Neutralizing the Attackers, Whoever They Are - Eliminate the Negative

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Neutralizing the Attackers, Whoever They Are
Eliminate the Negative

Dion Fortune’s book Psychic Self-Defence was written in the main to explain how to safeguard yourself against what she called ’paranormal malevolence’ from experienced practitioners of occultism and to explore the psychic reasons that can underlie mental illnesses. In other words, she was dealing with the magical and psychiatric realms rather than the everyday. If that is the kind of attack you find yourself under, reading her book or enlisting the assistance of a highly experienced practitioner may be required. But if you find yourself experiencing the more banal but nonetheless lethal everyday ill-wishing, psychic mugging or psychic attack, you’ll find techniques and crystals here that will neutralize the attack. You’ll also be able to discover how you unwittingly attack yourself and others and what you can do to reverse this.

Psychic Mugging

Psychic mugging is somewhat different from ill-wishing or psychic attack. It is usually not directly targeted at you, as it tends to happen when you step into the negative energy someone has left behind. Alternatively, there may be a ’once only’ attack that comes from a hurtful remark, envious thought or malicious taunt. However, someone may psychically mug you in order to manipulate you or for reasons that appear to be benevolent. People going for psychic readings who are given ’bad news’ in a tactless or too-direct way are being psychically mugged. Unwise psychics may say, ’I see a death,’ and psychically sock their client in the solar plexus. Yet, as all psychics know, it is impossible to tell whether seeing a death means seeing the physical death of someone connected with you or the ending of something. So, choose your psychic reader with care.

Healing Psychic Mugging

This technique uses Tugtupite, a rare and expensive heart protector from Greenland, but Rose Quartz, Eudialyte Rhodochrostie or Mangano Calcite would be equally effective. It was the first-aid measure invented specially for the guy at Glastonbury who was psychically mugged, but you can use it whenever anything slams into your heart.

✵ Hold your cleansed crystal over your higher heart chakra, in the centre of your chest a hand’s breadth or so below your collarbone.

✵ Ask it to dissolve the pain and anything that may have been attached to the blow to your heart and to replace it with unconditional loving energy.

✵ Keep the stone in place until your heart feels eased and ask it to close the auric hole before you remove it.

Crystal Tips to Prevent Psychic Mugging to the Solar Plexus

Brandenberg; Elestial Quartz; Eudialyte; Green Ridge Quartz; Lemurian Seed Quartz; Mangano Calcite; Rhodozaz; Rose or Smoky Quartz.

Mugging by Thought

I was given a graphic lesson in mugging by thought many years ago when I was trying, as a lone parent, to deal with an obstreperous teenager. A therapist encouraged me to picture my daughter and say to her everything that I was bottling up — all my frustrations, my fears for her and how they were affecting my life. There was no suggestion of forgiveness or reconciliation at the end of the session, which left me emotionally wrung out. But worse was to come when I reached home and found my daughter prostrate with a migraine. All those angry thoughts had clearly slammed right into her. Whilst that kind of emotional release can be useful, it needs to be as part of an ongoing process such as EFT or tie-cutting which emphasizes the healing, reconciliation, forgiveness and unconditional-love aspect of the process and it is sensible to protect the person concerned with a bubble of light (Tool 6) before you start.

Ill-wishing and Psychic Attack

Ill-wishing tends to arise from short-term thoughts such as I’ll make him pay for that, I’ll show her, Why didn’t I get that job, I’m just as good as she is? or Why should he be so lucky? especially when such thoughts are dwelt upon constantly. It can, however, happen just the once when negative thought slams into you, whether deliberately sent or not.

Psychic attack, which is more serious, is ongoing and arises from other people chewing over their resentments or deliberately directing malicious thoughts or energy your way. (To deal with prolonged psychic attack, see the protective measures in my book Good Vibrations.)

Most cases of ill-wishing or psychic attack usually occur through jealousy, envy, covetousness, grievance and anger, or a sense of injury or injustice, and most are unconscious. That is, they aren’t deliberately targeted. The attack arises out of repressed or unnoticed feelings or the envious or vengeful thoughts people turn over in their mind, or the litany of criticism they vent without realizing the damage they cause.

