Other Considerations - Crystal and Stone Healing

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Other Considerations
Crystal and Stone Healing

In order to be guided by the Higher Spirit when we do our healing, as with all crystal and stone work, we need to listen to the inner guiding voice within. Not only do we need to be able to trust the inner guiding voice, but we must also have the courage to follow it, especially if it seems to contradict what we know intellectually. It is sometimes easy to confuse our imagination or intellectuality with our intuition, so we need to learn to distinguish the difference between them, and then have the honesty to admit when we are wrong. Only then can we get back on track and continue to improve our skills. It is necessary when doing our healing work to constantly check our results, admitting when we are wrong, when we may have made a mistake, or when we should have done something differently. This way we can keep on learning. Not only that, but the more we listen to our inner guiding voice, the louder it will speak to us, and not only will it get progressively easier for us to hear it, but we will be able to hear it in ever-increasing detail.

Finally, it is important to note that when we work with a person to help them heal, we are laying ourselves on the line, making ourselves vulnerable to our own self-criticism as well as the possible criticism of others, especially if the healing doesn’t seem to have worked at face value. Our own insecurities will very often be revealed as we do this work, perhaps in such thoughts as, “What if this doesn’t work? What if they get mad at me, or what if they laugh at me? What if nothing happens after I spent two days doing this healing?” It helps, when such insecurities like these and others appear to our minds, to remember who it is that is really doing the healing and, again, offer ourselves as the channel through which it happens. One way to accomplish this is to silently repeat the affirmation, “Not my will but Thine,” Keeping our ego out of the way, we can allow the Higher Spirit or the healing energy coming through us and the more the healing will occur.

It is also important to realize that the healing results may not be those that we imagined, or may not happen at the time the healing work was done. The healing may take some time to unfold. Also, we may initially have intended to do certain techniques only to find that as the healing work progressed other techniques seemed better to use. We may have intended to work on the heart area with watermelon tourmaline, for example, only to find that the tourmaline seemed to want to be used on the head, or that a different stone seemed to be calling for its use instead of the tourmaline. This is not unusual at all, but rather a common occurrence when doing any healing work, including the work we do with crystals and stones.

When doing healing work, it is very important that we constantly clear our stones, as they can pick up the negative vibrations we are releasing as we do our work. In fact, one healing method is to use our stones to pull out or actively remove any negative vibrations that are reflective of the illness or imbalance that we feel or otherwise perceive. These negative vibrations, now held in the stone after being pulled out, are then removed by clearing. When the stone is clear, we can again remove more of the negativity and repeat this process. Also, our subtle bodies can pick up the negative vibrations that are released, which, in turn, can negatively affect us. Sometimes we can actually get the illness we are treating if we don’t clear ourselves as well as our stones. Conversely, as we create the positive vibrations that are needed to replace the negative, it is not unusual for us to also pick those up, which, in turn, can heal us as well. We may find that we are healed in ways we never imagined we needed. As we create balance in others, we tend to create it in ourselves as a by-product.

It is vitally important that we be invited to do any healing work before we do so. This even holds true when doing long distance healing or healing on the subtle planes or within dreams. In that case, we can ask the person in subtle form.

I learned a valuable lesson from one of my teachers about this when I attempted to do long distance healing on his heart condition without asking, even though I was well intended. As I visualized his heart and then reached in to extract the gray mass I saw there, my hand immediately felt as if it was on fire. Since it was painful, I immediately stopped. However, for some days afterward my hand was very sore and didn’t move as well as it did normally. It turned out that he had shielded himself against unwanted psychic intrusions, even those from the well-intended. After reflection and speaking with him, I realized that I should have asked.

Besides having possible unintended negative consequences when attempting healing without being asked, it is quite presumptuous to assume that someone needs us to heal him or her, and we might want to question our motivation. Not only that, more often than not, a person won’t be open enough to be receptive to the healing anyway. One of the first steps to doing any healing work, or most other crystal and stone work with another, is to help the other to be in a state of quiet, relaxed receptivity, open and accepting to all that may occur. Without receptivity, the healing will most likely never happen. Wait to be invited.

Finally, as mentioned previously in this book, it may be tempting to dismiss the healing as only the result of the placebo effect, rather than resulting from any healing modality we may have used. The placebo effect may be exactly what we have skillfully created as a result of our crystal and stone healing work. Rather than being a bad thing, it is actually a good thing, because either way, whether placebo or not, healing has happened, which is what we intended.



When we do healing work it is important that we do certain things to stay healthy, especially with the tendency to pick up negative energy during the healing. Besides clearing our stones and ourselves, it is important to get enough rest and to eat properly. We need to be able to turn down healing requests if we are tired or don’t have the proper amount of energy to do the work. To do healing work takes energy, and if we do too much it is easy to become depleted. We should remain conscious of when we are depleted, subtly and physically, emotionally or mentally. Not only is our tiredness and energetic depletion bad for us if we continue to do healing work, but it also isn’t good for the person with whom we work. If we don’t have the proper energy, we may not have the ability to hear the inner guiding voice clearly, or we may be tempted to take shortcuts that will lessen the healing, or the healing may be only partial or not take place at all.