Tool 9: Intention and Focus - Protection Tools

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Tool 9: Intention and Focus
Protection Tools

The power of your mind to create is a truly awesome thing — when you consciously use it. Actually, it’s pretty awesome when you don’t consciously use it, but then it just creates the wrong kind of things and you keep wondering why life doesn’t work out as you planned.

Where you put your focus and how you use your intention are crucial if you’re to feel safe. Where you put your focus affects what you perceive and this in turn to a large extent creates your world. If you focus on the negative, that is what you see. But if you focus on the positive, that is what transpires. And intention is focused thought. It’s what you want to bring about. It is one of the most potent tools you have for changing your world. Therefore you need to ensure your intention is focused in a positive direction, creating fundamental security rather than chasing after things you feel would make you happy, secure or whatever.

Use the power of intention to change your mindset and your worldview and suddenly all possibilities become open. This is the power-full ancient principle of ’like attracts like’ and also of ’do as you would be done by’. If your unselfish intention is to be of benefit to others as well as yourself, the universe is happy to cooperate with you.

Focusing your attention into an exercise and holding the positive intent that it manifests is the easiest way possible, with right timing, and finally letting go of that intent helps you to bring about the desired outcome. Crystals are an excellent receptacle for intention as they continue to manifest it for you once you’ve let it go.

Intention has to work in harmony with right timing — there is no point in trying to push against the river, and worrying about when it will manifest is counter-productive and simply stops the flow. So, when you’ve formulated your intention, go with the flow. Trust that things will happen with right timing in the correct way for your highest good and that you cannot always know when or how that will be, but it will be absolutely right when it happens. And when it does manifest, remember to use the power of gratitude to thank the universe for cooperating with you.

Sometimes your intention cannot manifest because there is interference from your subconscious mind. It’s rather like a computer program running in the background that overloads the system because it’s in direct conflict and keeps trying to shut the new program down. This old program is usually a negative belief you carry or an outworn emotion you are holding on to, but someone else’s belief that something would be good for you can also interfere if they have a strong enough mind. Interference can also arise from feeling you ought to do something, or be a certain way, or whatever, but secretly still holding on to how you are because you’re scared of change. Fortunately a crystal protects you against this.

Becoming aware of the hidden programs you’re running is essential if you’re to work with intention in the most constructive way possible. If you try to make a conscious decision whilst running an unconscious program, what will inevitably manifest is that deeper desire. So, if things aren’t working out quite how you expect, explore what your own deepest intent actually is and transform that into something positive (see Crystal EFT).

Try to remember, even when I don’t remind you, to carry out all the actions in this book with focused intention. It will enhance their effectiveness triplefold.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Tigers Eye

Mood-lightening Tigers Eye alleviates depression and instils trust in the future. Assisting in decision making, it promotes clarity of intention and teaches how to set realistic goals. The crystal heals issues of self-worth, self-criticism and blocked creativity. It supports an obsessive or fearful personality in making changes, teaching integrity and right use of power. Tigers Eye creates a high-vibrational yet grounded state, supporting children born with new energetic frequencies that do not yet fit well into the earth plane. Tigers Eye deflects negative energy and protects against ill-wishing and bullying.


Tigers Eye (bottom right)


Think about your intention of feeling safe and using the tools in this book to create inner security. Make your intention as specific as possible and phrase it in the present tense — it’s more potent that way. Make it as precise and succinct as possible. Hold your intention crystal in your hands and state your intention out loud, programming it into the crystal. Place your crystal where it will remind you of your intention.

Crystal Tips for Supporting Intention

Brandenberg Amethyst, Desert Rose, Manifestation Crystal (a crystal that has a smaller crystal completely contained within it), Phantom Quartz, Rose Quartz, square Iron Pyrite, Topaz, Watermelon Tourmaline.