their light, perhaps supplied by their guardian angel or their higher self, but definitely theirs and not yours. So then take your attention away and let the light do its work. Wherever possible, gift them an appropriate crystal to be programmed for their well-being.

Protecting Children

Children may well appear to be unable to protect themselves, especially from the thoughts and feelings of the adults around them, but it’s amazing how resilient they are and how creative. Many children find their own ways of psychically protecting themselves without any assistance from adults. They have to for their own sanity sometimes. Almost every child has a safe place into which they withdraw and a protector on whom they call, even if this is unknown to the adults around them. Being highly intuitive, they are often aware of ’ghosts’ and may well have spirit friends who won’t harm them and indeed are often there for protection.

One of the best ways to protect children is to ensure you’re absolutely honest and open, never thinking one thing but saying another. Don’t harbour anger and resentment and deny it, as children are aware of such conflicts and it confuses them, as does a bad atmosphere or a huge amount of unspoken anger into which they unknowingly walk — exactly like a psychic mugging.

If you feel a child needs protection, you can visualize them surrounded by bright white or pink light and ask their angel of protection to be with them — or do the angel of protection exercise with the child, as it shows them from a young age how to be protected. Children also like the jumping into a shiny new dustbin or wearing a spacesuit types of protection, although many also go for the pyramid and the bubble of light.

Most children are attracted to crystals and like to wear a ’shaman’s pouch’ of protective crystals — kept cleansed, of course — or have a crystal or two in their pocket or under their pillow. However, the best protection of all for your children is to monitor your own thoughts and feelings and teach them to do the same for themselves from an early age without any feelings being labelled ’bad’ but with an awareness of the consequences of negative thoughts and toxic emotions.

Additional Tools

The Golden Pyramid (Tool 7), Psychic Shields (Tool 16), Animal Allies (Tool 22), Gem Essences (Tool 5).

Family Break-up

Children are often the ones who suffer most when a family breaks up, especially when they are used as weapons by one of the adults against the other — yet another subtle form of psychic attack or psychic mugging.

Andrew’s case history shows clearly our psychic energy is not ’all of a piece’ but can fragment and scatter, especially when loyalties are torn. He came to me because his energy was being severely drained and he wanted to etherically clear the ties with his ex-wife after an acrimonious divorce that had taken several years to complete. After the tie-cutting, I could still see a small child. When I checked it out, I found that Andrew was not allowed access to his daughter, as her mother had been using her as a weapon, but he had a strong connection with her that the daughter was desperate to keep. Even though she was older now, part of her psychic energy was with her father as the small child she had been when her mother had taken her away. In a visioning exercise, Andrew was able to show his daughter what had happened and how to reintegrate the energy and he promised he would find a way for them to be together physically. He did indeed find a way to break the deadlock about access and his daughter became whole once more.

Now that, like Andrew, you’ve taken a good look at what’s tripped you up in life or what may lie behind unpleasant experiences, it’s time to put your thoughts, attention and intention onto the positive side and attract some beneficial vibes into your life.

* The Detoxification Layout can also be found in Crystal Healing and Crystal Experience (both published by Godsfield Press), together with further detox techniques.