Emotional Work with Crystals and Stones - More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Emotional Work with Crystals and Stones
More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

To work with emotional states and quartz crystals, we must be in firm control of our emotions, not letting them control us. To be in control of our emotions doesn’t mean we don’t have emotions. On the contrary, we not only have emotions, but to be successful with thought projection and many other crystal and stone techniques we must develop the ability to feel them intensely. If we don’t have the ability, or are afraid to feel our own emotions, we will be afraid to open ourselves to the emotional experience of other people and will be limited in any emotional or healing work we do.

Crystal and stone work demands that we have empathy and compassion for ourselves as well as those with whom we work. It is compassion and empathy that allows us to be accepting rather than judgmental, which, in turn, allows us the deep understanding through which we can know the heart of a problem. The ability to be compassionate and empathetic helps us listen to the wisdom of our heart rather than just our mind, which together provide us the information needed to give us the true picture and successfully guide our work. We will see that every situation, object, and being has a particular feeling associated with it that we can feel in our body when we are clear and centered and when our mind is quiet.

To have these qualities, we must have an open heart center, because it is in this center that empathy and compassion dwell. If we harden ourselves against feelings, it is as if we build walls around our heart center, obstructing it so that subtle energy cannot channel through our body as it must. We become blocked, not only from our own feelings and the feelings of others, but against the free flow of energy rising through our subtle body. This, in turn, blocks the development of any kind of expanded awareness.

While it is important to be able to let our emotions flow and to pay attention to them, they also need to be under our control. To be in control of our emotions means that we allow them to come and go without necessarily letting them determine our speech or our actions. Remaining impartial, we can just observe them at will, and then determine appropriate action rather than just blindly reacting to them.

If we investigate our emotions as they appear and disappear from our awareness, we will be able to see that primary to every emotion is a thought, or series of thoughts, to which we then react emotionally. Other than the deeper love that is always present whether or not we have the higher awareness needed to experience it, emotions or emotional states always pass away. Emotions need our attention to exist. It is with our attention that we feed them so they stay present in our awareness. This is true about any emotion, not just negative emotions.

It is helpful to observe what triggers each emotion. Quite often it is based on a desire, or set of desires, we have that is not being met. We feel angry, for example, if someone snubs us when we want him or her to pay attention to us. We feel frustration when a goal we have is not met. We feel happy when we get what we want, and sad when we don’t. If we study our emotional reactions, watching them pass through our awareness without trying to change them, we can learn much about ourselves and, by extension, much about others. This will bring us wisdom that we can use in our work.

As we work to strengthen our nervous system and open our navel center, we will develop the strength of will that is necessary to be able to withstand the urge to act impulsively based on the flow of emotion. With strength of will, we will be able to step back and just observe and experience the emotion without repressing it or in any way doing anything about it. If we want a difficult emotion to pass, the less attention we pay to it, the more willpower we have to delay the automatic urge to act, the quicker the emotion will disappear. In other words, if we are working to release stuck emotions in others or ourselves, we need to first experience the emotion, observe the desire behind it completely, and, without taking any action, let go of the desire. Letting go of the desire, the emotion will pass.

Of course, the more difficult work, then, can become to let go of the desire, which we may not be willing to do. We can first use our crystals and stones to assist us in identifying the underlying desires, and then in releasing emotional blockages by releasing the desires. When using our stones, if we are able to just observe emotional states without necessarily acting on them, we will eventually understand how to deal with them appropriately.

As we have discussed, when effectively working with crystals and stones, we must be flexible and act in harmony with the guiding voice within us. If we are attached to or lost in an emotional state, we will not be able to focus our attention on the inner guiding voice, nor will we be able to completely focus our will to project any other visualization, thought, or emotion. Unable to discern the inner guiding voice, instead of doing what we intended as we work with our stones, we will primarily be projecting our emotional state.

Once having developed dispassion and compassion along with an open heart center, we can easily work with emotions in our stone and crystal work. Not only can we work with someone on an emotional level, but adding an emotional component to our work makes it that much more effective. Every situation, object, and being has a particular feeling associated with it that we can feel in our body when we are clear and centered and our mind is quiet. If we are quiet and focused, we will feel that each stone we pick up will create an associated emotion within us. It may be faint or quite apparent. These are the feelings we can work with when we are using our stones. When we are able to feel the associated emotion, we can work with them, along with our stones, to make the changes that are needed. Thought projection, for example, is stronger when we join the thought with an appropriate emotion. Visualization is stronger when we join emotion with mental images. Many illnesses have an emotional underpinning, and if we are able to discern and positively transform the underlying emotion, the illness will clear up.

To deliberately create and transmit emotions to make changes is one of the central techniques of crystal and stone working. To do this, we need to first picture a particular change that we want to make, or a particular visualization that we want to project. Next, after calming and centering ourselves, we then focus on our heart center to discern the feeling that seems to be associated with what we want to do. Then, while still focusing on the visualization or intended change, we increase the intensity of the emotion and then project the emotion into the crystal using our focused will. This will create an associated vibratory state within the crystal that highly amplifies the projected emotion. Then, while still retaining our focus on our visualization and corresponding emotion, we use our will to transmit that vibration from the crystal to the intended situation, object, or being using a strong exhale to empower the transmission.

