Detoxification - Eliminate the Negative

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Eliminate the Negative

If your body is toxic, it cannot maintain physical health. Similarly, if your etheric body is toxic it cannot maintain psychic health — and holding on to negative emotions or noxious thought patterns creates subtle toxicity.

Stimulating your liver with detoxification crystals releases toxins and encourages your lymphatic system to remove them, bringing about a physical and psychical cleansing. It’s particularly helpful if you follow this up with a salt bath, gently scrubbing your skin with a loofah or bristle brush or a piece of Halite and working from the feet towards the heart and from the top of the head towards the heart. Adding a Smoky Quartz or Yellow Jasper at your solar plexus stimulates an emotional detox at the same time, but drink plenty of water and have some tissues handy in case tears flow, which is an excellent form of release.

This detoxification layout* gently releases and neutralizes toxicity on all levels:

The Detoxification Layout

✵ Place Smoky Quartz between your feet.

✵ Place Yellow Jasper over your solar plexus.

✵ Place Bloodstone and Amethyst over your thymus.

✵ Place Red Jasper over your liver (base of ribs on right side).

✵ Place Sodalite at the base of your throat.

✵ Leave in place for 15 to 20 minutes, breathing gently and letting go on all levels as you do so.

✵ Cleanse the crystals thoroughly after use.

Salt and Halite

Salt is another traditional cleanser and protector that has been prized for centuries — it was frequently sprinkled around doorways to keep unwanted guests at bay. Many people use it to cleanse crystals, but you must ensure these are not layered or friable, as it can cause them to disintegrate. It also needs to be cleaned off any crystal carefully, as it may scratch.

Halite is the crystallized form of rock salt.


Place a couple of handfuls of salt in the bath or hang salt under a showerhead in a small bag, or use a piece of Halite to purify your energies or to pull toxins or negativity from your body.

It’s possible to make detoxifying a more ceremonial occasion, one that provides a powerful detox and a time for deep relaxation, like this detox bath. Be sure to drink plenty of cool pure spring water during and after it.


✵ Light pink candles and place them around your bath.

✵ To a teaspoon of sweet almond or olive oil add three drops each of Scots pine and juniper essential oils and pour over two large handfuls of Dead Sea Salts (or sea salt).

✵ Add the oil-infused salts to your bathwater and soak in it for as long as possible. As you do so, chant rhythmically to yourself, ’Letting go, letting go, deeply letting go,’ to remind yourself of the purpose of your bath.

✵ This mixture pulls out toxins from your body, which can become very hot — you may need to place a cool cloth on your face or to suck ice.

✵ It can be helpful to shower yourself off afterwards and spray yourself with an aura spray such as Soul Shield by the Living Tree Orchid Essences.

✵ Repeat for several days.

If you feel light-headed during the bath, take your attention down to your feet, hold a piece of Hematite and visualize the toxins leaving your body and white healing light flooding in to assist the detoxification process, filling up the spaces where the toxins have been. You can also add a piece of Bloodstone to the bathwater to boost your immune system at the same time.

Here are some other ideas for baths:

✵ The Immune Booster Bath: Add two handfuls of Dead Sea Salt or sea salt to the bathwater in which you’ve placed a piece of Bloodstone, Quantum Quattro or Smithsonite at each corner and a piece of Yellow Jasper under your back, level with your solar plexus.

✵ The Invigorating Bath: Add three drops each of rosemary and geranium essential oils to the almond oil and sea salt and place a Carnelian, Poppy or Red Jasper in the water at your base chakra.

✵ The Relaxation Bath: Add four drops of lavender essential oil to the almond oil and salt and place Amethyst or Rose Quartz in the water over your heart.

Detoxing your physical body will almost immediately begin to reveal the emotional or mental toxins you’ve been holding in your body, or indeed any places where you are still carrying dis-ease in your body, as these will be sore or achy. In which case, Crystal EFT is the next stage of the detox process.

Emotional Detoxing

Tap Away your Negative States

As we have seen, if you’re holding on to negative emotions or are trapped in behaviour patterns that don’t serve you, you’ll constantly manifest difficult situations that create exactly the conditions you fear. And if you’re stuck in an obsessive or toxic thought process, you’ll attract people whose emotions and behaviour mirror the toxicity. The fastest and most effective way to transform these noxious situations I’ve found is Crystal EFT. The following information is taken from my book Good Vibrations, but I feel it bears repeating here because it’s such a gift to be able to enhance your self-protection so rapidly.8

As we’ve seen, Crystal EFT uses specific ’tapping points’ on the energetic meridians of your body to identify and clear negative emotions, toxic thoughts and destructive behaviour patterns. Tapping with a crystal heightens the transformation. As you tap, you say a statement out loud to reprogram the energy.

