Transmuting Toxic Emotions - Eliminate the Negative

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Transmuting Toxic Emotions
Eliminate the Negative

As we’ve seen, toxic emotions affect both your sense of security and your psychic immune system, but there are many ways of transmuting them.

Negative to Positive

Whenever you identify a negative or toxic emotion or become aware of a mental pattern that is wearing you down, get into the habit of finding the opposite, positive quality and writing it in large letters next to the negative so that it becomes a positive affirmation. This can help you to re-vision your life. For example:

✵ Anger = Forgiveness and compassion

✵ Anxiety = Serenity

✵ Fear = Trust and intimacy

✵ Poor me = Empowered me

✵ Sadness = Joy

✵ Victim = Victor

✵ Worry = Tranquillity and acceptance.


There are times, however, when emotions, thoughts and feelings are all mixed together and can’t really be separated. To help you to identify the positive quality and find the gift in any experience, you could productively spend five minutes trying to pair the positive and negative qualities in the list opposite and see how you get on. To make you think a little more about the process, the list doesn’t give the corresponding positive quality for every negative one. So if I haven’t listed the opposite quality, identify it for yourself. It reminds you that for every negative there is a positive. Enjoy!


✵ abandonment

✵ abuse

✵ aggression

✵ anger

✵ anxiety

✵ apathy

✵ boredom

✵ codependency

✵ confusion

✵ criticism

✵ dependency

✵ despair

✵ despondency

✵ destructive tendencies

✵ emotional baggage

✵ envy

✵ failure

✵ fear

✵ grief

✵ guilt

✵ hatred

✵ impatience

✵ inadequacy

✵ inferiority

✵ intolerance

✵ irritability

✵ jealousy

✵ obsession

✵ narrow-mindedness

✵ lack of inspiration

✵ lack of motivation

✵ lack of purpose

✵ limitations

✵ manipulation

✵ over-attachment

✵ overreacting

✵ overspending

✵ overstimulation

✵ overworking

✵ self-doubt


✵ attunement

✵ compassion

✵ empathy

✵ forgiveness

✵ freedom

✵ happiness

✵ generosity

✵ honesty

✵ hope

✵ independence

✵ joy

✵ nurturing

✵ patience

✵ acceptance

✵ potential

✵ empowerment

✵ peace

✵ responsibility

✵ centredness

✵ competence

✵ tolerance

✵ innocence

✵ open-mindedness

✵ calmness

✵ confidence

✵ determination

✵ inspiration

✵ connection

✵ groundedness

✵ expression

✵ security

✵ authority

✵ wisdom

✵ perseverance

✵ motivation

✵ clear-sightedness

✵ faith

✵ unconditional love

✵ introspection

✵ abundance

Toxic Emotions and the Chakras

Toxic emotions can be lodged in your chakras or the subtle bodies that comprise your aura. Fortunately, placing appropriate stones on your chakras helps to transmute these negative emotions into positive ones. As the negative emotion can be deeply ingrained, the crystal should be taped in place or the placement repeated at least once daily for a week or more until the emotion is fully released.

As the crystal is placed, visualize it pulling the negative emotion from your physical body and the subtle bodies, and filling the space with its unique healing vibration.

Also, always remember to draw bright white light or gentle Rose Quartz energy in to seal where the emotion has been released to avoid leaving a vacuum that might be filled by another negative energy, and be aware that when you release energies in this way you can feel rather empty, as though there’s a hole in the part of your body where the emotion was held. Re-energizing with a crystal helps to fill this hole, as does the inner smile (Tool 21).

Negative Emotion



Positive Emotion



Smoky Quartz




Red Jasper


Low self-esteem


Orange Carnelian



Solar Plexus

Yellow Jasper




Green Aventurine



Higher Heart

Rose Quartz

Unconditional love



Blue Lace Agate





Emotional clarity







Clear Quartz


Crystals for Emotional Balance

Wearing or surrounding yourself with crystals helps to keep your emotions in balance as well as gently releasing the emotional blockages or suppressed feelings which cause your moods to fluctuate. Crystals draw out difficult emotions. They can be taken as a gem essence or, as we have seen, placed over the appropriate chakra.

