Introducing Protection Tools - Protection Tools

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Introducing Protection Tools
Protection Tools

’Energy enhancement can come from a crystal, a flower essence, or the power of your own mind... A strong energy field and a positive outlook are the greatest life enhancers there are.’


In this section you’ll find quick and easy, tried and tested tools for creating protection for yourself and strengthening your energetic boundaries, together with a means of exploring how you really feel about your safety and the tools to overcome your fears and those of other people, if these are affecting you.

Some of these tools seem to be instinctive. People don’t have to learn about crystals for instance, they just use them. A friend of mine, whose international wheeler-dealer husband has high-functioning Asperger’s autism and is prone to anxiety attacks when faced with the unfamiliar, told me how he keeps a stone in his pocket. It’s just a stone he picked up out of the gutter one day, a little brown rounded stone, nothing special to look at, but to him it represents security. He never goes anywhere without it and whenever he feels anxious he fondles it. It’s the lifeline that takes him through traumatic times.

’I wish I had a little stone,’ my friend said wistfully. I pointed out that all she had to do was look down at her feet as she stepped outside her door and she’d find one. Now she too has a little stone to anchor her to a safe world.

Five thousand years ago in Mesopotamia someone had a similar little round flat stone, but his was a slice of Agate inscribed in minute gold writing: ’Lord God Marduk, protect me.’ No doubt he too felt safe when it was in his pocket. Amulets such as these have been used for thousands of years and are easy to create.

Safety starts with where you live and move and have your being, and being at home in your body with your feet firmly on the floor is the best protection of all. You can also use traditional protective devices that only take a few moments of your time and need no tool other than your mind’s eye and a little imagination. Once you’ve experienced them, you’ll know what it is to be fully self-protected, but there are many other tools we’ll be using throughout this book, including crystals. By learning to use these tools and working through the ’Try this’ exercises that accompany them you’ll soon establish what feels good to you and what works best for the way in which you interact with the world.

Energy Protection Tools

All these tools are easy to use and build up into a useful self-protection kit. Approach this section in a spirit of fun and childlike pleasure in exploring something new, especially your shiny, sparkly crystal friends. After all, joy and happiness are some of the best forms of protection there are. Read through the sections on the tools, try the exercises and see which suits you.

The ’treasure chest’ descriptions of crystals and the ’crystal tips’ are to help you choose the right crystal for you. They’re not essential for the exercises, although they build up into a multi-purpose crystal treasure chest if you select the ones that really resonate with you. I’ve given you my top ten favourites to get you started, together with ten of the very latest, new-generation crystal tools just coming onto the market that are perfect for the changing vibrations.

If a crystal produces instant strong antipathy, it can be a clue to something you’re repressing at a deep level. Sitting quietly with such a stone and tuning in to what your body, feelings or thoughts are telling you, or writing without censorship in your journal, quickly brings the underlying cause to the surface and helps you to resonate with the crystal. But not every crystal is for everyone, so choose yours with care.