Tool 16: Psychic Shields - Protection Tools

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Tool 16: Psychic Shields
Protection Tools

Psychic shields protect your energy from being intruded on or drawn upon by others. The light bubble already mentioned is one form of psychic shield, but there are many others. Basically, because a psychic shield protects your energies, it can be any shape. It can be created right around you, as in the light bubble, but can also be envisaged as a shield you deploy to block negative energy before it reaches you, or in which you can see your ’enemy’ reflected. The Greek hero Hercules looked into his shield when he lopped off the Medusa’s head, as looking at her directly would have turned him to stone but seeing her in a mirror did not. Traditionally, the Archangel Michael has a sword and shield with which to deal with negative forces.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Petrified Wood

A strongly protective stone, the rings of Petrified Wood provide a shield and keep you firmly grounded on the planet whilst exploring the multi-dimensional universe. It connects to the Akashic Record of your soul, and the planet, offering insights into past-life reasons for dis-ease and vulnerability. The stone offers support during spiritual growth and encourages you to do the work necessary to evolve. It facilitates releasing all that no longer serves, while recognizing the gifts in an experience and taking forward the skills learned. When everything feels too much to bear, Petrified Wood provides emotional comfort and stability. It is excellent for earth-healing and for removing thought forms and ancestors that are ’stuck’ in the landscape.


You can create a specific shield that you can turn to any direction to block energy from reaching you simply by programming a crystal. One of the most effective psychic shields in an emergency is to visualize a bright new shiny metal dustbin with a lid, into which you pop when you need extra protection.

~ Treasure Chest ~


Nunderite is an excellent grounding and shielding stone. It provides a calm, still centre in which to anchor your energies during times of turmoil, change or multi-dimensional journeying. It encourages cooperation and draws like-minded people, moving out of your orbit anyone who is not for your highest good. It facilitates multi-dimensional psychic protection, creating an impenetrable interface around the aura. Effective if you have been under prolonged psychic attack, it cleanses the aura and charges it with light.


In your mind’s eye picture a bright new dustbin of silver metal with a tight-fitting lid. Practise jumping in and out of this dustbin and pulling the lid down so that when you need it, it is an automatic action.

Crystal Tips for a Psychic Shield

Actinolite, Amber, Aegirine, Apache Tear, Aquamarine, Black Tourmaline, Bronzite, Citrine Chlorite, Hematite, Marcasite, Nunderite, Nuummite, Purpurite, Richterite, Shungite or Smoky Quartz. If you can find a shield-shaped piece, so much the better.