Tool 23: Crystal EFT - Protection Tools

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Tool 23: Crystal EFT
Protection Tools

Crystal EFT is a variation of the Emotional Freedom Technique,6 which uses specific ’tapping points’ on the energetic meridians of your body to identify and clear negative emotions, toxic thoughts and destructive behaviour patterns and to instil confidence if you’re faced with a challenge. Tapping with a crystal point, particularly that of an Amethyst, Brandenberg or Smoky Quartz, dramatically heightens the transformation, as the crystal absorbs and transmutes the negativity that is released during the tapping, so remember to cleanse it thoroughly after each use and, if it feels right, between each round of tapping. However, you don’t need to use a crystal to gain benefit from tapping, you can simply use your fingers. (full instructions on how to tap and the tapping points.) Remember to tap with focused intention.


✵ Using all your fingertips, tap the points either side of your breastbone about a hand’s breadth below the collarbone (which is known as ’spirit ground’ in Chinese medicine). Tapping these points eases the pain of being in incarnation and also helps with emotional pain. It calls your spirit home to your physical body and is useful in releasing any spiritual, mental or emotional pain.

✵ As you tap, say out loud: ’I deeply and profoundly love, accept and forgive myself unconditionally and completely as I call my spirit home.’

And see Believing in Yourself.

And finally

Now that you have established the tools that resonate with you, practise applying them in different situations to see which work best for you. The next section has many examples of where these tools can be used to bring you lasting inner peace and enable you to face change with equanimity.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli has long been prized for its ability to block energetic attack. Nowadays, it blocks electromagnetic fields and other harmful emissions. Placing it on the third eye, soma or past-life chakras reverses curses and clears dis-ease caused by not speaking out in the past. The stone encourages self-expression and taking charge of your own life. A great stress buster, it facilitates self-awareness so that you can see the bigger picture. This crystal brings clarity to the mind and teaches the value of active listening. A stone of deep spiritual insight, it stimulates metaphysical abilities and facilitates journeying to contact spirit guardians and mentors.


Lapis Lazuli (right)