Crystal Tips for Emotional Balance

✵ Amethyst gently dissolves emotional blocks, balances out emotional highs and lows, and encourages emotional centring.

✵ Eye of the Storm quietly absorbs stress and toxic emotional blockages, transmuting them into safe space within your heart.

✵ Grape Chalcedony helps you to hold your emotional balance when those around you are stressed or panicking.

✵ Pinolith brings your aggressive and submissive reactions into balance, cutting off the flight or fight response, and helping you calmly to express what you need.

✵ Rose Quartz calms and reassures. Strengthening empathy and sensitivity, it assists you to understand how other people feel and how that affects you. Excellent for releasing unexpressed emotions and healing heartache, it transmutes emotional conditioning that no longer serves you. This stone comforts grief and helps self-forgiveness and self-worth.

✵ Smoky Quartz stabilizes your emotions during emotional trauma or stress and dissolves negative emotions, facilitating emotional detoxification. Assisting in tolerating difficult times with equanimity, it is excellent for relieving fear and promoting emotional calmness.


Place a Rose Quartz over your heart, a Smoky Quartz over your solar plexus and an Amethyst over the higher heart chakra and leave in place for 20 minutes to restore emotional equilibrium, or, for specific issues, use one of the crystals below.

Crystal Tips for Releasing Anger

Place over base chakra:

✵ Amethyst dispels anger and deep-seated rage, transmuting them into a loving energy, and can dispel the grief that often underlies rage.

✵ Bloodstone reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience and all forms of anger.

✵ Blue Lace Agate gently dissolves anger, replacing it with profound peace.

✵ Carnelian calms anger and is helpful for moving beyond abuse (which can also cause feelings of impotence and powerlessness).

✵ Green Aventurine calms anger and irritation and promotes an overall feeling of well-being.

Crystal Tip for Dissolving Guilt

A Blue Lace Agate placed on the base, solar plexus and brow chakras releases your suppressed feelings and frees you from the judgement so often inherent in parent—child relationships and so often a source of guilt.

Crystal Tips for Healing Past Hurts

Place over the base, sacral, solar plexus, heart and throat chakras:

✵ Amethyst dispels fear and anxiety and alleviates sadness and grief. It helps you to adjust to any loss you may have suffered, wiping away pain and grief.

✵ Blue Lace Agate also releases you from situations where you felt rejected and, if you are a man, helps you to accept the sensitivity for which you may have been ridiculed in the past.

✵ Mangano Calcite is excellent for overcoming the pain of abused childhood or lost love. It brings unconditional love into the heart to replace guilt, self-doubt and lack of love.

Crystal Tips for Healing the Pain 2 of Being in Incarnation

Place over the base, sacral, heart and soma chakras or tap the spirit ground points:

✵ A Brandenberg, Dalmatian Stone, Eye of the Storm, Green Ridge Quartz, Quantum Quattro or Snakeskin Agate crystal helps you to adjust to physically being in incarnation.

✵ In addition, a Brandenberg adjusts the subtle energy grid contained within your aura to the most perfect balance possible, releasing any toxic imprints, injuries or memories.

Overcoming Fear

Fear is perhaps the most insidious enemy of all and is constantly being talked up by the media and advertising and the people around you. The world appears hazardous, full of threats and traps such as poverty, and you come to feel something — or even everything — is out to get you. Lose the fear and all possibilities are open to you. One of the greatest favours you can do yourself right now is to give up engaging with doom-mongering or people-belittling media and concentrate on programmes or news with a positive slant. (Remember that you can crystal tap to remove any fears. It is particularly effective with phobias.)

~ Treasure Chest ~


A stone of transformation and vibrational shifts, Charoite is the crystal associated with the astrological ’planet’ Chiron that helps to integrate and heal wounds from the past. This stone is excellent for releasing deep fears and overcomes resistance to change, putting things into perspective. A stress reducer, it assists you in overcoming compulsions and releasing yourself from other people’s thought control.


