Seeing the Past and the Future - Working with Higher Dimensions

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Seeing the Past and the Future
Working with Higher Dimensions

The past and the future are artificial constructs based on our limiting physical brain that can only experience with duality rather than in wholeness. In other words, our brain is linear in its thinking, creating a separation between “me” and “not me,” and experiencing time in a linear fashion with a beginning and an ending. This linear and dualistic thinking not only creates our sense of a separate self, which may be useful in order to operate within a physical world, but supports an artificial distinction between past and future that only holds true when operating from a point of view. Just as the parts of our body can be experienced separately or as one unified entity, we can experience the separate planes of reality even though they are all really one. In that way, with a more limited view, there is certainly a past and a future that is as real as it is ultimately unreal.



As has been referred to in many previous parts of this book, we are able to experience both the past and the future when working with our crystals and crystal balls. How is this possible? All objects, thoughts, emotions, events, etc., that appear on the physical plane first manifest as vibrations on the subtle planes (i.e., causal, mental, and/or the astral plane). The vibration in the subtle planes can be seen as the cause that sets into motion the events that are to follow on the physical plane. When we are seeing into the future, we are actually sensing or seeing a subtle plane vibration and interpreting the physical plane event that is to follow from it. We will be accurate in our prediction to the extent that other subtle causes do not intervene. Anything that has already occurred on the physical plane affects the vibrations on the subtle planes, leaving its impression. Eventually, everything is recorded in the form of vibration in the subtle, akashic plane, or universal ether, with which all space is filled. When we are seeing into the past, we are viewing this latter vibrational pattern on the subtle planes. This is sometimes referred to as viewing the akashic records. In any event, when we are seeing the past or the future, we are just sensitizing ourselves to and interpreting the vibrational or psychic shadows that precede and follow physical plane events.

Just as modern theoretical physics has proposed that all vibration exists as only potential, and that matter only comes into existence when measured or noticed, and since subtle vibrations are always in existence, the past and the future can be said to come into being only when being noticed, their past or future linear progression depending solely on our viewing. In that way, though the future seems to proceed from the past, in reality past and future exist in the unknowable present as one. In this way, the past and future can be both linear and nonlinear, a dichotomy clear only to a way of knowing that is beyond our physical brain. In the physical universe, however, the past and future proceed in linear fashion and can be read in subtle form.