However, there is another, more subtle, form of ill-wishing that can arise from a seemingly benevolent activity. This occurs when allegedly well-meaning friends discuss another friend behind their back. They may be discussing that friend ’for their own good’, pointing out ’defects’ and how these could be remedied, but so often it turns into a slagging-off. They may even then tell the person concerned. I find it often occurs when supposedly spiritual people feel that they have reached a higher level of understanding than the people around them and begin to discuss how their friends ’don’t get it’. They don’t even need to mention it to the person concerned because simply having the thought can do damage. This spiritual elitism can be experienced in the form of an attack that may bring up a person’s deepest fears and emotions. So, the feeling of ’being got at’, judged to be inferior, not getting it right again and so on can arise in the ’friend’. EFT tapping works extremely well for removing this result, but it would be better if the source — the gossip, no matter how spiritually or benevolently packaged — were removed at source.

Psychic attack can also arise out of a need to dominate and be right. Parents and teachers psychically attack children by telling them how useless they are and bullies and the power hungry pick on those weaker than themselves. It’s not always that obvious: sexual harassment is just as much a form of psychic attack, as is religious fanaticism or the constant bombardment of information about global warming, your carbon footprint and the like. It all creates a state of vulnerability. (See ’Blowback’.)

To counteract the possibility of ’spillage’, keep those you love and your car well protected with pink light or a suitably programmed Black Tourmaline, Shungite or Rainbow Obsidian, ensure that the virus checker on your computer is always up to date and use Psychic Shields (Tool 16) if necessary. If you know the source of attack, mentally picturing a big vacuum cleaner in front of the person that sends the energy deep into space for transmutation can also help, as can transmutation crystals such as Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz and Shungite, suitably programmed to both mop up and transmute the energy.

How Do You Recognize an Attack?

There are many ways in which you can recognize you are under attack or ill-wishing — you may have been told by someone that you are, for instance — but some or all of the signs below will probably be present (although they can also be signs of stress or depression). But do keep a sense of proportion about this, because what you fear tends to manifest and there may be other reasons for the symptoms. A sudden and total loss of energy can signify a new attack or it could just indicate stress and overactive adrenal glands.

Signs of ill-wishing, psychic mugging or psychic attack:

✵ a sudden total energy drain

✵ debilitating fatigue

✵ a feeling of invasion

✵ a feeling of being watched

✵ being accident-prone

✵ waking suddenly in the night feeling someone is there

✵ your life not working

✵ constant illness

✵ computers crashing or light bulbs blowing

✵ bodily pain — sudden and sharp or a continuous dull ache

✵ incessant negative thoughts that are somehow ’not yours’

✵ panic attacks

✵ nightmares

✵ a fear of being alone.

Ill-wishing or psychic attack can be more potent when you know someone has it in for you. This is because ill-wishing works most strongly through:

✵ fear

✵ the power of suggestion

✵ intention.

And psychic attack or ill-wishing is most effective when there is:

✵ knowledge of the intention

✵ energetic weakness

✵ loose boundaries

✵ belief.


Apart from wearing a Black Tourmaline, Tantalite or Shungite over your thymus, grid the corners of your house with these crystals and, if the attack is severe, your bed as well, and place one of them in your car, suitably programmed to protect you.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is the most effective block to psychic attack and an extremely efficient ’mopper-upper’ of ’black’ energy. Its inner lattice traps negative energy, especially electromagnetic energy, and prevents it from reaching you. It’s excellent for blocking ill-wishing and emanations from mobile phones and for drawing off stress. Wear it over your thymus whenever you come under energetic attack of any kind. It helps you to adopt a laid-back positive attitude no matter what the circumstances.


~ Treasure Chest ~

Polychrome Jasper

Polychrome Jasper is an extremely efficient shield against ill-wishing and psychic attack, particularly as it is such a new find and therefore its energetic signature is unknown on the ether. It balances the physical and subtle bodies and provides grounding and stability. This ’stone of happiness’ helps you to tread a new pathway and to find fresh joy in your life.


Additional Tools

Amulets (Tool 3), Guardian Angels (Tool 15), Psychic Shields (Tool 16).

The Power of Belief

Forty years ago I lived in Sierra Leone, where the power of the ’juju man’ (witch doctor) was legendary. Although the people were nominally Christian or Muslim (depending on which missionary school had been attended), deep in the bush where I was living all the old customs were carried on and we were close to a forbidden village, Imabu, home of the juju man, at which we would gaze with awe from the other side of the river, having read a graphic account by the wife of the former manager of the mine, one of the first visitors to the region, of how the juju men turned sticks into snakes and put the evil eye on those who angered them. The mental scene was set by that fascinating account and the emotional one by feeling the emanations of that mysterious and somehow malevolent village across the water with its round huts and the befeathered and painted young natives who occasionally came and shook their fists at us. Like teenagers everywhere, they were keen to mark their territory and we would frequently come across ’fetishes’ — keep-out signs — planted by the side of the road. The juju men were past masters at creating a climate of fear.

