Who Heals? - Crystal and Stone Healing

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Who Heals?
Crystal and Stone Healing

Even if we are performing the healing, it is a mistake to think that we are actually doing the healing. To think so shows ignorance and arrogance, both impediments to a successful healing. Rather than using our healing work to boost our own egos, it is best to remember that it is the Higher Spirit who performs the healing, and we are just the conduits or the ones setting the conditions so that healing may happen. In fact, the more we egotistically think we are the ones doing the healing, or that we are such great healers, the less the healing will happen. It is also true that the more we question our abilities, worry about how others will think about us when we are doing the healing work, or think of ourselves at all, the less any true healing will happen. Whether positively or negatively, when we think about ourselves in any way instead of merely setting the conditions and letting the healing happen, the more we will be distracted from the focused intention that we need, and the less we will be able to hear the voice of the helping wisdom within. So much of healing work, then, is to constantly leave our personal concerns behind as we carry on with the healing.