Working with Ordinary Rocks - Working with Earth Energy and Ordinary Rocks

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Working with Ordinary Rocks
Working with Earth Energy and Ordinary Rocks

There is a lot to learn from all rocks, not just gemstones and crystals. As explained previously, we need to start paying more attention to ordinary rocks, because they too have lessons to teach us. It is easy to assume that regular rocks have little or no power, and thus have no value to us, and there is nothing to learn from them. However, understanding rocks on this deeper level, you realize that the reverse is true. Like crystals and gems, regular rocks are quite live and have many lessons to teach us, from valuable life lessons to time travel to healing, and, ultimately, about our own infinite nature. As the Stone People have spoken, now is the time for us to shift our attention so that we also begin learning from regular or ordinary stones. Then our crystal and stone work will be more complete, giving us more tools with which to work so we can become even more effective.

All stones, whether crystals or ordinary stones, are rocks. Sometimes we seem to forget this, consciously or unconsciously ascribing attributes that are distinctly un-rocklike to certain stones, especially quartz crystals. As was described in the opening paragraphs, each gem or crystal is embedded in a surrounding matrix or rock environment, which is as important as that which it embeds. It is only our regard that distinguishes one stone as more valuable than another or that divides a stone into parts. More often than not, we are the ones who separate the surrounding matrix from the crystal or gem. Sometimes nature does it, but even then we will likely find it with other rock, perhaps resting in a river bottom or lying within a heap of fallen gravel. Nonetheless, even if separated from the regular stone that surrounds the precious stone, the two stones shouldn’t be regarded as separate, but joined as one object or entity, even if we artificially separate them. At the very least, they share the same elements, the gem or crystal birthed from the matrix stone by the addition of minerals and other influences. As such, it could be said that the gem contains the matrix as much as the matrix contains the gem. Even if we have separated a gem from its matrix, then to truly know a stone, whether it is a gemstone, crystal, or another, we must also pay attention to its surrounding rock. This is true even if we have to visualize the physically absent matrix. By doing that we access more of what the gem or crystal can offer us, not only the influences of the surrounding rock, but through that perhaps even lessons of the cosmos and infinity itself.

So far in our work with crystals and stones, not only have we largely forgotten to pay attention to the entire stone but in our attention to the spectacular we have failed to see the beauty of the ordinary. We have become stone snobs, only finding beauty and usefulness in certain gems and crystals, ignoring the rest. In dismissing some rocks as ordinary, however, we have closed our ears to their voice, as if assuming these rocks to be mute … but they aren’t. Though it may be different information, we can learn just as much from ordinary stones as the crystals and gems. Ordinary rocks can tell us of the massive forces of the earth, of the inexorable passage of time, of patience and acceptance, of longevity, solidity, security, and comfort, among other things. We assume them to be cold and lifeless, only the crystal having life, yet if we pay attention, we will find that all stones can be warm, humorous, and informative. And just because they’re solid we can’t assume that they don’t move, because they do. They break away from each other to travel down streams, or people pick them up and carry them long distances. If we harmonize with these ordinary rocks as well as the more precious, paying attention to the entire rock, we can get much more information than just paying attention to the crystal. We get information about the otherworldly realms, as well as about the forces of earth and nature.


No matter which animal is seen, it can be communicated with to learn what it has to say to us. In this way, information can be drawn out of our subconscious into our conscious awareness.


Each rock face can have certain indentations or markings on its surface that offer meaning to us, even those seen on ordinary stones. This volcanic igneous rock spirit stone seems to speak as we gaze upon its face.

This earth magic, earth healing, or earth medicine using ordinary stones has been practiced by indigenous peoples for thousands of years. The rocks they used didn’t have to be fancy or valuable. Peruvian shamans, for example, pick up any rock that attracts them and carry it with them, talking and listening to it for months and years so that they may use it for healing, ceremony, and expanded consciousness. The use of ordinary stones didn’t mean that these indigenous peoples ignored crystals and gems, just that that they used all stones as long as they were attracted to them.

