Charging Water for Healing - Crystal and Stone Healing

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Charging Water for Healing
Crystal and Stone Healing

This method is useful for all types of healing as well as for general health maintenance. Drinking charged water is also good for energizing our bodies and giving us a feeling of increased vitality and well-being.

To charge water, fill a clear glass container with distilled or spring water. Then select a stone or a combination of stones that have a quality or particular vibration we feel would be helpful for the healing or a general sense of vitality. Clear crystals are not only useful to bring more energy, but they can also be used as a preventative measure against ill health. Of course, they can be programmed to act as if they are any colored stone. If we feel that more vitality is needed because we are feeling a little depressed or blue, we can add a warm or fire-like colored stone. If we feel that we need more nurturing, we can choose any green stone. Green stones are also good to use to bring a feeling of abundance and prosperity. If we have fevers or are feeling agitated, cooling stones that are light powder blue, such as blue lace agate or blue calcite, are useful. Whether clear quartz or colored stone, before we use it, we should make sure it is cleared. After it is cleared, we can program it with visualization, sound, affirmations, or any other influence we would like to bring to it.

Next, drop the stone into the container of water, making sure not to break it in the process. After sensitizing our hands, we should next center our focus upon the container of water. While focusing, we hold our hands, palms down, about three or four inches above the top of the container. Depending upon the sensitivity of our hands, we will feel a buoyant feeling between our palms and the water. If we do not feel this, we can do the hand sensitization practice, and then place our hands above the water again and see if we can feel the buoyancy.

The next step is to circle our hands (palms still facing downward) clockwise three or four times over the top of the container. When doing this, if we have programmed the stone, it is good to focus also on the programming. With sensitivity, we will notice an actual change in feeling between our palms and the water with the crystal in it. With this simple practice, we have now changed the properties of the water to match those of the stone that we dropped into it. We can actually taste the difference. When we then drink this water, it will likewise affect our bodies in ways inherent to the stone and any programming we might have included. Even though we can drink the water now, if we place the container in the sunlight for an hour, a day, or three days, the effects will be much stronger. After charging it with the sunlight, we can store the container of charged water in our refrigerator, drinking it several times a day as needed.

Sometimes a few sips at a time are all that is needed. Other times we may need more. We will either have an intuitive sense about this or feel it in our bodies. In acute cases of illness, we might want to drink a glass every fifteen minutes for the first hour, then smaller amounts during the rest of the day. Feel free to experiment.

When we are working with other people’s healing, we can charge the water for them and then let them take it home to drink as needed. Just as with any healing, if we are not sure of the colored stone to use, we can either use a clear crystal to boost their overall vitality, or use an amethyst, which is useful for any type of healing.

For overall health maintenance or to specifically address a number of issues, we can prepare several containers of charged water in advance, in essence preparing a water healing kit. Each container can be charged with different stones and programming for several select purposes. (If we have programmed the stones that are in the water, we should label each container so we don’t get them mixed up.)

When we are through with the water, it is important that we not only wash the container well, but we also must clear it before our next use. This way our next charging will be purely what we intend.