Tool 6: The Bubble of Light - Protection Tools

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Tool 6: The Bubble of Light
Protection Tools

The bubble of light is one of the oldest forms of self-protection, used in all cultures and times, and I make no apologies for suggesting it again here. A quick and easy form of visioning, it can be extended through the use of a crystal such as Quartz, Amethyst, Amber, Black Amber, Anandalite and Eye of the Storm. It’s particularly helpful when you have to enter a crowd of people and you may also find specific people invoke a desire to safeguard your energy in this way (in which case, see Healthy Boundaries). Once you’ve identified who brings up this need, you can put your light bubble around yourself before you need it. However, the most sensible thing to do is to start the day by ensuring your bubble is in place and then keep it there throughout the day. If you’ve used a crystal to create the bubble, wear or carry the crystal with you.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Brandenberg Amethyst

Found only at a sacred site in Namibia, a Brandenberg is a multipurpose tool that looks after your energies on so many levels. It holds the perfect blueprint of pure energy before anything else became imprinted on it and so can restore your vibrations to pristine condition. It removes karmic encrustations, ancestral patterns, toxic emotions, mental dross and so much besides. A portal to expanded awareness and a tool for spiritual alchemy, its inner planes and bubbles take you travelling in safety through multi-dimensional reality. A gatekeeper that protects against psychic attack and alien invasion, it repels negative energy by calling in positive light. Brandenberg holds a light when working in shadows or the underworld, and facilitates purification and integration of your present self. A Smoky Brandenberg is an extraordinarily powerful earth-healing tool.


~ Treasure Chest ~


A natural tranquillizer, Amethyst de-stresses and protects you on all levels and provides emotional balance. It is useful for blocking geopathic stress and negative or noxious energies. Sitting quietly holding it will calm your mind and allow you to access the deeper parts of yourself to gain insight and find new motivation.


Amethysts , clockwise from top left: geode, chevron sphere, point, Drusy Celestial Amethyst


Using the power of your mind, picture a bubble of light at arm’s length around your body, making sure it goes over your head, under your feet and behind your back (you may find it easiest to start with holding a torch over your head and bringing this down around your body, working towards your feet). Make sure the light bubble goes behind your back and under your feet and seals itself there. For extra self-protection, see yourself standing inside a large hollow crystal filled with light.

Crystal Tip

A tumbled Clear Quartz or any other egg-shaped crystal is ideal for maintaining and reminding you of your light bubble. Crystal eggs gently nurture and gestate new ideas or emotions.

~ Treasure Chest ~


The most prevalent crystal on the planet, Quartz is excellent for amplifying, unblocking and generating energy, cleansing and healing the body and other crystals, storing information and heightening perception in addition to forming a protective barrier that negative energies cannot cross. All the different forms of Quartz provide excellent psychic protection and most enhance your ability to raise your awareness and open your higher chakras.