’Blowback’ - Eliminate the Negative

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Eliminate the Negative

Over the years it has become apparent that if you are well protected, ill-wishing, jealousy and other negative thoughts may bounce off your energy field and land on those close to you, so it is wise to remember that protecting yourself may not be sufficient. You may need to do more to contain the malign energy.

Symptoms of ’Blowback’

✵ Sudden, otherwise inexplicable, energy loss

✵ Susceptibility to debilitating or chronic illness

✵ Frequent or severe accidents

✵ Atypical clumsiness

✵ Other signs of energetic attack.

✵ ’Blowback’: Adverse energies or thoughts aimed at a person who is well shielded can spin off with detrimental effect onto a close relative, partner or associate who is not so well protected and, therefore, vulnerable. The ill effects can also influence means of transport and the immediate environment.

A client of mine came under severe energetic attack from angry thoughts from a known source. She protected herself, her own car and her family members but overlooked a grandchild’s vehicle. The grandchild turned across a stream of stationary traffic, which had made room for her, only to find a cyclist head-butting through her nearside window. Fortunately, he was wearing a helmet and she was unhurt, although her vehicle was a write-off. Her new vehicle has been well protected! But, as soon as the client returned the ill-wishing to its source, that source’s own family had a car accident. No one was hurt but the client had to set up a Shungite grid to contain the ill-wishing and prevent it from bouncing back and forth. (Note: Bronzite, Hematite and other iron-based crystals tend to increase the effect of ’blowback’ rather than containing it. Black Tourmaline and Shungite contain it.)

If you become aware that virulent, or even subtle, energetic attack or ill-wishing is being directed towards you, program crystals to protect your family and those around you. Where possible, gift them a crystal to carry with them or to wear. (A Shungite pendant or phone protector has the double advantage that it protects from EMFs too.) You can also set up a ’friends and family’ protection grid and leave it to radiate quietly in your space but remember to cleanse it regularly.


Such ill-wishing is not always conscious on the part of the attacker. At times it may be necessary to return the energy to its source so that the person understands what their thoughts and feelings are creating. Fire Agate is excellent for this, as is Forest (Actinolite in) Quartz, as the energy is transmuted once the insight is gained. At other times having a large crystal such as Shungite, Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Tourmalinated Quartz or Smoky Quartz, into which the energy can be directed for transmutation, is sufficient.

The new Drusy Celestial Amethyst points are ideal for gridding around your space to prevent ’blowback’, but other crystals can be equally effective. Place them in a zig-zag formation with the points facing outwards in pairs. An alternate pairing of Selenite or Steatite with Shungite rods is helpful, as is a Pinolith or Forest Quartz (Actinolite in Quartz) zig-zag grid — and for a Smoky Quartz interspersed with Selenite wands, surrounding a central Rose Quartz heart, family protection grid.

Crystal Tips for Preventing Blowback

Actinolite Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Drusy Celestial Amethyst, Fire Agate, Forest Quartz, Green Aventurine, Pinolith, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Shungite, Shungite and Steartite rods, Smoky Quartz, Smoky Amethyst, Smoky Elestial Quartz, Tourmalinated Quartz.

See also Protecting Family and Friends.

~ Treasure Chest ~


An energy-balancing mix of Magnetite and Dolomite, soothing Pinolith calms and anchors the body, channelling energy from the ground and up through the earth chakras to the crown. It promotes a deep love for self and others, while simultaneously grounding the mind, keeping you calm and strong in the midst of anxiety. A stress reliever, Pinolith eases feelings of hurt, loneliness, sorrow or anxiety. Instilling an optimistic approach to life, it reminds you that all life is a spiritual experience. It overcomes petulance, bigotry and narrow-mindedness. Detoxifying mind and body, Pinolith radiates unconditional love, yet reminds you not to become an enabler or a martyr. It opens the heart chakra to loving yourself and wholeheartedly loving another, while setting boundaries. Bringing peace of mind, Pinolith stimulates visualization and creativity. When moving souls on, Pinolith assists them to travel between the dimensions into an appropriate space for them, assuring them that it is safe to do so.


~ Treasure Chest ~

Forest Quartz (Actinolite in Quartz)

Forest Quartz is found in Canada and is a clear Quartz with phantoms of Actinolite (though other Actinolite Quartz types are available from different parts of the world). An effective stone for energetic shielding and stress reduction, Forest Quartz expands the biomagnetic sheath and seals its edges. It brings body, mind, psyche and spirit into balance and assists the body to adjust to changes or recover from traumas. This crystal is helpful when you are looking for a new direction. Indicating the path for constructive evolution, highlighting right timing and showing the gift in apparent ’mistakes’, it assists detoxing and prevents ’blowback’. An effective aid to visualization and enhancer of spontaneous creativity, Actinolite Quartz cleanses and protects the base chakra. By gently removing all that is outworn and outgrown in the psyche, it opens the way for new energies to manifest. Black Actinolite in particular is an efficient shield against negative thoughts, including your own.


