Tool 5: Gem Essences - Protection Tools

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Tool 5: Gem Essences
Protection Tools

Gem essences have been used for thousands of years and they are an excellent way to imbibe the energy of a crystal and to treat the underlying mental or emotional causes of dis-ease. The ancients would leave a stone out overnight and collect the dew imbued with the essence of that stone. It’s still really simple to make a gem essence today. Remember to focus your intention as you do so.


You will need:

✵ a clean glass bowl(s)

✵ crystal(s)

✵ spring water

✵ a funnel or small jug

✵ a clean glass bottle

✵ brandy, vodka or cider vinegar.

Making the Essence:

✵ Choose your crystal treasure chests or crystal tips and cleanse them thoroughly.

✵ Pour a small amount of spring water into a clean glass bowl and immerse the crystals in it. If a crystal is at all toxic or fragile (for example, Tantalite, Bumble Bee Jasper, Selenite, Angel’s Wing Calcite or Malachite), you’ll need an extra glass bowl in which to place the crystal within the water.

✵ Stand the glass bowl, water and crystal in the sun for several hours (white stones like to go out under the moon too).

✵ Remove the crystals and carefully pour the gem essence into the clean glass bottle. Fill with two-thirds brandy. Label and date. Keep in a cool dark place.

✵ You have made a mother essence and this can either be used by adding a few drops to a glass of spring water and sipping throughout the day or rubbing on your skin or adding to your bath, or you can make a dosage bottle by adding a few drops to one-third brandy and two-thirds spring water in a small dropper bottle to take regularly. You can also spray gem essences around the room or on your pillow.


Choose one or two from each list and combine as appropriate:

Protection: Black Tourmaline, Shungite, Mohawkite, Tantalite, Polychrome Jasper, Jade, Smoky Quartz.

Cleansing/Clearing crystals: Black Tourmaline, Blue or Black Kyanite, Citrine (natural), Halite, Hanksite, Hematite, Shungite, Smoky Quartz.

Recharging: Anandalite, Carnelian, Golden Healer, Citrine, Orange Kyanite, Quartz, Red Jasper, Selenite.

To Create the Essence:

✵ Hold the crystals in your hands and ask them to cleanse your crystals or space, or to protect you.

✵ Place all the crystals in a glass bowl and pour on spring water (note: although Selenite or Halite are soluble and Mohawkite and Tantalite are potentially toxic, place directly in water for this particular essence).

✵ Remove the crystals and pour the essence into a large glass bottle.

✵ Add a few drops of essential oil such as frankincense, sage or lavender if liked and top up with two-thirds vodka or white rum. This is mother essence. Label bottle with date and contents. Keep in a cool place.

To use:

✵ Do not take internally. Fill a spray bottle with spring water.

✵ Add 7 drops of mother essence.

✵ Lightly mist crystals, yourself or your space.

✵ Or add 7 drops to a small dropper bottle of spring water and apply to a crystal to cleanse it.