Crystal EFT can also be used for physical conditions and feeling safe when travelling. It’s excellent for any fears or phobias you may have, as it sets you free (you may need several sessions of tapping to uncover the deepest cause of your phobia). It can also put you in touch with ingrained thoughts, angers and toxic emotions that have lurked in the depths of your subconscious mind without you noticing and have attracted physical and social situations that mirror that toxicity.

Although the instructions are to tap each point seven times, it really doesn’t matter if you do six or eight, as you’ll get into your own rhythm as you tap. It can be quite confusing when you first start trying to count, tap and say your statement all at the same time, but don’t worry. That’s part of why it works! It takes you out of your rational, everyday mind and allows the emotions and feelings to surface in your body and realign themselves through the energetic meridians and chakras. Counting and saying the statement gives your brain something to focus on — our brains need to be entertained to stop them going too much into ’head stuff ’ and especially to stop them censoring what we need to feel and say. So, in a way, the more mentally confused you are, the better, as that helps the feelings to flow, the toxic thoughts and emotions to surface and the old patterns to reveal themselves.

In addition to absorbing negative energy, using a crystal such as a Brandenberg or Lemurian Seed Quartz restores your subtle energy grid to the perfect energetic state it had before a pattern, thought or emotion became ingrained, which is why Crystal EFT adds in an extra tapping point, the soma chakra that links to that perfect energy grid. Whichever crystal you use, cleanse and dedicate it before use and cleanse it afterwards.

Points are tapped with the flat or rounded end rather than the point of the crystal to avoid the possibility of injury. Some points need to be tapped using all the fingers, in which case, hold the crystal in the palm of your hand with your thumb. If two points are available, tap whichever side is easiest. You don’t have to tap both sides or follow the order rigidly, although you can do. The more you go with the flow, the better. Tap with whichever hand feels more comfortable; it really doesn’t matter which you use and you can switch in the middle if that feels better.

The Tapping Points

✵ ’Karate chop’: The outer edge of the hand (tap with all the fingers of the other hand).

✵ The crown chakra: The top of the head (tap with one finger or crystal).

✵ The soma chakra: The centre of the forehead at the hairline (tap with one finger or crystal).

✵ The third eye: At the centre of the forehead slightly above the eyebrows (tap with one finger or crystal).

✵ The inner corner of the eyebrow (tap with one finger or crystal).

✵ The outer corner of the eyebrow (tap with one finger or crystal).

✵ Below the centre of the eye (tap with one finger or crystal).

✵ Below the nose (tap with one finger or crystal).

✵ The centre of the chin (tap with one finger or crystal).

✵ The’sore spot’ on the collarbone either side of the breastbone (tap with thumb and fingers either side).

✵ The spleen chakra: Under the left armpit (tap with all fingers).


The Tapping Points

Each point is tapped seven times, or thereabouts, and there may be times when your hand wants to reverse the direction, moving back up from the spleen point towards the head, for instance, or simply dancing around in a spiral. If you allow them to, your crystal and your intuition will guide you. I cannot emphasize enough that you should do what feels right to you.

Other places on your body may also call out to you to be tapped. Simply go with the flow and tap without needing to know why that specific point has called to you. If a point particularly needs tapping, it is sore when you touch it. Tapping releases and transforms the negativity stored in that point and you can replace it with beneficial energy and positivity.

Useful points for emotional or spiritual pain and mental or emotional baggage:

✵ Heart points or ’spirit ground’: Either side of your breastbone about a hand’s breadth beneath your collarbone, just above the breasts in women and slightly higher than the nipples in men. (Tap with all the fingers.)

✵ The ’baggage’ point: About halfway along the top of your shoulder (tap with all your fingers and you’ll soon find it).Tap both shoulders.

The Set-up Statement

Working with Crystal EFT begins with a ’set-up statement’ that emerges from a rant that is as deeply negative and pessimistic as possible. Don’t be afraid to exaggerate and never censor what comes into your head — this is one time when being deeply negative actually is of benefit.

Say out loud everything you think and feel about the issue that has provoked you, while tapping the side of your hand with your crystal, which absorbs the negativity. Tap for as long as you want. Don’t try to keep count of the taps or to censor what you say, just tap and allow the words to come. The more negative you are at this stage, the more you ’go with the flow’ by allowing a stream-of-consciousness rant to emerge from your mouth without thinking about it, the more dramatic the transformation — and the more hidden, unconscious beliefs, toxic thoughts and emotions surface and are absorbed by the crystal.

