Tool 8: Breathing - Protection Tools

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Tool 8: Breathing
Protection Tools

Breathing is one of the most important ways of anchoring yourself in your body and distributing energy around that body. Shallow breathing is a symptom of chronic anxiety and stress and creates energetic holes in your aura through which outside vibrations can affect you or your own energy can be sucked out. If you don’t pull the breath deep down inside your lungs, you’re only half in your body. As a result, you’re ungrounded — and that’s an unsafe place to be.

When you’re frightened or anxious, the tendency is to hold your breath. So, whenever you feel panicky, disorientated or lightheaded, take a few moments to do the exercise that follows. It soon becomes automatic, and the more you do it, the more firmly grounded in your body you become — and the more energized.

~ Treasure Chest ~


Jasper is found in many colours and forms and is excellent for energizing, de-stressing, journeying and blocking environmental pollution. This stone imparts strong determination and quick thinking and balances all the levels of your being.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Stromatolite or Kambaba Jasper

The fossilized remains of two of the oldest forms of life on the planet, Stromatolite and Kambaba Jasper (Green Stromatolite) may well have been responsible for the oxygenation of Earth’s atmosphere. Useful grounding and protective stones, they help you to breathe deep into the centre of your being, grounding yourself here on the Earth. Kambaba Jasper goes right to your foundations bringing stability — physically and of purpose. It harmonizes you with the cycles of the natural world, attuning your personal biorhythm to that of the planet.


✵ Stand or sit with your feet firmly on the floor and your knees relaxed.

✵ Letting your shoulders hang loose, take a long, slow breath. Deliberately push out your ribs and belly and pull the breath deep into the base of your lungs. Feel your ribs expanding outwards at the back and sides and your back and solar plexus opening up.

✵ Breathe in for a count of four (increase the count with practice), hold the breath for a count of two and exhale slowly, pulling your belly and ribs in to expel all the air for a count of ten. Press your ribs in with your hands to assist.

✵ Rest a moment and take another breath.

✵ Repeat eight times more (stop immediately if you feel light-headed and take your attention down to your feet, bouncing firmly on the Earth).

✵ Return to your normal breathing pattern, but remember to pull the air deep down into your lungs.

Crystal Tip

Keep an earthy stone such as a Flint pebble or tumbled Jasper, Kambaba Jasper, Stromatolite, Eye of the Storm or Hematite in your hip pocket to pull the breath deep into your belly.