Even in the capital, Freetown, the juju man was a force to be reckoned with. When I first arrived and was waiting at the airport to go up country, I was shown a heap of twisted metal and a brand new hangar a few yards to the side of it. A smiling face said, ’Big white boss man he be building hangar here. We tell him it juju spirit path, he no take notice. He build it, it fall down. He building it again, it fall down. He building it again! He building it — over there.’

Even though the mine at which I lived provided work for local people, the juju man did not approve and cursed the dredge, which promptly turned turtle and sank. His magic was seen as mighty indeed.

Local people turned up at the mine surgery with inexplicable illnesses after being cursed by the juju man. The American nurse who treated them had lived in the bush for over 50 years and was most respectful of the juju. She would say, ’Once the bone has been pointed, it’s done.’ Several of the cursed people died.

Then we had a new doctor, one who had worked in the Solomon Islands in the Pacific, which had a similar culture. When he arrived he told everyone his medicine was more powerful than that of the juju man and he waved a large hypodermic horse syringe around to prove it. There were no more deaths from mystery illness amongst the locals, although the mine had many misfortunes and the curse had repercussions for many years until it was lifted.10 The mining was for Rutile and the rock contained large deposits of Amethyst — both excellent psychic protectors if only I’d consciously known how to use them at the time, although I still have a piece of Rutile crystal I picked up in my African garden and it’s beside my bed — now thoroughly cleansed, of course.

One of the things I learned from my stay in Africa was how objects such as masks or statues can be imbued with malevolent energy — often done as a way of protecting them from theft. Dion Fortune talks in her book about Buddha figures that, whilst outwardly beneficial, had been imbued with less than helpful magical energy by some of the darker sects of Tibetan Buddhism. If you have such objects and are doubtful of their benevolent intent, have them checked out and cleansed thoroughly by someone who is trained in magical protection techniques, or send them back to where they belong. In an emergency, Z14 will clear them.

However, keep in mind that the power of belief can also be used to good effect to change your present and your future. If you believe something strongly enough and focus all your intention and attention on it, then you can bring it into being. So, if you believe that you are totally and fully protected, you are.

Not Only Baddies Attack

Psychic attack doesn’t only occur when the ’baddies’ become angry. Even the so-called ’good’ can use psychic attack to get what they want, especially if they feel it’s owed to them or is sanctioned by their god. The Old Testament story of Moses and Aaron graphically portrays the ancient world of magic and illustrates how psychic attack works no matter what the culture:

’Moses and Aaron did as the Lord had commanded. [Aaron] lifted up his staff and struck the water of the Nile and all the water was changed into blood. The fish died and the river stank… Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt, and the frogs came up and covered the land… Aaron stretched out his staff and struck the dust, and it turned into maggots on man and beast… swarms of flies… all the herds of Egypt died… festering boils [affected] men and beasts… violent hailstorms… thunder and fire… locusts… darkness over the land of Egypt… and every firstborn son of Egypt died.’Exodus 4—12

All this so that the Pharaoh would be forced to let the Israelites leave Egypt.

Not all psychic attack produces plagues and death, but it can be extremely detrimental to your health until you learn to block it. The Pharaoh and the people of Egypt would undoubtedly have benefited from Black Tourmaline around their necks, but that stone doesn’t seem to have been in their magical repertoire, although plenty of others were.

It may surprise you to know that much of the ill-wishing and many of the psychic attacks people experience don’t come from other people at all, but from their own negative thoughts and toxic emotions that are projected out onto the world and rebound as though coming from an outside source. It’s as though you psychically mug yourself.

By now you should be able to catch yourself when you start to run the kind of negative mental program or the toxic emotional expectations that create self-attack by thoughts such as ’I’m not good enough’ or ’I’ll never be able to do that’ or beliefs such as ’It always happens to me,’ ’I’m always the one who’s cheated/betrayed/etc.’ and so on.

