Energy Grids and Geometric Stone Formations - Working with Higher Dimensions

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Energy Grids and Geometric Stone Formations
Working with Higher Dimensions

Every geometric formation we make with our stones and crystals creates an arrangement of a vibrational energy pattern in the subtle plane that corresponds to the interconnected physical plane. Certain attributes, activities, and powers are activated by these energetic energy patterns and are available to be worked with in a way that will add to the effectiveness of our stone and crystal work. Though many different stone and crystal energy grids and other formations have already been shown in this book, it is helpful to review the most popular ones used.

The most familiar is the circle, often associated with protection and centering. It represents or gives a sense of infinity, the endless circle of cause and effect, life force or endless life, totality and wholeness. It empowers that which is encircles, amplifying the energetic effects of the practices that we are using within its center.

The square is another familiar form. It can be used to call upon the powers of the four directions: east representing spiritual enlightenment, its color yellow; south representing death, endings, or change, its color red; west representing the great mystery or the unknown, its color black; and north representing healing, birth, and new beginnings, its color white. If we are working with six directions, we include the sky overhead in the center of the square, often represented by the color blue, and also in the center of the square, the earth, represented by the color green. (Some systems use different colors.) The square can be seen to represent perfect balance, grounding, stability, the physical world, or the earth and solidity.


Amethyst stones centered with rose quartz form an energetic power grid that, when worn, handled, or meditated upon, brings all forms of healing and realized consciousness.

The triangle is also common. Known to represent a spiritual gateway, it also represents a merging of the earthly and spiritual realms. It can also represent the triune God, or the spiritual trinity of God the father or Creator, the Son or Guru or heavenly messenger, and the Holy Spirit or the silent voice of the Heavenly Spirit heard within our heart.

The crescent moon with its lunar feminine aspects, or the white crescent representing the water element is a familiar shape. The five-pointed star represents the five elements supporting all life, or the perfected man. The six-pointed star reflects the union of the spiritual and the material, the heart center, or the union of man and God. The lists and systems regarding sacred geometry such as this are many. To include the use of geometry in our crystal work, we need to not only know them intellectually, but also experientially. The best way to experience the energy associated with a geometric space is to set it up around us and intuitively sense what it feels like.

There are many methods to construct these geometric forms. Stones and crystals can be arranged in the geometric shape, amplifying its associated energies. When we place ourselves in the center of the shape, we are affected by its associated energy in amplified form. When we combine colored stones with the geometric shape, the powers associated with the shape are coupled with the energies of the stones for even more powerful effect. Another method is to use quartz crystals and focused visualization, either from within the actual geometric shape, or from within the visualized shape. When we use visualization, depending on the clarity and strength of our focus, a thought form of the visualized shape is created on the mental and astral planes. This arranges the mental and astral vibrational energy patterns in line with the energies attributed to the geometric shape, which in turn affect the physical. Quartz crystals, when combined with the geometric pattern, cause the amplified energy patterns on the astral and mental planes to vibrate with even more power, which in turn makes the resulting physical effects of the geometric creation stronger and more effective.

Colored stones can also be arranged in formation around us in order to affect our subtle bodies with the energies and attributes associated with the color, in turn affecting our physical body or earthly life. Pink stones can be placed in a circle around us, for example, to bring love into our lives. Green stones placed around us can bring the power of nature and nurturing. Royal blue stones can help bring creativity into our lives or increase our psychic abilities. The colored stones can also be arranged around us to open and empower the various chakra points, violet the crown, turquoise the throat, yellow the navel energy center, and so on. When we place colored stones around us, the particular geometric pattern we use will couple its vibrational energy with that of the stones. If we use red stones to make a square formation, for example, it will help bring us a sense of security and grounding. Likewise, if we place ordinary earthen colored rocks in a circle around us, we can balance the infinity of self with the physicality and power of the earth.

When we construct a geometric formation with colored stones, we don’t have to only use a single color, but can combine one or more colors in order to achieve the effects associated with all of the stones. Clear quartz crystals can be used in any formation of colored stones to further amplify their effects as well as to amplify the effects of the geometric form.

