The Immune Systems and Dis-ease - Understanding Your Energy Field

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

The Immune Systems and Dis-ease
Understanding Your Energy Field

Energy protection isn’t only concerned with putting up a shield or drawing off negative energy, it’s also about ensuring your psychic and physical immune systems are functioning at their optimum level. As your immune system is the first line of defence against invading organisms or energies, finding the right balance between an under- and overactive immune system — physical or psychic — is crucial.

There are several factors that can knock the immune system off balance. If you receive any kind of shock, whether it’s at the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level, your chakras quickly go out of balance, your immune system crumbles and your body reacts by going into ’fight or flight’ mode and flooding your system with adrenaline. Physical, emotional or mental shock occurs when you are present at violence, disaster, trauma and tragedy. Psychic shock can come about by watching horrific scenes on television, especially if you imagine yourself a part of them, or hearing about something horrendous that sets off your imagination and worst fears. It can arise from walking into a negative energy field, either one set deliberately for you or left behind by someone — ’psychic mugging’. It can also occur, as can spiritual shock, when you are out of your body or during healing or meditation that is not working at the highest level for your highest good. It can arise through deliberate psychic attack, or ill-wishing, which comes out of someone turning their anger or negative thoughts or emotions towards you. If you are attacked, whether by physical viruses or by someone’s thoughts, dis-ease results and equilibrium needs restoring.

Stress and tension are also powerful initiators of dis-ease. Inadequate rest and nutrition, stressful living, constantly having to meet deadlines and indeed anything that puts a continual stress on your physical or psychic immune systems ultimately manifests as dis-ease of one kind or another.

How you think, or feel, is how you’ll ultimately become in your physical body. Toxic emotions such as guilt, shame or suppressed anger are insidious precursors to dis-ease, as are chronic feelings of low self-esteem and victim mentality. Continually blaming yourself, especially for things you can in no way control, is equally lethal. Guilt and shame are nasty shocks to the subtle levels of your being. All these affect both the psychic and the physical immune systems.

If you’ve been continually drained at an emotional level, by a person or a situation, whether by their behaviour or demands or by a more subtle form of energy leaching, you’ll have lowered resistance to dis-ease. Paying attention to the spleen point under your left arm and removing any energy hooks or drains is vital.

Chronic anxiety and constant fear also weaken the physical and the psychic immune systems. Chronic anxiety is often accompanied by loss of appetite or by gut conditions that preclude the proper absorption of nutrients, and irregular sleeping patterns add to the strain, which may be exacerbated by smoking or drinking.

If depression is a consequence of toxic emotions, medication may suppress the underlying feelings, again causing dis-ease.

Environmental pollution can also create energetic dis-ease that affects the physical and psychic immune systems. Wireless networks, communication masts and so on have a marked effect on the immune systems and sleeping patterns of susceptible individuals.

Many of these factors either deplete the immune systems or force them into overdrive. Fortunately, all of these effects can be reversed and your immune systems can be strengthened in a balanced way that will enable you to resist dis-ease at whatever level it occurs.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Prairie Tanzanite

Prairie Tanzanite creates a grounded spirituality that can incorporate a higher state of consciousness. It ’unplugs from the matrix’, releasing the past, cleansing past-life chakras and rewiring the karmic blueprint. Healing the ancestral line and emotional body, it releases deep-seated trauma and grief, gently clearing the heart. Relieving the symptoms and healing the root causes of post-traumatic stress disorder, the stone identifies unexpected gifts in trauma. Prairie Tanzanite is profoundly calming and centring during periods of extreme frustration, creating a sense of safety and security. It supports children, calms ADHD and helps to overcome insomnia. The stone has a powerful connection to protective nature spirits and cosmic devas.


Two Prarie Tanzanites (bottom left, top right)

Crystals for Your Immune System

The major crystal healing point for your physical immune system is the thymus gland, situated over your higher heart chakra, in the centre of your chest about a hand’s breadth below your collarbone, and this is a linkage point for your psychic immune system too.

Bloodstone, Que Sera and Quantum Quattro are excellent stones for balancing both immune systems. If a system is overactive, they sedate it. If it’s underactive, they stimulate it. At the first sign of an invading dis-ease, tape one of these stones over your thymus and leave it in place for several hours. Similarly, if you suffer a shock or feel particularly stressed, place one on the thymus to alleviate the dis-ease.

~ Treasure Chest ~

Que Sera

An all-round healer and re-energizer, this powerful, synergistic combination has extremely high and yet deeply earthy vibrations. Que Sera is a powerful carrier of Qi and is an excellent shield against Wi-Fi emanations and other electromagnetic pollutants and geopathogens. It recharges and balances the meridians and organs of the subtle and physical bodies. If you have a tendency to dwell on problems this crystal helps you find constructive solutions and to be confident about your actions. This stone helps you co-create your own future.


To stimulate the immune systems, place an immune stimulator on your thymus and an Apophyllite or Clear Quartz in the centre of your forehead, and lie with a hand resting in each groin crease for ten minutes, holding a Smoky Quartz.

Alternatively, tap over your thymus with a Bloodstone or other immune system stimulator for about 20 taps.

Crystal Tips for Immune Stimulators

Amethyst, Bloodstone, Clear Quartz, Green Aventurine, Quantum Quattro, Que Sera, Rose Quartz, Shungite, Sodalite.

Additional Tools

Affirmations (Tool 11), Crystal Layouts (Tool 2), Visioning (Tool 12), Happiness (Tool 21), Crystal EFT (Tool 23).