Remember to wrap any other person concerned in a cloak of pink light and remind yourself that you’re dealing with your own inner reactions, not the person themselves, and send unconditional love and forgiveness to that person afterwards.

The set-up statement identifies the core issue or feelings you’re working on. From the stream-of-consciousness rant something key will emerge. It can be generic, ’Feeling unsafe’, for example, or specific, ’Fearing being attacked.’ It can also be enormous anger or hurt or jealousy or sadness or loneliness or a deep sense of lack that has no name, in which case simply keep saying: ’I am so angry [or whatever], I am boiling, pulsating with rage, so very very angry [or whatever], I want to…’ and allow whatever wants to come roaring out of your mouth to do so. You may be surprised at what you’re really angry or sad about — small triggers can release huge wells of ancient anger and pain. If this happens, go with it, keep talking and keep tapping. Ask yourself: ’When did I first feel this anger/pain/jealousy/sadness/etc.?’ and allow the answer to rise up spontaneously rather than seeking it with your head.

An example is given below to help you create your own set-up statement, but it’s important to use your own feelings and thoughts rather than following this exactly.

Carry out at least three rounds of tapping. With each round, the statement becomes more positive, allowing for change and transformation, but if you need to go back to being deeply negative and pessimistic because something hasn’t quite released or surfaced, do so. If that occurs, remember to ask yourself: ’When did I first feel/experience/think this?’ and tap on what comes up.

Your personal set-up statement is always followed by:

’Nevertheless, I deeply and profoundly love, accept and forgive myself unconditionally and completely.’

You can change the order of the words if you wish. This is the key to emotional healing. Using a crystal also supports you in forgiving and loving yourself deeply and unconditionally; crystals are love solidified and a crystal joyfully transfers that love to you. If you find you’re ranting at someone else, you can add that you deeply and unconditionally love, accept and forgive that person as well.

For some people, particularly when negativity has had a deep but unconscious hold, becoming positive can feel very scary indeed, so the more you can love, accept and forgive yourself during the process, the more you will support yourself in allowing change.

Using a crystal during the tapping encourages you to empty those toxic spaces and fill them up with new light and positivity. You’ll know it has worked when you stop attracting into your life situations and people who mirror or provoke those old fears, negative emotions and toxic thoughts. But, until you do, keep tapping on issues and feelings that emerge, remembering they are helping you to get to the bottom of things and transform the depths of your being. Having said that, Crystal EFT can work amazingly quickly, especially when you’ve the strong intention of letting go and transforming and are able to do the work and indeed let go.


The next round of tapping follows on from the tapping and stream-of-consciousness rant that established your set-up statement:

✵ Saying your initial set-up statement out loud and holding the crystal against the palm of your hand, tap the fingers of one hand firmly against the ’karate chop’ point on the side of the other hand seven times, or whatever feels right to you. (You may prefer to rub the ’sore spot’ on the collarbone either side of the breastbone. If the ’sore spots’ are really sore, they work well for you.) Repeat your set-up statement several times while tapping, allowing whatever words come into your mind to be spoken and being as deeply negative as possible. Remember to say: ’Nevertheless, I deeply and profoundly love, accept and forgive myself unconditionally and completely’ at the end.

✵ Choose a word or short phrase that is shorthand for your issue. It may change as you move through the points, but just allow whatever needs to be said to come out of your mouth. Reassure yourself that there is no one right way to do this; you can do and say whatever works for you.

✵ Saying out loud your shorthand phrase and starting with the top of your head, tap each point (one side only or both as you feel is appropriate) as shown on the diagram seven times or so with the crystal, allowing your hand to move freely between the points if this feels appropriate.

✵ Check out how you are feeling. If the feeling is still strong, tap all the points for two more rounds, allowing changes in the wording to emerge spontaneously as you tap. Cleanse your crystal if this feels appropriate.

✵ Rephrase your initial set-up statement to allow for change and become more positive.

✵ ’Karate chop’ the side of your hand seven times or so whilst repeating this new statement out loud, again allowing any changes or unconscious phrases to be spoken but adding the final phrase.

✵ Using your rephrased shorthand or anything that comes to mind as you move between points, do another round of tapping on each point on one side of your body, starting at the top of the head and finishing under the arm, or following the instinct of your hand guided by the crystal.

✵ Repeat two more rounds of tapping if necessary, allowing changes in wording to emerge spontaneously as you tap.

✵ Make the third and final statement as positive as possible, finding the opposite to your original feeling. If you’ve been working on timidity, the opposite could incorporate, ’Brave, fearless, forceful’, for instance. If you’ve been working on feeling unsafe, the positive could be: ’Totally safe, fully protected.’