By now you have hopefully learned to shut it off at source, but if not, try affirmations (Tool 11), positive thought (Tool 14), psychic shields (Tool 16), believing in yourself or EFT (Tool 23). And remember to keep control of your thoughts so that you don’t inadvertently attack someone else.

Dealing with Psychic Attack

But what do you do when you, inadvertently or otherwise, upset someone else enough for them to ill-wish or even psychically attack you, consciously or otherwise? Well, the fastest way to block such energies is to wear a Black Tourmaline over your thymus. The next thing is quietly to repeat to yourself: ’I’m sorry, I love you, please forgive me. ’You’re not saying this to the other person — after all, psychic attack is often anonymous and you may not even know the source — but rather just putting the energy of love and forgiveness out there on the ether.

Dealing with Psychic Attack from a Known Source

If you do know the source, try the following:

✵ Put yourself in a light bubble and wear Black Tourmaline, Shungite, Polychrome Jasper, Tantalite or Master Shamanite.

✵ Invoke your angel of protection and any religious figure you find helpful.

✵ Disconnect from the person — remove yourself from their space and their energy — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

✵ Laugh about it to yourself — don’t take it too seriously or give it too much energy.

✵ Take your attention away from it and onto something positive.

✵ Don’t play the other person’s game or get pulled into power struggles.

✵ Don’t see them, speak or think about them.

✵ Don’t meditate or open yourself up psychically.

✵ Avoid drugs, alcohol or consciousness-altering substances.

✵ If you have to, face up to the person fearlessly, keeping your boundaries strong.

If necessary you can put up a mental mirror to return the ill-will to its source, but this tends to perpetuate it and it may be better to ask your angel of protection to absorb and transmute the energy instead.

Many people suggest sending love in this situation. I don’t, because I’ve had too many personal experiences of doing so and then having the love taken up and used to fuel a further onslaught — the person picking up on the love seeing it as vulnerability and a way in. There are times when unconditional love does not overcome hate, and psychic attack is one of them. Forgiveness, on the other hand, can help, although this may need to be done at a later stage. The best path of all is to withdraw your attention, find joy in living and leave whoever it is to get on with it. They’ll soon tire of a game they have to play alone with no rewards.

When Love Turns to Hate

One of the most prevalent sources of psychic attack is when a relationship — no matter what kind — ends. Many people unwittingly use their child as a weapon in the battle, but inanimate objects can also take on this role, as I found when I sat in the back of a car that had been cursed by a powerful shaman with whom the owner had fallen out after finding she wasn’t the only person having a sexual relationship with him. The woman who owned the car was well protected, but the back seat was not and I could feel it all around me. Having cleaned my own energies, I thoroughly sprayed the car with Ti essence to lift the curse and Z14 and Clear2Light to clear the last remnants of the shaman’s energy. My client used Ti herself, dispersed into her aura, together with the Z14 and Clear2Light essences. We carried out a tie-cutting with the shaman and thoroughly cleansed with smoke. We protected the car with a grid of Black Tourmaline and Labradorite and Selenite to bring in spiritual protection energies. She then had to take the drum she had bought from the shaman, beat it thoroughly to reclaim her power, and then set fire to it in her garden, as she realized it was also imbued with the curse.

Not everyone has to take such drastic action, but psychic attack is something to take seriously if it comes from an external source and not from within your own self — which is equally serious but can be dealt with in a completely different way by identifying your inner terrorist.

Gridding and Rebounding

Gridding is an excellent way to ward off psychic attack or ill-wishing (see Tool 2, Crystal Layouts) but you need to choose your stones with care. Bronzite and Black Tourmaline are both sold as protectors against psychic attack, but there is a subtle difference: Black Tourmaline absorbs the attack, while Bronzite turns it back to its source. Although the person putting out the attack feels the effects as it rebounds, they may not be aware of putting out the attack and may become defensive or aggressive in turn. So the attack bounces backwards and forwards, becoming more and more hyped up. To counteract this effect, place three Bronzites in a downward-pointing triangle and over the top place three upward-pointing Black Tourmalines to form a hexagram, as this absorbs and blocks the attack, preventing a rebound. Bronzite is, however, an excellent stone for creating a calm safe space in which to meditate or vision.

Note that Crystal Balance Detachment Spray is excellent for separating energies between ex-partners. (See also ’Blowback’.)

