Tool 13: Ceremony - Protection Tools

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Tool 13: Ceremony
Protection Tools

Ceremony and ritual are other ancient tools that harness your mind and honour your intention. When carrying out a ceremony, it’s usual to do this within a cleansed sacred space (see opposite). Some people like to wear a robe, but this isn’t necessary. It does make a ceremony feel special if you take the time to have a bath or shower and put on clean clothes, but even this isn’t essential. It’s more important that you carry out the ceremony seriously but joyfully, with your attention and emotions fully engaged. Music can assist the process, as can candles and incense, but, as with everything, it’s your intention and focus that bring success.

~ Treasure Chest ~


Crystallized divine light, ethereal white Selenite occupies the space between light and matter. It’s an excellent stone for repairing and re-energizing the aura. It holds a deep inner peace and meditating with it takes you into pure light and creates a protective grid around an area, as it does not allow outside influences to penetrate. A large piece within the house ensures a peaceful atmosphere prevails.


Selenite (left)


✵ Cleanse your space appropriately and stand facing south.

✵ Place a small bowl of water on the ground and call in the guides and guardians of that direction to assist you in creating sacred space, saying, ’May the gods and guardians of the south, in whatever form they take, assist me to create sacred space through the power of the water element.’

✵ Turn to the west and place a crystal on the ground, calling in the guides and guardians of that direction, through the power of the earth element.

✵ In the north, place a feather and once more call in the guardians through the power of the air element.

✵ In the east, place a lighted candle and call in the guides through the power of the fire element.

✵ Stand in the centre of the circle, in the place of Above and Below and All that Is, and call in the energies of Father Sun and Mother Earth to assist you.

✵ Use the directions circle you have created for journeying, meditation, visioning, healing, ceremony or any other purpose for which a safe, sacred space is required.

✵ When you dismantle the circle, as you remove the items marking it, thank the guides and guardians of that direction for their assistance.

Crystal Tip

A large piece of Elestial or Rose Quartz or Selenite makes an excellent altar centrepiece that holds sacred space.