✵ Cleanse a Charoite, Eye of the Storm or Mangano Calcite crystal and sit quietly holding it in your hands. Tell yourself that you’re willing to look honestly and openly at your fears, acknowledge them, feel them fully and let them go. Ask the crystal to help you to identify and overcome them.

✵ Look deep into the stone. See how the colours blend and fold together. Choose one of the lines and let it lead you inwards to the root of your deepest fear. Follow the twists and turns of the line as it takes you deep into yourself to reveal the fear hidden there. Let the name of that fear come into your mind and say it out loud.

✵ Sit quietly with the feeling of that fear for a while. Just be with it, don’t try to banish it, allow it to be.

~ Treasure Chest ~


Fluorite is a mental protector, reshaping constructs, dissolving the fears that create thought forms and reorganising detrimental mindsets. It assists in processing information so that the mind becomes sharper. Fluorite overcomes disorganization and physical or mental stress. It improves coordination and counteracts mental disorders. No matter what colour the fluorite, this stone dissolves fixed ideas and illusions and reveals the truth behind a situation. It gives you inner strength and stability to withstand internal or external influences and overcome pressure to conform. Fluorite cleanses and stabilizes the aura, grounding and integrating spiritual energies. It heightens intuitive powers, enhances trance states and guards against delusions. It is excellent for improving the air quality in the home or environment.


Fluorite (bottom left)

✵ As you sit with the fear, feel how the crystal supports you, giving you reassurance and allowing you to fully feel the fear. Keep feeling the fear until it gently dissolves away and is no longer there.

✵ Ask the crystal to show you what the positive side of that fear is, what gift it holds for you now you’ve let it go. Say the gift out loud, let it take the place of the fear in your inner self, and anchor it in the crystal so you are reminded of the gift whenever you hold the stone.

✵ You can either choose to explore another line to find another fear or to come out of the contemplation and return to it another time.

✵ When you’ve finished your contemplation, bring your attention fully back into the room, ground yourself by feeling your feet on the floor and holding the stone for a few moments to centre yourself and strengthen your boundaries and your root.

If you have fears of which you’re aware or would like to try another stone, choose an appropriate crystal from the list below.

Crystal Tips for Overcoming Fear

Amazonite, Amethyst, Azurite (for when old belief systems create fear), Blue Lace Agate (for when you fear being judged by other people), Calcite, Candle Quartz, Carnelian (for when you fear death), Charoite, Chiastolite (for when you fear going mad), Citrine (for when you feel unsupported by the universe), Diamond, Dumortierite, Eye of the Storm, Fire Agate, Jet, Labradorite, Leopardskin Jasper, Mangano Calcite, Moss Agate, Orange Calcite, Orchid Calcite.

Additional Tools

Affirmations (Tool 11), Positive Thought (Tool 14), Guardian Angels (Tool 15) and Crystal EFT (Tool 23).

Offering and Receiving Forgiveness

One of the most powerful ways to heal emotional dis-ease, toxic emotions or mental obsession is through offering and receiving forgiveness, or simply radiating forgiveness out to the world, no matter who is at fault. Indeed, if you can find it in yourself to forgive those you feel have wronged you, you’ll benefit enormously and find inner serenity.

The gentle energies of Rose Quartz help you to forgive both yourself and other people and replace the anger or hurt with unconditional love and acceptance, leading to spiritual peace.


✵ Hold your Rose Quartz between your heart and your higher heart chakra.

✵ Picture the person whom you feel you need to forgive or from whom you seek forgiveness (you can use a photograph if you have one).

✵ Be aware of the unconditionally loving energy of the Rose Quartz radiating out into your higher heart chakra and from there into your heart. Be aware that this energy is also pouring into the other person’s heart.

✵ Say out loud: ’I forgive you and I accept your forgiveness. I offer you unconditional love and acceptance. Go in peace.’

