Preface: Learning by Experience

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Preface: Learning by Experience

’This book is not, and cannot be, a satisfactory handbook for the treatment of psychic disorders. All it can do is to point in the directions where enquiries might be pursued with advantage. If it serves to direct attention to certain subjects that badly need investigation it will have fulfilled its purpose.’


In the conclusion to what is probably the best-known psychic protection book of all time, Psychic Self-Defence, written in 1930, Dion Fortune threw down the challenge that others should take her work further. For over 45 years, ever since I had the pleasure of meeting Christine Hartley, her literary agent and metaphysical colleague, I’ve taken up that challenge, not through choice but through necessity. Like Dion herself, I had to learn energy protection techniques ’on the hoof ’ when I came under severe psychic attack. But unlike her I was not involved in magical working. My experience was more prosaic: people I’d inadvertently upset in my everyday life attacked using their personal malevolent will and the power of thought, although one at least did have occult knowledge to call on. In addition, I realized how important everyday energy protection was as I became increasingly aware of my sensitivity to auras, energies and environments — and of the workings of my own inner psyche, which was not above carrying out a psychic mugging or two of its own, often on me.

✵ Psychic attack: Concentrated and conscious malevolent thought and intent directed towards someone to bring about harm.

✵ Psychic mugging: Being hit by a blast of negative energy.

✵ Aura: The subtle biomagnetic sheath that surrounds the physical body.

Fortunately, for several years I had the unfailingly wise counsel of Christine to call on and she shared many techniques with me, some of which form the basis for this book, although I’ve expanded them to adapt to changing situations and my deeper understanding of what may lie behind apparent psychic attack and noxious energy situations. My own studies into crystals, metaphysics and psychology have furnished further avenues for exploration and many more insights into how we can be our own inner terrorist, as has working with what must by now be thousands of people in workshops and ’far memory’ karmic readings that look at the deeply ingrained patterns and expectations we have brought into this present life from our previous lives (an area which can leave us vulnerable but which I’ve chosen not to address in this book as I’ve covered it elsewhere2).

I’ve written several books on energy protection, each one building on the last and each arising out of a major change or challenge in my own life and further insights into why protection is needed. So why, you might ask, did I choose to write yet another one, and then update it twice? Well, this second update evolved in response to world changes that affect everyone and looks at things from a slightly different perspective. It’s particularly angled towards people who have never before thought they might need energy protection but who are finding the world an increasingly challenging place or who are caught up in the rapid expansion of consciousness sweeping over our world. Fortunately crystals and other tools give us a way to protect ourselves easily and safely, and more of them are now available.

The book is also intended for anyone who is following the psychic, spiritual or magical path. The success of ’celebrity psychics’ on the entertainment scene in the UK, the proliferation of psychic phone lines and the creation of dedicated TV channels are opening up the metaphysical world to everyone and it is now more accessible than ever before. But this brings its own pitfalls. Once, in the esoteric world, access to the worlds beyond this one had to be earned by careful study and long practice. Initiation was followed by closely supervised experience. Nowadays, anyone can pick up a book and learn how to be psychic in five minutes — but they are rarely taught how to close the ability down again. Dion Fortune’s advice, Christine Hartley’s edict and my own credo have always been: ’Don’t meddle. Do only what you are trained to do.’

When I started teaching energy protection, it was to youngsters who had been playing with a ouija board and were in danger of being overwhelmed by mischievous spirits or the odd poltergeist, and there was always a need to move on spirits who hadn’t quite cottoned on to the fact they had passed over to another world. Nowadays it is more likely to be ’alien beings’ trying to take over the world who are, allegedly, causing trouble, or so-called higher beings that are anything but. But people attracted by the excitement and glamour of the spirit world — and it’s wise to remember that in the old days glamour meant ’spell’ rather than appearance — are also in need of energy protection, especially from their own selves, as we will see.

✵ Energy protection: Creating a safe space around and within yourself. Maintaining your personal energy field and its boundary; screening out unwanted thoughts, feelings and energies and overcoming self-sabotage. Preventing energy loss to other people or the environment.

There are many of us who believe the Earth is undergoing great changes at this time. Shifts of consciousness, a raising of vibrations, an influx of new energies — call it what you will. As an astrologer, I call it the transition to the Age of Aquarius. Others call it the ascension process, but some see it as the potential ending of the world. They speak of great traumas and dramas, natural disasters overwhelming the Earth. That’s their reality. Mine is different. I believe we’ll get the kind of world we create with our thoughts and actions now. If we make a shift in our thinking and begin to treat the Earth as sacred once more and all the beings — human or otherwise — on the planet as our brothers and sisters, and if we raise our own vibrations, we have an opportunity for positive change. I believe we can all live intuitively and creatively from an open heart and I’d like to invite you to join me in that worldview.

I hope anyone who is facing the challenge of change or who is widening their perception and raising their level of consciousness, from the novice to the most experienced metaphysical practitioner, will find this book helpful, so that we all can, in the words of Margaret Koolman, ’relax into what’s going on without being defended and afraid’. Knowledge is, after all, one of the most potent forms of protection there is.

~ Treasure Chest ~


The number one protection crystal, Labradorite creates an interface around you that filters out energies that are not to your benefit and enhances your spiritual connection. It allows you to be aware of other people’s feelings and energies without being overwhelmed by them. Enhancing your psychic abilities, it aligns the physical and subtle bodies and strengthens the aura.


Labradorite (right)