Forest Quartz (right)

Moving on Stuck Spirits

Sometimes the energy drain comes from a ’stuck spirit’, someone who has died but not moved on, whether because of unfinished business, leaving too quickly, a desire to retain control over the living or simply because they have lost their way.7 Sometimes they don’t even know they are dead — after all, they feel very alive! They may wonder why everyone around them appears to ignore them and may do all they can to gain attention, which can make them something of a nuisance. There are also times when these apparently lost souls are actually thought forms that have taken on a life of their own (see page 185).

Releasing such souls requires a professional spirit release practitioner (see Resources and Further Reading), but there are times when you have to use emergency measures. If you’re moving on a stuck spirit, ask that they be taken into the light to the guides and helpers who are waiting to assist further.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is an excellent stone for preventing energy loss to energy pirates or due to electromagnetic stress. A stone of prosperity that opens and calms the heart, it’s a useful gridding stone against environmental pollution. It assists you to see and assess alternatives and possibilities and promotes emotional recovery.


Green Aventurine (top left)


✵ Place a few drops of Astral Clear or Special 8 on a clear Quartz crystal and leave in place for a few hours with the intention that it will dissolve the imprint. Leave the room after doing so.

✵ Alternatively, place a large Ametrine, Candle Quartz or Aventurine crystal in the room and ask for the spirit to be moved on.

This often moves a lost or stuck spirit on, but some lost souls can be deeply troubled and are often caught up in an outdated intention or worldview, and these souls really do need professional help. Their unfinished business may include a powerful desire for a substance. If so, telling them it’s still available in the etheric world is usually sufficient to move them on, but it may be more serious. Often asking them to write a letter to someone of whom they need to ask forgiveness or to explain why a promise could not be kept and so on is sufficient to help them on their way. As they are sometimes unaware they have passed to another realm of existence, you may have to enlighten them, but only do it if your boundaries are strong and your confidence is high.


✵ Sit quietly, put yourself in a bubble of light (see Tool 6) and focus your attention on calling in higher helpers and guides to assist you.

✵ Holding one of the crystals listed below, ask that the spirit be taken to the light by their guardian angel. This works well if the spirit has simply lost the way home. Petaltone Astral Clear or Z14 essences or a dedicated Aventurine or Candle Quartz can be effective clearers, as can burning a candle in a church and asking that the soul be forgiven, if appropriate, and taken home to the light.

✵ Sometimes simply knowing it is in the post-death state is all a spirit needs to move on of its own accord, but you may need to do more. Check out whether this is actually a lost soul who needs to be returned to the spirit world or whether it is a thought form that needs to be dissolved — a Laser crystal, Rainbow Mayanite or Petaltone Clear Tone essence assists with this.

✵ If you can communicate with the spirit, ask if there is anything you can do to assist and what they need. Surprisingly perhaps, the requests are often simple and easy to arrange, and frequently relate to unfinished business or forgiveness. Once you’ve agreed to do or offer whatever is required, the spirit moves on.

✵ It may be the spirit is still stuck in the viewpoint or purpose it had while alive. If so, check whether this purpose is still appropriate. Release may be achieved by helping the spirit to take a different view, particularly turning around to look at how things were in the past and how they have changed. (This is particularly useful when a relative is still protecting a ’child’ even though that child is now an adult.) Asking the spirit to write a letter and send it over the ether also works well.

✵ If the spirit is deeply entrenched, or is still of the opinion that its advice and assistance are crucial for the well-being of someone still on Earth, calling in an expert is your best course of action, but do choose someone who moves spirits on to an appropriate place rather than just banishing them elsewhere to bother someone else. Your local Spiritualist church, shamanic practitioner or metaphysical centre will be able to help. In the meantime, keep your own energy high to ensure you’re well protected.

Crystal Tips for Lost Souls

Aegirine, Candle Quartz, Flint, Quartz, Nuummite, Rainbow Mayanite, Rose Quartz, Smoky Amethyst, Smoky or Amethyst Brandenberg, Spirit Quartz, Super 7.

Essences for Lost Souls

Bush Boab made into a spray with Angelsword, Fringed Violet and Lichen; Petaltone Astral Clear, Z14 or Special 8.