✵ Do another round of tapping, saying your final shorthand and again finish with: ’And I deeply and profoundly love, accept and forgive myself unconditionally and completely.’

✵ Sit quietly for a few moments reviewing how you feel and enjoying the change you’ve brought about. If you’re using a Brandenberg, place it over your heart as you do this.

✵ If appropriate, do two more rounds of tapping, allowing spontaneous changes in the words to emerge. Cleanse your crystal.

Repeat the tapping night and morning, or at any time when you feel a need, until the transformation is complete, but check out whether you’re getting into another pattern and trying to keep control, which is all too easy to do. Some people become addicted to tapping in the same way that they are addicted to their toxic emotions. You may find that the set-up statement changes, revealing an underlying issue of which you were unaware. If that happens, do a fresh set of three rounds of tapping to transform that issue and remember to love, accept and forgive yourself unconditionally as you do so.

Here’s a crystal EFT example to help you:

✵ Identified issue: Not feeling safe at night.

✵ Set-up statement on ’karate chop’ point: ’I’ve never felt safe at night, have always worried something would happen, have always been fearful about everything, terrified of my own shadow, frightened of the dark, sure something terrible was going to happen to me, that I’d be mugged, that my house would be broken into, that my car would be stolen... I’ve always been terrified by a knock on the door after dark, haven’t liked going out after dark, haven’t liked staying in much either, have always lain in bed with the light on, worried there was something under the bed, haven’t liked travelling, especially after dark, haven’t even liked walking from my car to the house, have been frightened to death of car parks, and even though I’ve never been able to overcome this and I don’t think I ever will, and even though I hate feeling unsafe in the dark, and even though every time it’s dark I am afraid, nevertheless I deeply and profoundly love, accept and forgive myself unconditionally and completely.’

✵ Shorthand for tapping points: ’Feeling unsafe.’ Tap all the points.

✵ Rephrased set-up statement on ’karate chop’ point: ’Even though I haven’t felt safe in the dark in the past, it’s possible to feel safe now. Even though I have always been afraid to go out when it was dark, I choose not to be afraid now and choose to take what I always saw as a risk in the past because I now feel safe. And in choosing to feel safe, I deeply and profoundly love, accept and forgive myself unconditionally and completely.’

✵ Rephrased shorthand for tapping points: ’Choosing to feel safe.’ Tap all points (include the spirit ground and ’sore spots’ if these feel appropriate).

✵ Final statement for ’karate chop’ point: ’I feel safe and protected and happy to go out at any time. I have chosen to let go of fear and I no longer allow fear and feeling unsafe to ruin my life. I am brave, totally safe and protected and live my life fearlessly and with full enjoyment and trust. I embrace the dark. I am trusting and safe and I deeply and profoundly love, accept and forgive myself unconditionally and completely.’

✵ Shorthand tapping points: ’Totally safe, fully protected.’ Tap all points.

Crystal EFT often brings about a profound change from the first time you use it, but you may need to repeat the tapping several times, allowing deeper issues to surface. You can do this within the same session, or in different sessions that are carried out whenever you notice yourself having a negative thought or toxic emotion. Don’t feel you’ve ’got it wrong’ or it hasn’t worked if you do find yourself back in the old pattern, this is merely a sign that you need to uncover a deeper issue. Go back into the stream-of-consciousness flow, exaggerating the negativity and allowing whatever lies in the deepest recesses of your mind to surface, and remembering to follow with the key phrase: ’Nevertheless, I deeply and profoundly love, accept and forgive myself unconditionally and completely.

Re-visioning with Crystal EFT

You can also use Crystal EFT to help you re-vision a past situation or experience that is causing you grief today. Do three rounds of tapping with focused intention, the first going through the situation as it happened in all its awfulness (and remember that this word can also be written ’awe-fullness’, so pat yourself on the back for having survived it).The second round identifies all the changes you want to make to what happened and the different outcome you want to achieve. The third round then puts it all into the present tense so that it changes what happened back there in the past. Remember to love, accept and forgive yourself all the way through.

Relieving Stress

Stress can occur at the physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual level. It takes an enormous toll on your subtle bodies and affects both the chakras and the psychic and physical immune systems. Regular meditation or relaxation helps to keep your stress levels down and your inner being calm (see Tool 4, Relaxation Crystals, and meditation).

