Healing Karmic and Ancestral Dis-ease - Eliminate the Negative

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Healing Karmic and Ancestral Dis-ease
Eliminate the Negative

Studies show ’compelling evidence’ for the biological transmission of memory. The evidence ’addresses constitutional fearfulness that is highly relevant to phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorders, plus the controversial subject of transmission of the “memory” of ancestral experience down the generations.’


The past can be a heavy burden to carry, weighing on your energy field with varying consequences. Genealogical karma in the form of attitudes, expectations, traumatic memories, stories, contracts, sagas and soul imperatives is carried forward in the subtle energy bodies and passed down the ancestral line through so-called ’junk DNA’. It may create unconscious ’thought coercion’ and expectations that an ancestor’s unlived life or intention will be fulfilled. It may also create dis-ease, both subtle and physical. But ’the ancestors’ do not necessarily need to be family; they can be racial and collective. After all humanity is a family, with all the usual squabbles and issues.

✵ Ancestral line: An energetic web encompassing past, present and future — and beyond. The ancestral line carries your family history: the beliefs, experiences, dramas, traumas, dominant emotions and assigned roles that stretch back into eternity. Not just physical DNA, it includes subtle energetic DNA and ’junk DNA’.

Author Kathy Scogna summarized the formation of DNA:

’What has occurred on the earth from the beginning of time with its geological transformations and eras, with its progression of creatures and energies needing protection, all this has been left as tracings within our DNA. The gravitational, radiational and magnetic flows in the solar system, the beginning of life in the seas and on land with those biological tracings, and the sounds, utterances (languages) and the history of our species has been recorded as well… What is the language of DNA in the crystalline structures that acts much like a laser beam? The vibration of sonic waves. Frequencies.’

Exactly the same holds true for crystals, which have formed since the beginning of time and carry their own frequencies; frequencies that can adjust those of our physical and subtle energy bodies.

For many years, I’ve talked about the karmic blueprint that carries the impact of all our experiences from lifetime to lifetime, in whatever dimension that may have occurred. It is the concept I use in karmic healing, taking people to where it is stored in the Akashic Record so that the blueprint is healed and transformed as appropriate. Lately, I’ve used crystals such as Brandenberg Amethyst and Ancestralite to assist the process. Brandenberg holds the perfect blueprint from before anything was imprinted and, therefore, returns energy to a state of perfection. Ancestralite carries forward the soul learning, while healing the ancestral wounds. I never gave much thought to where — if at all — the blueprint was located in our body, except to see it as part of the subtle energy field, much of which lies outside our physical body, in the biomagnetic field that surrounds us. And yet, when we look at our ’junk DNA’ it’s a beautiful, integral part of who we are.

DNA — subtle and physical — is our inner landscape.

’DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created. DNA appears to be the most complex, ingenious and awe-inspiring information system that mankind will ever behold.’


As the old Hermetic axiom says, ’As above, so below; as without, so within.’ That’s where the blueprint lies, accessed from the causal vortex and past-life chakras, and it’s what gets passed down through the ancestral line, so it’s where we tune in to a vast field of experience much wider than our own. Like computer programs, it can be ’tweaked’ and upgraded, taking out the bugs but keeping all that is good and insightful.

✵ Junk DNA: ’Junk DNA’ is what genetic scientists couldn’t immediately identify the purpose of when unravelling the secrets of DNA. It apparently didn’t ’code’. So, they called it ’junk’ and relegated it to the dustbin. All 98% of it. Research has shown that it can be switched off and on.

Maybe it’s time to think more in terms of a recycling opportunity.

As a Time magazine article stated in 2012:

’In an impressive series of more than 30 papers published in several journals, including Nature, Genome Research, Genome Biology, Science and Cell, scientists now report that these vast stretches of seeming ’junk’ DNA are actually the seat of crucial gene-controlling activity — changes that contribute to hundreds of common diseases. The new data come from the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements project, or ENCODE, a $123 million endeavor begun by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in 2003, which includes 442 scientists in 32 labs around the world.’9

For in-depth assistance with transforming junk DNA see Crystal Prescriptions Volume 6 (O-Books, 2017).

Karmic and Ancestral Dis-ease

Karmic dis-ease is held in the soul’s Akashic Record and in the past-life and causal vortex chakras. Karmic or ancestral dis-ease, based on the soul’s dis-ease, arises out of wounds, injuries, attitudes, patterns or curses carried forward from past into present via the ’etheric blueprint’ that creates a new body. The dis-ease may be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. So, for example, self-criticism in the past results in a communication block in the present. It may also offer an opportunity to learn certain attributes: patience, tolerance or compassion for example, that the soul feels have been overlooked, or offer someone else an opportunity to grow. It is not a matter of punishment or blame but of balancing out the past and allowing the soul to evolve.

Karmic and ancestral dross includes:

✵ Past-their-sell-by-date beliefs, contracts and soul imperatives

✵ Old vows and soul contracts

✵ Outdated soul purpose

✵ Entangled relationships

✵ Toxic emotions

✵ Unresolved ancestral issues

✵ Imprinted environmental or racial memory

✵ The karmic treadmill — the ’hamster wheel’ effect

✵ Addictive patterns and habitual responses.

✵ Vows and contracts: May cause considerable dis-ease, especially if caught in an outgrown relationship. Chastity causes sexual problems, poverty abundance difficulties. ’I’ll always be there for you’ ties up your energy for eternity. Such vows require releasing or reformulating.

Crystals Tips for Healing Ancestral and Karmic Dis-ease

Ancestralite, Chrysotile, Dumortierite, Anandalite, Brandenberg Amethyst, Flint, Lakelandite, Celtic Quartz, Cradle of Humankind.


✵ On an outline of a tree, intuitively lay out a grid using Ancestralite and whichever crystals you feel are appropriate. Go from the deepest roots, up the trunk and out to the furthermost branches.

✵ As you do so, ask that the crystals heal any karmic or ancestral dis-ease that is affecting your energy body and that any vows, promises and contracts that are past their sell-by date and therefore no longer serve, be dissolved or reformulated in a more appropriate form.

✵ Then place Anandalite in the centre to spread healing light into all the spaces that have been created and to heal the ancestral line.