Tool 10: Trust - Protection Tools

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Tool 10: Trust
Protection Tools

Trust in yourself and in the process of living that you are going through is a vital part of psychic self-protection. After all, if you don’t trust yourself, whom can you trust and, perhaps more to the point, who will trust you? You need to trust that you can change your attitude, meet changes with confidence and feel inwardly safe. And you need to trust the guidance your inner self gives you and to follow the process without over-analysing.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Lapis Lace

A mix of Blue Calcite and Scheelite, Lapis Lace is deeply calming and grounding; it brings peace to mind, body and emotions, and to the surrounding environment. It instils a sense of safety and security. Combined with Blue Kyanite, Lapis Lace aligns and centres all chakras between the stellar gateway chakra above the head and the Gaia gateway below the feet. If the connection to the higher chakras is broken, it heals it. Lapis Lace is excellent for countering frustration. It detaches from the outcome, allowing you to ride out the situation calmly and attend to anything getting in the way of a positive result. The stone has a strong electrical pulse, creating tingling or quivering as it adjusts the muscles and nervous system throughout the body. Lapis Lace cleanses the lymphatic system, removing toxins.


Lapis Lace (left)

However, this level of trust isn’t about naïvety or gullibility. Nor is it about taking everything as absolute truth. You also need to check in with yourself to see what your inner being or your body says. The least bit of squirming in your stomach or doubt in your mind needs checking out. You also need to use your common sense and ability to discriminate. If trust in yourself is lacking at a deep level, you’ll constantly meet people and circumstances that abuse and misuse your trust. You also need to trust the guidance you’re given from your unseen helpers and angels and from the universe — and remember that these beings are there for you when you need help.

And finally, you need to trust that the situation in which you find yourself is right for you at this time as it is helping you to establish your own inner sense of rightness and develop your personal power. If you cultivate a mindset of absolute trust that whatever is for your highest good happens, it is so.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Fire Agate

Fire Agate builds an impermeable protective shield around the body and returns ill-wishing or envy to its source so that the sender understands the harm they are doing. Fire Agate is calming, bringing inner security and safety, but at the same time awakening the fire in your being. Its strong grounding powers support you during difficult times. The stone encourages introspection, effortlessly bringing up inner problems for resolution. It eliminates cravings and destructive desires, and overcomes addictions. Fire Agate facilitates relaxation so that the body ’mellows out’, reducing stress and enhancing trust. If you have been working with an excess of high-vibration crystals and have difficulty remaining in your physical body, Fire Agate brings you back to Earth, gently anchoring you in material incarnation once more.


Fire Agate (right)


Ask yourself, on a scale of one to ten, ’How much trust do I have in the tools in this book right now?’

If your score was low, hold the intention: ’I allow trust to develop as I find the right tools for myself.’ If your score was high, you’re well on the way to developing a high level of self-protection.

Crystal Tips for Enhancing Trust

Amber, Chrysoprase, Labradorite, Lemurian Gold Opal, Pink Chalcedony, Porphyrite, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Smithsonite, Sodalite, Tremolite, Tugtupite.

Believing in Yourself

You can do it, you have the power within you, you just need to believe it! The more you believe it, the easier it is. Once you have confidence in yourself, everything else follows.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Moss Agate

Moss Agate is a stone of strength, useful for grounding and for creativity. It encourages trust, assists self-expression and helps in raising self-esteem and strengthening the determination to succeed. It also assists you in getting along with other people and creating your own space.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Black Amber (Indonesian Black/Blue Amber)

Black Amber is a highly protective stone. The Amber is mixed with soil or parts of the tree from which the fossilized resin oozed. As it has a high carbon content, Indonesian Black Amber creates a powerful shield against energetic attack, especially when gridded in a triangular formation. It blocks energy thieves from stealing your energy. When you are energetically depleted, the stone helps you to feel less vulnerable. It creates a sense of being safely cradled in a secure space with healthy boundaries. The stone encourages you to ’self-care’, attending to your own needs rather than constantly giving to others — a powerful reason for energetic depletion in therapists and carers. Place it on the base and sacral chakras to absorb and transmute negative energy. However, ensure it is authentic Amber, not the anthracite that is being widely sold as ’Black Amber’.



Each time you have a challenge to meet, say to yourself: ’I believe I can do this, I have the power.’ Feel that belief in every cell of your body. Believe it!

Crystal Tips for Self-Belief and Confidence

Actinolite, Blue Euclase, Candle Quartz, Cat’s Eye Quartz, Citrine, Dumortierite, Empowerite, Eudialyte, Hematite, Lazulite, Purpurite, Pyrite, Rhyolite, Sodalite, Strawberry Quartz, Tree, Moss and other Agates, Strontianite, Tremolite.