Introducing Eliminating the Negative - Eliminate the Negative

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Introducing Eliminating the Negative
Eliminate the Negative

’You may be rejected, locked up, spat on, pushed around, lied about and so on, but inside you are unwavering in your self-regard and self-knowledge of who you really are. That is a truly powerful place to live from.’


As we’ve seen, negative thoughts and emotions, environmental pollution and so on can create a subtle feeling of unrest, agitation and anxiety, what I call ’dis-ease’. If unchecked, this subtle dis-ease can lead to more serious conditions, both physically and emotionally. We have already looked at the chakras and subtle bodies and how to clear and energize them (see Part I).

In this part of the book we will look at further ways to clear ourselves of negativity, internal and external, and will discover how to remove the attractors that might be pulling detrimental energy and people towards us.

Just as you have a physical immune system, so too you have a psychic immune system. These two systems are the front line of defence against dis-ease. If they are not functioning well, dis-ease and organisms — physical or psychic, or energy leeches and noxious energies — can invade, so we will also be looking at how to revitalize them.

Your need for psychic energy protection is perhaps at its strongest when you are out and about: travelling, shopping, working or just having fun, but it is essential to love and work in a safe space. You can wear a crystal to keep yourself safe, wrap yourself in a light bubble in a crowd, put a pentagram symbol over your mode of transport and check out the energies wherever you go. You might also like to think about the space when you move house, cleansing both the one left behind and the one into which you move.