Meeting Angels and Spirit Guides - Working with Higher Dimensions

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Meeting Angels and Spirit Guides
Working with Higher Dimensions

Angels don’t have to present themselves as winged, white-robed, luminous beings, although many times they can appear that way. They may also appear quite ordinary. We may have been visited by an angel who appears as a true friend when we are in need, as someone who helps us when we truly need it, someone who gives us a smile when we are feeling blue, someone who appears to help us in a storm, or someone who offers healing when we are sick or injured.

Whether they appear as regular people to us, as typical angelic forms of light, as tall, golden men or women without wings, as seraphim, cherubim, or archangels, what they all have in common is that they radiate unselfish love and acceptance. If we have the eyes to see, they are all surrounded with a golden aura of light; and if we have the heart to feel, they are pure love. If we are to meet an angel, it is helpful to let go of what we expect an angel to look like and instead experience what they feel like.

Other than these earth angels, who have often descended from the higher planes to take on physical form, astral and higher plane angelic beings are formed of luminous light.

Appearing either male or female, but embodying both male and female energies they are really beyond such distinctions, appearing that way solely to facilitate our relationship with them. Nonphysical entities or spirits, they are divine messengers bringing help, inspiration, and hope to those of us on the physical plane. They are doorways between planes of reality and bridges between the mundane and the highest spiritual reality. They speak in silent tongues that nonetheless sound within our deepest self, bringing higher understanding and wisdom. Their word is of the highest truth that resounds deep within our hearts.

Though it is claimed that only certain crystals help us bridge to the angelic realms, or only certain crystals can be used to connect us with angels, any crystal can be used to help connect us. Opening our hearts, we will find the crystal that is meant for us to use to connect with these angelic beings and with angelic energy. It is good to look for a clear or golden crystal that, when we gaze into it, has a form within that resembles an angel or spirit guide. This guide need not be in human form, or even any recognizable form, but in our heart we know that this being is here to help us. Either this angelic guide is here to bring us into the higher etheric realms, to answer our questions, to provide direction, to bring hope and encouragement, or to fill our hearts with love and compassion. Even if we believe that these angels or spiritual guides within our crystals are a mere projection of our mental wishes and fantasies, they will still provide us the help we need. Perhaps the only way they can appear to us in a way that we find acceptable is when we believe them to be fantasies. It doesn’t really matter. What is most important is that we feel their presence and that they do the work they were meant to do.

Some angels appear to us not to help us specifically, but because we are able to act as the channel through which they can do work on a larger scale. Whether the angelic being appears in order to help us specifically or to bring love and positive energy to the world at large, their energy and their form are real, as is the love and positive energy that they bring. When meeting an angel, it is best to remain in a state of gratefulness, acceptance, and humility, offering ourselves as channels of light. If we start feeling special or better than other people because we are in touch with an angelic being or because our consciousness has traveled to the angelic realms, we will lose the connection. Not only that, but we will be really annoying to people.

Meeting an Angel or Spirit Guide

Though angelic beings are said to be helping our planet with its evolution, it is also said that each one of us has angels or spirit guides that are always with us, helping us in unseen ways, whether we are cognizant of them or not. This practice will help us to actually meet an angel or spirit guide that may already be helping us, or to attract a guide or angelic helper that is new to us. The important thing to remember when asking to meet an angelic or spirit guide, is that we must ask from the space of our heart, that to demand a meeting will only chase an angel or guide away from us. Humility and gratefulness are completely necessary for a meeting. That said, here is the practice.


It is said that each one of us has angels or spirit guides that are always with us. This butterfly spirit guide appears to those who gaze into this crystal ball.


1. Find a crystal or stone that, when gazing into it, seems to have a form inside. This form may actually look like an angel or may be merely a wisp of a veil, a rainbow, or an inclusion that suggests to your inner heart its angelic presence. It doesn’t have to make intellectual sense.

2. Either holding the crystal in front of you or sitting in front of it at eye level, center and ground yourself, then look at this form, seeing it in more and more detail and open your heart to its voice. Completely focused on this angelic form, feel as if you are in the center of the crystal.

3. Continuing to feel as if you are inside the crystal, then feel yourself becoming luminous as you begin to vibrate at an increasingly higher rate to match that of the crystal. See the crystal becoming filled with golden white light as it vibrates at an ever-increasing rate. Feel your skin tingle with the sensation of the vibration inside and outside yourself.

4. As your vibration quickens and you become completely filled with light, starting with your root chakra at the bottom of your spine, feel that each of your chakras are opening to their fullest, filling you with their energy and rainbow light. When you feel your crown chakra open, bringing you the highest violet spiritual energy, you become so light that you feel yourself as floating within the crystal, no longer attached to your physical body.

5. Focus on your heart center, again seeing the angelic form, this time right in front of you. Fill your heart center with all of your love and send out a beam of pink or green light from it as you prayerfully welcome the presence of the angel or spiritual guide.

6. Remaining in this receptive state, see this figure in front of you, both of you surrounded in the same pink or green aura of your open heart. It is through your heart that you will hear the voice of the angel or guiding spirit. Imagine their arms open to you as you feel their overwhelming, loving presence.

7. Introduce yourself, although you are already known, having had your progress followed and guided for quite some time. Thank them for being there with you and ask any question you have or communicate your purpose for requesting their presence, even if it is only to receive comfort rather than help. Listen to the answers and guidance in your heart and trust your intuition.

8. Whether mental pictures, emotions, or sudden intuitive understandings, your answers or help may come in many forms. It is important to remain open to any input, trusting that it is for your own higher good. What may not make sense now will make sense later.

9. If you like, humbly ask that this angelic being or spirit guide make their presence and guidance known to you during your everyday life, though you know they are always with you as an unseen presence. Sit in their presence and receive.

10. You will know when it is time to finish your communication. After receiving their communication and drinking in their loving presence, thank them for being with you, then back out of the crystal in the reverse order in which you entered. As you do this, see their form back away from you and disappear in a glow of rainbow light.

11. When done, after grounding yourself in everyday life, retain the feeling of this angelic being in your heart. Keep the crystal you used for this angelic or spiritual meeting with you. This crystal is your angel guide crystal or your spirit guide crystal. Every time you feel it or gaze into its center with an open heart, you will again meet this presence in one form or another and receive comfort, guidance, or help with whatever you need.