Akashic Records - Working with Higher Dimensions

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Akashic Records
Working with Higher Dimensions

When we speak of reading the past with our crystals or channeling information from the subtle planes, we have often referred to the Akashic records. Based on the Sansksrit term akasa, which means sky, ether, space, or luminosity, the Akashic records are a compendium of all the desires and earth experiences of our planet since time began. Recorded in them are not only human experiences, but the experiences and reactions of the entire animal kingdom as well. Encoded in the astral plane, these records can be seen by those who are able to advance into the astral planes via various forms of meditative experience, astral travel, and other ways of seeing on the higher planes. When we read crystals or crystal balls, it is believed that we can see into these Akashic records and learn from them.

Though there are various methods to use to access the records and various ways of experiencing them, one of the more usual ways is to see ourselves as entering a vast library of books. The book that contains the records we are curious about seems to bounce off the shelf into our hands or just appears in our hands as we focus on our question. Once we have the book, either the pages can turn themselves to those that contain the requested information, or we can turn them ourselves until we find the right place. Of course, the information that is contained within these records is the same information that is held within our own higher consciousness. Referring to the Akashic records can be seen as merely a device that helps us access this information more easily. Accessing the Akashic records can be done with the same gazing techniques already presented already in this book. The trick to accurately reading these records is to be able to distinguish between our own desires or imagination and actual information. The test, as in all crystal and stone work, is to try on the physical plane what we learn on the etheric plane.