~ Treasure Chest ~


Peridot is an extremely helpful stone for anyone with a jealous nature, as it alleviates jealousy, resentment, spitefulness and anger and reduces stress. It also enhances confidence, assists in looking back to the past to find the gift in your experiences and shows how to forgive yourself and how to let go of feeling that other people have what you want or are living the life you want. A clear emerald green, it is often set into rings or pendants and should be worn daily.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Black Moonstone

Black Moonstone is a useful protector during energy work, especially during the full moon when White or Blue Moonstone could create over-sensitivity and energetic vulnerability. A grounding stone that nevertheless opens a high level of awareness and attracts mentor beings, it supports intuition and inner knowing and facilitates ritual work. It is also helpful during involuntary night journeys out of the body, screening clairvoyant contact and telepathy so that only beneficial messages are received. Gridded against ill-wishing and energetic attack, it helps to prevent ’blowback’. At a physical level, Black Moonstone protects accident-prone, dyspraxic or hyperactive children, helping them be aware of the space that the physical and etheric bodies take up, making them less clumsy.


Inner-Self Communication

You can communicate with your inner self by freely writing whatever comes to mind, without censoring or judging it. This accesses those inner figures who may well be contributing to your energetic vulnerability without your awareness. Holding a crystal such as Chinese Writing Stone or Graphic Smoky Quartz as you write will help to free up your psyche and inner self to communicate with you. Be aware that the communication may come through writing, words, pictures or sounds.


✵ Take a blank piece of paper or a notebook, and, focusing your attention deep into yourself and keeping your bubble of light firmly around you to ensure it’s only your inner world with which you communicate, write the question: ’Is there anybody in my inner world who wants to communicate with me?’

✵ Wait quietly and write down any answer you receive. If possible, get a dialogue going with this figure. Ask what it represents, what it does, what messages it has for you. You may find it’s your own picture of someone from your past, or one of your own memories, or ingrained conditioning, or perhaps a deceased relative is hanging on (in which case, see page 182 and release them).

✵ Allow whatever wants to come, don’t censor it, and gradually ask, ’What is the positive side of this? Is there anything I can do for you? How can we work together for my well-being?’

✵ Repeat the exercise over a few days and see what changes. If you need to re-vision and change scenarios and thought patterns, use the tools in Part II to assist you.

Finding the Inner Terrorist or Saboteur

As ill-wishing and psychic attack can arise from your own inner self, a visioning exercise can help you to identify whether there is an inner terrorist living within you and psychically mugging you, and to negotiate any changes necessary. The inner saboteur is another common figure that so easily trips us up without our knowledge. Self-sabotage can arise from negative thoughts or expectations or ingrained ancestral messages that ’people like us don’t/can’t/shouldn’t/ought not to’ etc. This exercise can be adapted to find other destructive inner figures, too, such as an inner critic, judge or control freak. Carrying a Super 7 or Scapolite crystal can assist.


✵ Sit quietly and let yourself relax. Picture in your mind an ancient fortress perched on a hill with a path leading up to it.

✵ Let your feet take you over to this fortress. See how strongly it was built and notice whether it’s now ruined or has breaches in its defences. Enter it and explore.

✵ When you’re ready to seek the inner terrorist, saboteur or other figure, look down at your feet. You’ll see a trap door there. Open this trap door and descend the ladder below. Remember to take a light with you or look for a light switch as you go down the ladder.

✵ Look around you. This is where your inner terrorist lives. This terrorist may be reluctant to come out into the light and may prefer to stay in a dark corner. If this is the case, try to reassure it and coax it into the light so you can communicate more easily.

✵ Look at the terrorist, see how it’s dressed, what era it stems from and what its manner is (it may not show itself as human).

✵ Ask the terrorist what purpose it serves and what hidden parts of you it represents. Wait quietly and patiently for the answer — don’t push. Listen compassionately and don’t try to make excuses for anything that may be said. You’ll probably find the terrorist once had a positive purpose but this has changed over the years. If so, thank it for its care and concern, explain that things are different now and let the terrorist feel your love, forgiveness and compassion enfolding it.

✵ Ask the terrorist if it will help you by taking a more positive role in your inner life.

✵ If the answer is ’yes’, discuss this and ask for a new name to go with its new role. If the answer is ’no’, ask the terrorist if it’s willing to leave you and take up residence somewhere where it won’t frustrate your purpose. You may need to do some negotiating here. Most terrorists eventually agree to become more positive or to leave.

