Tool 22: Animal Allies - Protection Tools

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Tool 22: Animal Allies
Protection Tools

Shamanic cultures the world over use animal allies for protection and guidance.5 Calling on an animal ally means you’ll always feel safe.

Useful Allies

Here’s a list of some animal allies and the qualities and strengths they bring:

✵ Bear: Nurturing and primal power, defending your boundaries.

✵ Bee: Banding together, seeing the spirits of the dead.

✵ Buzzard/Falcon: Intuitive perception and the far-sighted view.

✵ Cat: The ability to shape-shift and move unseen, independence.

✵ Cougar/Jaguar/Panther: The power of invisibility and protection, especially against control freaks who want to run your life or those who sneak up unseen. The ability to rise above events.

✵ Coyote: The ability to laugh at yourself and your follies, wiliness, learning the lesson and the wisdom in the everyday.

✵ Deer: Gentleness, trusting your intuition, giving up trying to figure things out with your head, gratitude.

✵ Dog: Guardian of the gateway to the underworld, loyalty and companionship.

✵ Dolphin: Playful wisdom and spontaneous play, communication, recouping your strength, rhythm and flow.

✵ Lion: Courage and the ability to defend your family.

✵ Raven: Protection against ill-wishing, assists initiation.

✵ Snake: Transformation, core energy, healing power, sexuality, rebirth.

✵ Spider: Weaving the web of fate, creativity, seeing through the web of illusion.

✵ Tiger: Power, strength in the face of adversity, acting in a timely manner, action without analysis.

✵ Turtle: Centredness, psychic protection, respect for others, the ability to navigate skilfully, patience.

✵ Whale: Creation, soulmaking and soul path, following the flow, being a record keeper, having psychic abilities.

✵ Wolf: Spirit guardian, protection against attack on the unseen levels, cunning, learning, shadow energy, spirit teaching, death and rebirth, outwitting enemies, loyalty.

~ Treasure Chest ~


Ethereal Larimar opens you to new dimensions by dissolving spurious boundaries and limitations. Removing self-imposed restraints and blockages, it dissolves self-sabotaging behaviour and helps you to take control of your life. If you’ve a tendency towards guilt or fear, this stone replaces it with serenity. It’s an excellent stone for ’going with the flow’ and calls in dolphin energy.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Bumble Bee Jasper

This vibrant stone helps you to achieve the impossible and brings great joy into your life. It enhances trust and reminds you that you are a divine being with immense inner riches.

Calling Your Animal Ally

The following journey is best done to music. A drumbeat is ideal. Always ensure the music has a definite end to call you back, and do the journey at a time when you will be undisturbed. Remember to record the experience in your journal.


✵ Lie down comfortably and cover yourself with a blanket. If you have an animal ally crystal, hold it in your hand.

✵ Close your eyes and breathe gently, withdrawing your attention from the outside world and focusing it on your third eye.

✵ Now picture yourself standing on the seashore with an island close by. In front of you there is a boat with a boatman waiting to row you across to the island. Settle yourself comfortably in the boat and as you approach the island ask that your animal ally be there to meet you.

✵ Notice who comes to greet you as the boat is tied up. Take time to get to know your animal ally. If you explore the island, you may find further allies waiting for you.

✵ When you return to the boat, ask that the allies may accompany you back to the mainland and be available to you when you need them.

✵ When the boat returns to the beach, thank the boatman and step out onto the beach with your animal allies. Thank them and ask them to be with you and to keep you safe.

✵ When you open your eyes, close down and ground yourself by stamping your foot firmly on the Earth.

✵ Whenever you have to walk in dark places or feel vulnerable, call on your animal ally or allies to be present and to protect you.

Crystal Tips for Animal Allies

Bumble Bee Jasper calls in bee helpers, Celestobarite carries coyote energy; Larimar, that of the dolphin and the Earth Mother; Leopardskin Jasper, Agate or Serpentine, jaguar, leopard, cougar or panther energy; Snakeskin Agate and Cobra Jasper call in serpent helpers; Stibnite, wolf energy, and Tree Agate connects to insect allies.