The Effects of Metals - Crystal and Stone Jewelry

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

The Effects of Metals
Crystal and Stone Jewelry

In nearly every ancient culture, quartz crystal and colored stone tools have been fashioned and utilized in the form of wands or scepters, meditation and healing tools, power pieces and ceremonial jewelry. As with other crystal and stone information, the use of these tools was more often than not restricted to priests, mystics, shamans, healers and their initiates. Today, what has been kept secret has now been revealed to the interested person. The use of crystal wands, meditation and power crystals and gems, healing stones, and other such tools, have been explained in the earlier chapters of this book. It is important to also speak about crystal and gemstone jewelry, since it can also be used effectively for healing, visualization, channeling, sending and receiving, empowerment, and the other techniques described in this book.

Though the main difference, of course, is that we wear a piece of jewelry as opposed to merely holding a stone, there are some other considerations that are important to know about crystal and stone jewelry. When selecting our crystal or stone jewelry, it important to look for certain features beyond its basic artistry. The crystal should be attached in a way that doesn’t impede the flow of energy up and down through its base and point. Specifically, it shouldn’t be drilled horizontally from side to side. Glue should be used sparingly or not at all. Practically speaking, if the setting relies solely on glue or epoxy in order to stay in place, the stone will eventually come out. Too much epoxy will also impede the energy flow of the stone.

The Effects of Metals

The metals that are used are also important, and one will be more balancing to us than another. Copper, for example, brings both the earth and fire element to combine its influence with the crystal or stone in which it is set. Likewise, gold adds solar, fire, or active masculine energy, while silver influences your stone with moon, water, or intuitive feminine energy. Brass primarily channels fire, although its vibration is coarser than gold, connecting it more closely with the earth than the etheric energies of gold. Steel has a very clear, laser-like energy that both connects with the earth plane and brings the strength to maintain higher consciousness as we manifest on the physical plane. Plated metals have some of the qualities of their top plate, but of equal if not more importance is the base metal that lies beneath the plate. Some plated metals have brass underneath the plate, some steel, others are much coarser, like nickel, or those that are potentially harmful, such as lead. It is important to find out which metal is beneath the plate. Metals can be mixed to create a blend of sun and moon or a balance of sun, moon, and earth energy. Generally speaking, the metal we are attracted to is the one that is balancing for us. However, we may find that as our energies shift during the day we feel drawn to other metals. In that case, we may want to change the jewelry we are wearing. Specific metals can be used to balance the energy of our bodies. If we feel that we have a lot of fire within and need softening or calming, then it is good to wear silver jewelry. Likewise, if we tend to be airy or lack energy, gold is probably a better metal for us. If we are too etheric, we may want to wear copper or a copper-plated piece of jewelry.


This silver bracelet by Uma channels dragon energy and the intuitive energy of the moon. Dragons are known to be the protectors of women and the guardians of the gates to wisdom.