Tool 17: Gridding and Sacred Symbols - Protection Tools

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Tool 17: Gridding and Sacred Symbols
Protection Tools

Sacred geometry, the use of certain shapes to compel energy to flow in specific ways, is as old as time itself, as is its use in creating safe and sacred space. Crystals can be laid into grids to direct energy, or the symbols can be drawn or incised onto a single crystal to provide protection. A baseboard with the shape drawn on it, such as the Flower of Life, is a useful adjunct for crystal layouts. The Flower of Life contains many separate sacred shapes that are protective and energy generating. (See my book Crystal Grids for further details).


Family Protection grid: Smoky Quartz alternated with Selenite wands, surrounding a central Rose Quartz heart on Flower of Life base board


The Flower of Life

The Pentagram

The pentagram is one such symbol of protection. Older than Wicca and occultism, which adopted it, it is the shape inscribed by the planet Venus during its eight-year journey around the sky and it’s believed that Mesopotamian astronomers noted this astronomical pattern over 5,000 years ago. As an Egyptian star symbol, it was believed to bring the favour of the gods down to Earth and to provide their protection. In medieval Christianity it represented the five wounds of Christ and was believed to protect against witches and demons.

Formed from one continuous line, the intersection of the sides follows the ’golden ratio’ and symbolizes the spiritual adage ’as above, so below’. A pentagram can be worn, inscribed in the air above your head or placed over an entrance door or around your bed or a chair. Its advantage is that if you want to protect your workplace, you can do so invisibly by drawing a pentagram.

Protective pentagrams are particularly effective when laid out with crystals at each point and at the crossing points. Such pentagrams, even when small, quickly provide protection against ill-wishing and geopathic or electromagnetic stress, as the crystal energy maximizes the radiating power of the symbol. They can provide useful protection when travelling.


A pentagram


The Venus pentagram


Before getting into a car, bus, train or plane, mentally draw a pentagram over your head and over the vehicle as a whole.

The Hexagram

The hexagram is another useful protective shape. Constructed from two overlapping triangles, it’s often known as the Seal of Solomon or Star of David. Again, although this symbol has been adopted by modern occultism, it’s an older symbol going back to biblical times and is used in synagogues and temples.

A symbol of balance, it has one triangle that is positive and one that is negative and is useful for drawing positive energies down to Earth and releasing the negative. A hexagram can, however, also be drawn using a continuous line to create a beautiful star shape with an overlap in the centre that creates a multi-dimensional space through which to access higher levels of consciousness and the angelic realms.


’Star of David’


Continuous hexagram

The Zig-Zag


A zig-zag layout protects the space it surrounds. Lay it against the walls of a room or as a smaller square grid. The energy created will radiate outwards in addition to inwards to the centre. Lay crystals point-out to deflect energy and protect a space, point-in to draw energy in. Zig-zags can be created with alternating crystals such as Selenite and Black Tourmaline, or the same crystal, with points in the same direction to create a deflection or protection grid.


Take a small flat pebble and, using a felt-tip pen, draw the protective symbol on it that speaks to you. Keep it in your pocket to protect you.

Crystal Tip

A flat Flint or Milk Quartz pebble is ideal for the above.