When you’re under stress, your adrenal glands, which sit on top of your kidneys, go into ’fight or flight’ mode, overproducing adrenaline. This is nature’s way of giving you additional strength to overcome occasional difficulties, but nowadays many people suffer continual stress, which results in burnout because, if this adrenaline isn’t removed from your body, you end up feeling wired and find it impossible to sleep or relax.


Green Aventurine, Eye of the Storm, Gaspeite and Rose Quartz prevent the overproduction of adrenaline and reduce the feeling of being wired. Green Aventurine aids mental stress and Rose Quartz emotional stress, but the two complement each other and work in tandem while Eye of the Storm is complete in itself. Place Rose Quartz over your left kidney and Green Aventurine over your right, slightly above your waist a hand’s breath either side of your spine. Or place Eye of the Storm or Gaspeite here. Leave in place for 15 minutes to reduce an adrenaline high or burnout.

Keeping a journal might help you identify several causes of stress that you hadn’t recognized previously. Even things that you enjoy doing, such as sport, can bring about stress if you’re constantly playing to win rather than enjoying the game.

’Freehand’ spontaneous journalling can also identify further stresses in your life:


✵ Head a page ’Stressors’ and write several lines below which say: ’It stresses me out when…’ You may immediately have something to write, in which case fill in the blank, or write a dozen or so beginnings and go back and fill them in. You’ll find the process gets quicker as you give up censoring how you should be feeling or what you should be enjoying and begin to be truthful with yourself.

✵ Once you’ve got your list, go through them and see how many you can transform by using positive affirmations. If, for instance, you identify that you always play to win at sport and put extra pressure on yourself to win even when you might feel like taking it easy and simply enjoying the game, ask yourself who told you that you had to win every time. Is it your own competitive nature or were you programmed with this directive early in life? You can use the affirmation ’I play to enjoy the exercise and the skill I bring to the game’ and whatever else you identify as a positive benefit, team spirit and so on.

Once you take the stress out of situations and begin to enjoy yourself, you’ll find that paradoxically your confidence increases and you feel better. This in turn benefits your psychic self-protection, as your immune system and especially your adrenal glands won’t have to work so hard to protect you.

Crystals for Stress Relief

Crystals are also useful for rapid stress relief. Palm stones are your gift from the crystal kingdom. These gently rounded stones fit snugly into your palm and bring instant peace. Keep one in your pocket and play with it when you feel stressed or nervous. Fluorite is particularly effective as it not only relieves mental stress and helps you to think more clearly, but it also protects against computer and other electromagnetic sources of stress. Leave yours on the computer when you need both hands for your work and you’ll see an immediate difference in how you cope.


Lying or sitting quietly for 15 minutes with an appropriate crystal helps you to release stress.

Crystal Tips to Reduce Stress

✵ General stress: Amethyst, Bloodstone, Clear Quartz, Eye of the Storm, Labradorite, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Shungite, Yellow Jasper.

✵ Mental stress: Dioptase, Green Ridge Quartz, Kunzite, Lepidolite, Quantum Quattro.

Additional Tools

Happiness (Tool 21), Relaxation Crystals (Tool 4) and meditation.

The Energy Recharge

If you’re tired or lacking in energy, you’ll also be more vulnerable to other people’s moods or to the emanations of place and this can deplete your immune system. Fortunately a quick exercise soon re-establishes your core body energy levels.

~ Treasure Chest ~


An excellent stone for grounding you in present reality, Carnelian is one of the oldest known healing stones. It energizes and restores vitality to the immune system. Promoting positive life choices and immense motivation, it also assists in trusting yourself and your perceptions. This is a useful stone for overcoming negative emotional or mental conditioning.


Carnelian (left)


✵ Lie with your feet slightly apart and your knees bent a little so that your feet are flat on the floor or bed. Let your arms hang loosely by your sides and place your fingers in a v-shape below your belly button.

✵ With each in-breath, draw energy up from the grounding cord that goes from your feet deep down into Mother Earth, focusing the energy and drawing the breath deep into your lungs and focusing it into your hands.

✵ Allow the energy to collect just below your navel and with each out-breath spread it to all levels of your being.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Poppy Jasper

A powerhouse that is gently stimulating or fiery as required, Poppy Jasper is a strongly physical stone that brings vitality and passion, grounding energy into the body and stimulating libido or soothing an overactive libido. It instils fresh motivation and imparts the courage to get to grips with problems assertively. Sustaining and supporting during times of stress, calming the emotions.

Crystal Tip

Pop a Carnelian, Eye of the Storm or Poppy Jasper in your pocket and hold it when you need extra energy. Note that Crystal Recharge also recharges your energy and Grounding Spray anchors you, while Crystal Balance’s Light spray feeds your energy.