✵ Occasionally an inner terrorist is merely a thought form you’ve internalized. If so, ask your guardian angel to help you dissolve it.

✵ If your terrorist absolutely refuses to change, you may need a different approach under the guidance of someone qualified in dispossession techniques (see page 182 for emergency advice and Good Vibrations for further assistance). In the meantime, wrap the terrorist in a light bubble and send it back to where you initially found it.

✵ When you’ve completed your discussions or negotiations, leave by the ladder and close the trap door. The terrorist may well come with you and can be encouraged to find an appropriate place to settle or to leave for good.

✵ When you’re ready, open your eyes. Take your attention down to your feet and feel them standing on the Earth. Picture a shield closing over your third eye and a light bubble surrounding you. With your eyes wide open, take a deep breath and stand up with your feet firmly on the Earth, grounding you.

✵ Record the experience in your journal and remember to transmute any negative thoughts and emotions the terrorist revealed into positive thoughts or affirmations.

~ Treasure Chest ~


An excellent protection against geopathic and electromagnetic emanations of all kinds, Amazonite has a strong filtering action on the physical and mental levels. A soothing stone for emotional or physical trauma, it alleviates worry and assists in seeing both points of view.


Amazonite (centre)

Crystals Tips for Overcoming Self-sabotage and Inner Terrorism

Amazonite, Drusy Celestial Quartz, Larimar, Scapolite, Tourmalinated Quartz, Star Stone, Super 7, Turquoise.

Crystals Tips for Overcoming Inner Criticism

Aventurine, Blue Chalcedony, Rainbow Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Rutilated Quartz.

Attack from Beyond

Not all psychic attack comes from those in the here and now — some ’ghosts’ can be extremely active in their dislike of the living, for what they think is a good reason but is usually seriously outdated. On the estate where I used to live, for example, there was an almshouse that no one could sleep in. As soon as a person tried to sleep there, they’d be shaken awake by a voice saying, ’Get out of my bed, I won’t have you here,’ followed by poking and prodding. The old man who lived in the almshouse — and who’d had to resort to sleeping in a chair in his sitting room — was quite psychic and could see ’a shadow’ but couldn’t get any information from it, so asked me to take a look.

Talking to the spirit elicited that the voice belonged to a woman who had lived in that house for a very long time, so long in fact that she’d forgotten exactly when she had moved in. As the almshouses dated back to 1647, it was quite possible she’d been there for 400 years or so. Time makes little difference to these beings. The first thing I had to do was divert a ley line that ran through the bedroom and that was assisting her in staying put. Then I settled down for a long talk with her and finally convinced her that she could move on. She went willingly to the light, where her husband was patiently waiting.

It would have been useful to have had Z14 to assist as, since the old man died, people have rarely stayed in that particular house for long, usually because there has been ’something’ in the bedroom. I don’t think it’s that woman, but it may be an energy imprint (which many ghosts are) or it may be that the energy line has moved back. Either way, without being invited, it’s not possible for me to do any more.

E-mail or Social Media Attack

I really can’t finish this section without mentioning those awful circular e-mails that fill my inbox because ’friends’ who are at a loss to fill their quota of passing them on within the next ten minutes tend to think of me first, despite my telling them I instantly delete them without opening them, so any benefits they hope to accrue are lost. These e-mails are the equivalent of the old poison-pen chain letters. Many are, on the surface, beneficent and promise many blessings if you send them on to dozens of your friends. Others are more direct in their promise of divine retribution if you ignore them. All are a subtle form of psychic attack and can safely be sent to the great recycling bin in the sky and instantly forgotten about. If you let fear intervene and begin to wonder whether something bad will happen if you ignore them, you can be sure it will! So let them go with love and forgiveness and leave the great god Cyberspace to sort it out.

If you are really concerned, program a crystal to protect you. Eye of the Storm is particularly effective.

In the current times, with the growth of social media, there are many opportunities for being subtly undermined. But there is hope. Remember that a good photograph of a crystal works just as effectively as a crystal itself, so post a crystal picture to counteract social media attack; either one to radiate love (Rose Quartz or Mangano Calcite) or to absorb the attack (Black Tourmaline or Shungite). Use the delete button on the message. Then ignore the idiots who engage in such asinine activities and turn your thoughts to something more pleasant. Carry an appropriate crystal such as Crazy Lace Agate or Grape Chalcedony with you to assist, remembering that laughter and happiness are your best tools.