The Effect of Electromagnetic Stress on Your Energy Field - Understanding Your Energy Field

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

The Effect of Electromagnetic Stress on Your Energy Field
Understanding Your Energy Field

As we’ve seen, the human body is a complex electromagnetic field. Sensitivity to external electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can have a profound effect on health and well-being by interfering with key biological processes. The fields are generated by the technology around us and they are increasing all the time. The human body evolved against a natural background radiation from the planet of 7.83 Hz but this background radiation has increased to over 250 Hz through man-made electrical pollution, a phenomenal rise to which our cells are not adapted. The effect can be subtle. Electrosensitivity may prevent you from conceiving or carrying a child to full term, or could induce temporary impotence. Research shows that this is so, and we’re more susceptible to a whole host of the ’diseases of civilisation’ such as cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel, Parkinson’s and more.

EMFs have been shown to affect the immune, nervous and endocrine systems adversely and when these don’t function efficiently, dis-ease is the result. This is not surprising when so much of our body relies on subtle energy patterns to maintain good health. When I was researching the effects of EMFs for my book Crystal Prescriptions Volume 3, I was surprised at how wide the range of dis-eases was — and that scientists were so aware of the effects (research studies are collated in that book) yet so little is being done to protect against ill-effects. Fortunately, it is possible to shield yourself from the effects and keep yourself energetically healthy with crystals.

Common everyday sources of EMFs include:

✵ cordless, smart or cell phones, screens and associated base station towers

✵ Wi-Fi

✵ power lines

✵ electricity generating stations

✵ smart meters

✵ electrical wiring

✵ microwave ovens

✵ computers

✵ fluorescent and other lighting

✵ CCTV surveillance cameras.

Check List

Do you:

✵ feel constantly tired and out of sorts

✵ suffer from insomnia or restless sleep

✵ instantly catch any illness that’s going around

✵ find it hard to heal small ailments

✵ have ME (or chronic fatigue syndrome)

✵ experience palpitations

✵ suffer from constant headaches

✵ want to conceive but can’t

✵ have muscle cramps, tension and pain

✵ experience temporary impotence

✵ suffer from cramping and bloating

✵ experience extreme mood swings or anxiety

✵ suffer from depression and panic attacks

✵ lack concentration and confidence

✵ have a decreased attention span

✵ have high blood pressure.

If you answered yes to more than three or four of these options then you will almost certainly be suffering the effects of electrosensitivity.

✵ Electrosensitivity: Extreme vulnerability at a physical, mental and emotional energetic level to electromagnetic emissions.

On Stand-by?

Quite apart from being bad for the environment on account of the excess energy consumed, leaving electrical items such as computers, mobile phones or televisions on stand-by is counterproductive to an energetically safe home, as they fill the house with negative electromagnetic energy. If you must leave a computer on, have a negative ionizer running at the same time and place a large anti-electromagnetic pollution crystal close by and cleanse it often. Keep an Amazonite, Black Tourmaline or Shungite crystal taped to a mobile phone, even a low-emissions one.4

Coming Back Into Harmony

Dis-ease is the result of a lack of harmony: of subtle energetic physiological signals going out of sync. Fortunately, it is possible to apply a complementary energy pattern with a more coherent frequency to restore equilibrium through ’sympathetic resonance’. Crystals hold such a beneficial pattern. The human body is, to a large extent, crystalline with millions of crystals present in the brain, blood and so on. Crystals have a perfect geometric molecular structure that is coherent (that is, it stays the same) and stable, each part replicating the other. They have a very low incidence of entropy — a gradual, and natural, decline into disorder. Human bodies have a very high level of entropy, which means our energetic vibrations can be disrupted by internal or external factors. The stable, low-entropy state of healing crystals entrains (or matches) our frequency to theirs, returning our vibrations to a coherent state. This ’perfect state’ is one of the reasons why crystals assist with electrosensitivity. The field of a crystal is in direct contrast to an EMF, which is chaotic and disorganized. Put an organized field into a disorganized one and the two will entrain back into the more stable form.