The following technique shows how to work with quartz crystals to set up a geometric shape and to experience its power. Though we are working with the square, we can use this method with any other geometric shape, using our clear quartz to draw energy lines connecting the points of the shape to create an energy grid. To set up the following energy grid, we will need four good-sized quartz crystals, a hand-held, single-terminated crystal or crystal wand, and one or two other crystals that are of similar size and/or energy. Though we are setting up this energy grid using only clear crystals, colored stones can be used later if we also want to make use of their energies.


1. Before beginning the formation, sit quietly in a space in which you will remain undisturbed. Lay your crystals in front of you. Sit in a relaxed manner with your spine straight and begin to breathe with long, relaxed, deep breaths in and out of your nose. Gently fill your lungs completely, and then empty them, peacefully allowing your thoughts to come and go, not attaching yourself to any one of them. Paying attention to your breath, feel yourself relaxing and your mind becoming calm and clear. Next, drop your attention from your breathing while retaining your calm, clear focus and begin setting out the square around you in the following manner.

2. Visualize a square of any size around you with yourself in the center. Hold the image in your mind’s eye while you place the first crystal on the top right corner of the imagined square. Place the next crystal on the bottom right corner of the square that is behind you. Place the next crystal on the bottom left corner of the square. Then, place the last crystal on the top left corner of the square in front of you. Point each of the four crystals in towards you, bringing the energy of the square formation into your subtle body.

3. Next, as you sit or stand in the middle of the square formation marked by the four crystals, use your crystal wand or single-terminated crystal to visualize drawing a connecting line of energy between each corner in a clockwise direction. This connecting line may be drawn with the tip of the crystal on the ground or may be directed from where you stand. Visualize this line as gold, silver, violet, or any color that corresponds to the energy you would like to use. In your mind’s eye, clearly see the line of energy that you have drawn touch each crystal point.

4. When you are satisfied that the square is complete, sit or stand in its center, continuing to maintain the clear, focused state in which you formed the square. Allow yourself to feel open, extending your subtle senses or intuition to focus on the energy that you feel within the square. With your intellect aside, notice what your body feels like inside the square. Notice any thoughts that seem to be connected to the square. Notice every feeling, thought, and mental image that comes to your attention. Listen to your inner voice for any direction, empowerment, or further suggestion as to other attributes that shape may have for you. Be still, attentive, and conscious and you will feel the energies of the square, amplified by the quartz crystals, come to you. You may find that specific teachings come to you.

5. After being in the center of the square, when you feel as if it is time to end the empowerment, begin to dismantle the square. First use your crystal or wand to “erase” the connecting line between the crystal corners of the square. When that is done, one by one, in the opposite direction in which they were laid out, remove the corner crystals and place them in front of you.

6. You have now left the square. If you need to, ground yourself. You should feel quite centered. As usual, clear your crystals, yourself, and the room or environment around you.

When working within a geometric shape using the above method or another method, we are focusing and working with only one dimension of the form. In actuality, any geometric form is infinitely dimensional, each dimension extending infinitely in a set pattern triggered by the original geometric pattern that was created. In other words, if we stand in the center of a square shape that we have created on the ground, we actually have the same square shape standing up in front of us, in back of us, and at each side as well. We are standing in a box. This box doesn’t just surround us with six sides like a cube suspended in space. The lines creating the square actually extend infinitely to create square upon square, and ultimately an entire universe of squares in which we stand at the center. Each geometric pattern, then, extends through space to create a grid of endless replications of the original form, its larger vibrational pattern able to be seen or felt as we focus on the single geometric shape. Using the above practice, we can train ourselves to be able to discern the larger pattern as well as the individual vibrational pattern of the original geometric form. The exact center of this multidimensional grid system is where manifestation takes place, forming doorways through which we can travel to other worlds in our dream, or astral, bodies.

Not only is a doorway created, but these grids, all contained within one another, also form a particular pathway through space. When sensitive, we can then extend our consciousness and, in our subtle bodies, use our will to travel through space along the lines of the grid that was created by the original geometric shape. To do this, we only need to have a location in mind, or view it using our astral sight, and then find the grid line highway that connects our present location to the other.