Rock Gazing

One powerful way to use regular rocks is to notice their surface, gazing onto it much as we would gaze into a crystal. Just as a clear quartz or colored stone contains veils and inclusions, each rock face has certain indentations or markings that can have meaning to us, helping us to bring something within our subconscious to the forefront of our consciousness. The rock formations themselves can resemble meaningful human figures or faces, animals, or other beings with whom we can communicate or from whom we can derive power and strength. We can see where they are placed into the earth, where they jut from the ground into the sky, perhaps resembling sentinels or powerful guardians. Their natural placement can create meaningful formations, circles of power, or energy triangles through which we can send and receive messages. We can find meaning and use for the formations of entire mountains as well as the tiniest pebble. It is both our intention and our openness that is important in order to receive their message, to hear their voice resounding in our inner self, or to receive their empowerment, letting it flow into our subtle bodies. Just because a stone is solid, tiny as a grain of sand, or as massive as an entire mountain, it still has its voice if we have the subtle ears to hear. We can also use a clear, perfectly smooth rock for gazing. We have only to focus on its surface, seeing it in more and more detail until either our eyes close and we feel as if we are inside the stone, or eyes open, our vision diffuses until we are completely inwardly aware. Then, just as in all gazing work, we can ask questions or wait to hear the message the stone has for us.

Harnessing the Geologic Forces

Like quartz crystals and colored stones, all ordinary rocks are formed as a result of vast and powerful geologic forces. Like every other stone, this information is stored within it in vibrational form. If we meditate with the rock, we can receive information about ancient times, even before the birth of our planet when the rock was part of a larger mass whirling through space. The powerful geologic forces of fire, water, and wind, of colliding tectonic plates forming rock into massive mountain, of molten lava flowing in rivers of fire until solidifying in a steaming sea, the grinding, thrusting, and crashing, can be harnessed to empower and inform our work, even using the most ordinary rock. The key to sensing these forces, aligning with their power, and bringing their power into our subtle bodies, is to pay attention and harmonize ourselves with the rocks and use the same techniques we use with our crystals. Regular rocks can bring us immense power if used with wise sensitivity.

Rock Healing

We work with the subtle vibrational energy of regular rocks in the same way that we work with crystals and colored stones, using the same methods explained throughout this book. We sensitize ourselves to feel their vibration, harmonize with them, ground and center ourselves, open ourselves, and expand our awareness to hear their guiding voice within our inner mind. What is most important is to ignore the doubting or critical voice within us that undermines our concentration and acceptance with thoughts such as, “This is only a regular stone,” or “Regular stones can’t do anything,” “They’re just rocks,” and so forth. If we can feel the stones, they will talk to us just like any other stone. The difference is that they may speak to us of the earth rather than the heavens. However, even to make that assumption may close our ears to what their voice is saying to us, or blind our eyes to the images that may appear within our inner mind.

Igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary solid rocks can be used to channel the geologic forces into our own or others’ subtle bodies, and they are excellent for grounding, especially if the need is powerful. Placing these rocks beneath our feet, or surrounding ourselves in a circle of these stones can bring powerful grounding and protection. They are excellent for shielding. They can be held, worn, or formed around us in various geometric forms to bring us the qualities of strength, endurance, longevity, peacefulness, patience, acceptance, stability, and permanence. They can help us slow down and reduce our anxiety. The more we spend time with these rocks, the more uses we will find for them. The following is a practice done by Peruvian shamans using regular rocks.


1. Look for a regular rock that attracts you or calls to you. Pick it up, make a silent offering of thanks to the earth, and carry it with you.

2. Center yourself and calm your mind. When centered with a calm, focused mind, ground yourself into the earth, feeling it firmly beneath you. Feel as if you have long roots reaching from the bottom of your spine and the bottoms of your feet that reach deep within the earth.

3. Rub the rock between your two hands, getting to know its feeling and sensitizing yourself to its vibration. When you feel harmonized with the stone, notice everything about it. What feelings do you have when holding the rock? What thoughts come to mind? What does it seem to say to you? Pay attention to every sensation—physical, mental, or emotional.

4. Retaining your sense of harmony with the rock, carry it with you as you go about your daily life. Carry it in your pocket, place it on your desk at work, put it on the table in front of you as you eat, place it beneath your pillow as you sleep.

5. As you carry the rock with you, begin to talk to it. Have conversations and listen to its answers within. If you like, hold it to your ear as you do this. Continue to handle the rock, becoming completely acquainted with every nuance of texture, temperature, and shape. Become totally familiar with it, building a friendship.

6. Eventually, the relationship between you and the rock will build so that you will hear the rock reply to your conversations with words of its own that resound within your inner self. It will reveal any knowledge that it carries and connect you to the entire community of rocks that make up this planet, even minerals, gems, and crystals.

7. You will also be guided as to its healing qualities and other uses, as well as hidden attributes it possesses that can be used in all phases of your work with this rock.

8. Eventually you will feel yourself as one with this community of rock, realizing yourself as not only sharing the same elements, but gaining an essential awareness that is far beyond. In this way you become a rock person.