Get Grounded

Surprisingly perhaps, ’raising your vibrations’ and becoming more sensitive to energies may increase electrosensitivity. If you meditate, work with crystals or do any kind of energy healing or massage, you open up your aura — which is a bioenergetic field composed of subtle vibrations and resonances. If you don’t protect that aura and keep yourself rooted and in connection with the Earth, you are susceptible to energy disruption, which can have a physical effect. One of the best tools for handling EMF sensitivity is to get yourself grounded, in contact with the planet and completely earthed and centred with your lower chakras fully functioning. So many people who suffer from excessive sensitivity have only a toehold in incarnation and, of course, the more uncomfortable the physical body becomes, the more the tendency is to ’float away’. But make contact with the Earth, make a friend of your body, become comfortable in incarnation and the detrimental effects will lessen significantly. How do you do this? Use your crystals!

If you’re ungrounded, floaty and ’space cadet-ish’, or live in your head or with your head in the clouds, you’re unlikely to feel safe in your body. Nor, strangely enough, are you likely to feel safe if you’re aware of nothing but your body. You need to be sensibly aware of the outside world and the spiritual dimensions and be grounded in your body. Being fully grounded is one of the best forms of self-protection there is.

~ Treasure Chest ~


Flint is a vastly underrated stone that takes several forms. Powerfully protective and extremely stable, it sits at the interface between the material and subtle energy worlds. The stone grounds energetic downloads from higher dimensions into the physical body, while protecting the body from harmful vibrations. Banded Flint creates a circle of protection around the body or a space. Grid it in the corners of a room, or place at your feet to connect deep into the Earth to ground yourself. The fossilized remains of ancient sponges on the sea floor, Sea Foam Flint filters toxicity from the soul and energetic bodies, drawing off karmic debris and removing even the smallest particles that have been left behind when clearing work appears to be complete. It opens the Gaia gateway chakra and attunes it to Mother Earth, taking you deep into the soul of the planet and the divine feminine in the secret heart of Gaia. Gaia’s Blood (red) Flint pulls energetic remnants of previous abuse and traumas around childbirth and menstruation out of the body and clears ancestral patterning from disempowered women. It releases you from being taken for granted or not heard. Gaia’s Blood helps women to regain their feminine power, especially when combined with blue-grey Milky Way Flint.



To ground yourself instantly, stamp your feet.

Grounding works particularly well with bare feet on grass or earth. This really anchors you to the Earth. Brown crystals such as Flint, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Eye of the Storm or Boji stones also keep you grounded. Keep one in your pocket if you have a tendency to float off the planet.

Another effective way of grounding yourself is to imagine that you’re connected to a root that goes deep into the centre of the Earth. This technique has been used in shamanic cultures for many years and shamans tend to take the root from the base of the spine. However, having the root coming out of your feet also helps you to remain upright and secure in your body (although you can use both or either).

Remember to re-establish your root after visioning or journeying exercises or whenever you feel floaty and spaced out.

~ Treasure Chest ~


An ancient grounding and protection stone, Hematite prevents negative energies from entering the aura. It strengthens willpower and intention and draws your attention to outdated programs, transmuting them.


Hematite, tumbled (left) and raw (right)


✵ Place a Flint or other grounding stone between your feet.

✵ Stand or sit with your feet firmly on the floor and take your attention down to your feet. Close your eyes.

✵ Picture a root protruding from the bottom of each of your feet and twisting together at the Flint. The thicker root then passes down through the earth star chakra, about a foot below your feet, and moves on down through the Gaia gateway. This root then passes deep down into the Earth, where it joins the molten core and is able to channel energy up into your body to energize and protect you.

✵ Feel this energy travelling up your legs to the base of your spine and up your spine to the top of your head.

The root is flexible and allows you to move around, but it holds you firmly grounded in your physical body.

If you’re a touchy-feely (kinaesthetic) person, try massaging the centre of the soles of your feet with a crystal until they tingle and then placing them firmly on the Earth with a grounding crystal between them. Dravide (Brown) Tourmaline, Eye of the Storm, Flint, Preseli Bluestone or Smoky Quartz help to establish your root when placed on or between your feet.

