Tool 7: The Golden Pyramid - Protection Tools

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Tool 7: The Golden Pyramid
Protection Tools

Pyramids are another ancient form of protection that create a safe space and provide protection for you or your home or workplace. A pyramid is one of the sacred symbols traditionally used to create sacred space.

When creating your pyramid, remember it needs a floor as well as the four sides that meet at the apex. A shiny golden pyramid is particularly useful, as it bounces negative energy off the sides (you can also picture a ’negativity collector’ that collects the negative energy and sends it to a great energy recycling plant in the sky) and shines light into the centre.

If you find it difficult to picture a pyramid in your mind’s eye, you can create one from any kind of crystal, metal or gold-coloured card. Remember to build your pyramid with focused intention (see Tool 9).

In certain situations a green pyramid can be used. You can support your visualization by using an actual crystal pyramid.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz, also known as Angel’s Hair, has strands of golden Rutile embedded within the Clear Quartz to amp up the energy even further. A spiritual stone, it provides an energy shield, cleanses space and draws off dis-ease of all kinds. It’s particularly useful when you wish to make a change of direction or get to the root of a problem. It efficiently disposes of fears and induces a positive outlook.


Picture a golden pyramid that completely encloses your space, be it a house, a flat, a room such as an office, or yourself (in which case you may need to picture wheels on the four corners so that it moves with you). The pyramid has four sides and a floor. Use bright golden light coming down from the apex to sweep out the inside of the pyramid so it’s clean and fresh. Finally, picture a revolving golden sphere suspended near the apex, sending out golden light into your space and constantly replenishing positive energy — placing Golden Quartz in your environment is an excellent way to facilitate this.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Golden Healer Quartz

Golden Healer Quartz is found in several forms and has fantastic healing and protective energy. It is perfect for rituals that provide you with protection and enhance your well-being, raising both your psychic and your physical immune system to optimum.


Golden Healers, clockwise from top left: Arkansas Quartz, Arkansas Quartz, Golden Healer Quartz, Celtic Golden Healer Quartz

~ Treasure Chest ~

Arkansas Quartz

It is said that the vibrations of Quartz from Arkansas are different to any other crystal throughout the world because the heart meridian of the Earth runs through the Quartz beds. Arkansas Quartz helps to anchor new energies into the Earth’s heart, which are then radiated out through the crystals. They transmit energy, create and intensify protection, as well as balance and heal the energy body and the chakras. Arkansas crystals are excellent receptors for intention and positive thoughts. In this area, huge Earth Keeper crystals deep within the Earth act as stabilizers for the planet itself. The Earth Keeper crystals can be attuned to by holding Arkansas Quartz to connect to the crystal oversoul. The crystals take several forms — golden, optically clear, ’gunky’ iron-coated and smoky but all carry the same incredibly pure healing energy. Gridded around a house, they assist with air purity.

Dark, iron-coated: This form reaches the areas that couldn’t normally be released. The dark iron entraps material not needed in the energy body. As the coating flakes away, the negativity is transmuted.

Yellow-orange: Highly energizing and creative, this crystal cleanses previous relationship hooks from your sacral chakra and stimulates standing in your own power.

Clear: Excellent for drawing in healing and transmutational energy, this crystal brings light into every cell of your being and opens the higher crown chakra.

✵ Dis-ease: A state of disharmony and disequilibrium that can lead to physical, emotional, mental or psychic disease.