✵ When you feel ready, put down the crystal, but keep it close to remind you of the forgiveness.

This ceremony is particularly potent if you are able to share it with the person with whom you wish to give and receive forgiveness. Stand together and place a Rose Quartz over each other’s heart and proceed as above.

Drawing Out Toxic Emotions

Holding toxic emotions anywhere in your body is like having a faulty seal around a hosepipe. Either the water can shoot out in all directions or gunge can leak in and contaminate the water inside. This means you can ’leak’ emotions and contaminate other people or be depleted yourself, or be vulnerable to toxic environments. So, pulling out that emotion gives you a leak- and invasion-proof aura and makes you psychically invulnerable. Here are some ways to do it.

Visioning with Crystals

I’ve been using this particular visioning process for drawing out toxic emotions for over 45 years now and I’ve added crystals to assist with transmuting the emotions. It has a powerful effect and, for a short time, it can feel as though there are huge holes within you through which some very cold winds are blowing. Indeed, there are times when you feel as though you’re being torn to shreds and little of you remains (rather like the shamanic death initiation in which a shaman is torn to pieces. This is a gentler process but nonetheless profound.) If you can stay with that feeling while you complete the process of drawing out the toxic emotions and releasing your emotional baggage, it brings about a powerful transformation at the deepest level of your being.

This is a process to be carried out when you have the confidence that you’re ready for this radical re-vision of your inner being. If you have any doubts, wait until you’ve worked through some other exercises in the book and come back to this when you’ve more confidence in your abilities.

If you begin this work but find you cannot complete it in one session, always go to the final part of the exercise, steps 6—8, to heal and seal the places where you’ve let go with light. Each time, it becomes a little easier.

A Lemurian Seed Quartz wand is ideal for this process, as is Arkansas Quartz, or you could use a Clear Quartz or a Tibetan Black Spot wand. Remember to cleanse and program your crystal before starting and whenever it begins to feel ’heavy’ during the process.


✵ Step 1: Settle yourself comfortably, having ensured you won’t be disturbed, and hold your crystal wand in whichever hand feels comfortable. Ask your guardian angel (Tool 15) to be with you and to hold a safe space in which you can work. Breathe gently and withdraw your attention from the outside world and into yourself.

✵ Step 2: Picture a meadow or another favourite spot such as a beach. You need a place where you can have a big bonfire blazing. Now allow yourself to be transported into that place, really feel and smell the air and the bonfire and the earth beneath your feet. Take time to get yourself fully acquainted with the place.

✵ Step 3: Put the whole space and your guardian angel into a big bubble of light to protect you.

✵ Step 4: Take your attention round your body and wherever you feel you have a stuck emotion or a blockage, use the crystal wand to dissolve it and to release the memory that underlies it. If you find it comes out in the form of dirty bandages or cotton wool (a common occurrence), put the bandages onto the fire to purify and transform the energy. Make sure you go all over your body, all around the back as well and deep within yourself. Allow the cold holes simply to remain as they are for the moment, but if they feel really unbearable, place a plaster of light over them.

✵ Step 5: When you’ve cleared your body, take a look around your favourite spot and see if you’ve stashed any emotional baggage under bushes, behind rocks or in any of the other possible hiding places. Collect it up into a big pile.

✵ Step 6: Take the baggage to the fire and throw it on. As you do so, be aware of letting go with love and forgiveness but vow to yourself never to take it back. Watch as the baggage is transformed by the purifying fire. Notice how much lighter you feel when you’ve let go all your baggage.

✵ Step 7: Draw as close to the fire as possible and allow the transformed and purified energy to come back to you to heal and seal all those cold holes within yourself. Feel it re-energizing you and transmuting your inner being into one of unconditional light, love, compassion and forgiveness.

✵ Step 8: When the process is complete, thank your angel for being with you. Dismantle the bubble of light around your favourite place and bring your attention back into the room. Put your own bubble of light in place, stand up and ground yourself thoroughly with the grounding cord. Cleanse your crystal thoroughly.