Crystal Tips for Grounding

Amber, Aragonite, Boji Stones, Bronzite, Brown Elestial Quartz, Dalmatian Stone, Dravide (Brown) Tourmaline, Eye of the Storm, Flint, Fire Agate, Hematite, Kambaba Jasper, Red and Brown Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Stromatolite.

~ Treasure Chest ~


With what is possibly the most phenomenal shielding power of all the crystals, Shungite strengthens your energetic boundaries and protects you against geopathogens, electromagnetic frequencies, geopathic stress and invaders such as viruses and bacteria. It clears out mental or emotional pollutants so that fresh patterns imprint, and boosts physical well-being which has a powerful effect on the immune system. Restoring emotional equilibrium, it transmutes stress into a potent energetic recharge.


From left: Shungite: polished, raw pyramid and elite

Crystal Tips against Electromagnetic Stress

Amazonite, Fluorite, Lepidolite, Quantum Quattro, Shungite or Smoky Quartz placed on or near electrical items, Black Tourmaline or Shungite taped to your mobile phone.

Crystal Tips against Geopathic Stress

Amazonite, Black Tourmaline, Diamond, Elestial Quartz, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper, Kunzite, Quantum Quattro, Shungite or Smoky Quartz — grid around the house or on any ley lines.

Gridding against EMFs

A piece of Shungite, or one of the other anti-EMF crystals, placed against the source of emissions blocks the detrimental effect. Shungite plates can be stuck onto devices such as phones and screens. Gridding a house or room with Shungite in each corner is also effective. Remember to cleanse the Shungite frequently by running it under a tap — or drop crystal cleansing essence onto it if it is attached to anything with electrical power (turn off first) and then place in the fresh air to recharge.

Shungite Water

In addition to wearing or gridding with Shungite, you can also make Shungite water that can be drunk, applied as a crystal essence to pulse points or dispersed from the hands around the aura.

Shungite water is, in effect, a crystal essence, but it does not require diluting, nor does it require a preservative, unless being made as a ’mother tincture’ for long-term storage. Shungite water has been shown by research to remove harmful elements such as bacteria, viruses and free radicals, and to support your immune system. To become biologically active, water needs to have Shungite immersed in it for at least 48 hours. However, once the first batch is made, simply refill the filter jug every time you use some of the water so that it is constantly replenished. Wash the filter jug and the bag of Shungite at least once a week depending on how much water you have used (you can store the activated water and return it to the jug). Place the Shungite in the sun or air for a few hours to recharge — you can alternate two bags. Raw Shungite is more effective than tumbled, but, no matter how often the non-vitreous type of Shungite has been washed, it does tend to leave a very fine suspension of black particles in the water. This is harmless and part of the process. However, if you prefer, and particularly if you are using vitreous Elite or Noble Shungite, the essence can be made by the indirect method. Note: although most filter jugs are plastic, the Shungite appears to overcome this.


You will need:

✵ 2-litre filter jug

✵ Water (preferably spring but if using tapwater pass it through a commercial filter first)

✵ Fine mesh 2-inch bag of raw Shungite (10—100gm) or, if creating essence by the indirect method, 5—6 pieces of Noble or Elite Shungite in a small glass container.

Creating the water:

✵ Place the mesh bag or glass bottle of Shungite in the base of the filter jug (if using tap water use a commercial filter first).

✵ Pour water into the jug until it is full.

✵ Stand it aside for 48 hours.

✵ Top up the water each time it is used.

✵ Cleanse the Shungite frequently under running water and re-energize in the sun or air.

Creating by the indirect method:

✵ Place the Shungite in a small glass container in the base of a filter jug. Then proceed as above.


You can make a smaller quantity of Shungite essence for daily use or for longer-term storage.

✵ Place a piece of Shungite in a small bowl of water and put into the sun for several hours.

✵ Transfer the water to a small glass bottle.

✵ If storing long-term, add a third of preservative such as white rum, vodka or cider vinegar.

(See also Tool 5, Gem Essences.)

* Original copyright holder not ascertainable