As we continue to develop dispassion, or the ability to remain nonreactive in response to the emotions that flow through us, and as we become comfortable, less guarded, and unafraid of emotions as a result, we will find that our heart center will naturally open. As our heart center opens and we aren’t blinded by our emotions, we will find that we are in a natural state of love that only had to be uncovered. This natural love has nothing to do with emotionalism or being in love, but is quite different. Though blissful, it is calm. Though endlessly expansive, it is always present. Though beyond all words and understanding, it is completely known. Never leaving, it is an endless font of quiet joy.

The following is a method to help us release any disturbing or negative emotions with our crystals and stones. We can also use this to release any thoughts or desires that keep the n egative or disturbing emotions in place.


1. Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Or, if you are more comfortable, sit on your knees or cross-legged. Keep your spine straight.

2. Hold a quartz crystal in front of you with both hands, pointing the tip upward. (Holding the crystal with both hands balances the male and female energies in your body, which in turn helps you channel more effectively.) Ground and center yourself.

3. Focus your concentration into the crystal until you feel yourself vibrating in harmony with it.

4. Think of the desire or thought that you would like to eliminate. Feel any emotions associated with that desire and retain them in your focus. If any mental pictures appear to you that seem to be associated with this unwanted desire or thought, focus on them as well.

5. When you have the thought or desire and all feelings and mental images associated with it firmly in focus, inhale through your nose. Then, forcefully exhale through your mouth while visualizing that you are blowing all unwanted emotions and thoughts into the crystal in front of you.

6. Continue this process for ten minutes or until it seems that all unwanted thoughts and emotions are now inside the crystal. A corresponding vibration within the crystal will be created that resonates in harmony with the projected desire or thought. The crystal might begin to seem dull or cloudy.

7. When you are through, take the crystal with your right hand and point it down to the floor or earth in front of you. Use your focused will to send the unwanted desire or thought from the tip of the crystal into the earth. (If you are inside, send it through the floor and imagine it flowing down into the earth.)

8. Imagine that the particles of the earth surround and break apart the desire or thought until it is completely disintegrated and swallowed by the earth. Now, imagine the earth to be in a state of calm and peace.

9. Continue to do this for ten minutes, until you feel it is time to stop or until the crystal seems more clear. The vibration of the crystal will have changed back to its prior state or to a new vibration that matches your current peace of mind. Clear your crystal, or for the most difficult emotions or desires bury it in the earth until you feel that it is completely clear.



As described earlier, we can make positive changes by first creating an emotional state, visualization, or thought that corresponds to the positive changes that we intend, and then projecting it into a crystal. Once the crystal is programmed with this projection and vibrates accordingly, we can send the programming out to the intended person or environment in which we want the positive changes to occur. The following is a crystal practice that uses this technique:


1. Set three crystals of equal strength or vibration in a triangle around you with a crystal at each point of the triangle. Sit or stand with your spine straight in the middle of the triangle, facing the top point. It is out of this point that you will send your projection.

2. Sensitize your hands. Once your hands are sensitized, hold a quartz crystal wand or single-terminated crystal in each hand. The two crystals should be matched in size and power. Close your eyes and begin to concentrate.

3. Take a few long, deep breaths through your nose and center yourself. As you do this, focus on your heart center. As you inhale, fill your heart center with a loving feeling. As you exhale, release any other thought or emotion than the loving feeling. Continue until you feel as if you are completely filled with love. This will activate your heart center.

4. Next, extend your arms to your sides, parallel to the ground. Hold your sensitized hands with their palms facing upward, holding the quartz crystals or the wand crystal. Point them in toward your body. Now, as you inhale through your nose, feel that you are drawing in currents of energy through your fingers, activating the crystals, amplifying the energy even more.

5. Send this energy up through your arms to your heart center, joining these powerful vibrations with the love in your heart center. Then, send this energy from your heart to circulate through your entire body. Do this until you sense that your entire body is filled.

6. When you feel yourself filled with this loving vibration, next focus on the emotion, thought, and/or visualization that you want to project. Focus on it very clearly, experiencing every detail. Fill your body with this charged vibration that corresponds with the thought, feeling, or mental image until there is nothing else in your consciousness that is not part of your intended projection.

7. When that state is reached, send the vibrations from your heart, through your throat, and up to your third eye center in the middle of your forehead.

8. Focus on your third eye as you turn the crystals or wands to point outward from your body, reversing the energy flow. Holding the crystals out in front of you, arms extended, inhale deeply through your nose, and then blow our strongly through your mouth, sending streams of energy out through your arms, hands, third eye, and the crystals. With the outward current of energy, send the thought or visualization to the intended recipient while focusing on your third eye.

9. Use your strong intention and focused will to empower your projection. Constantly fill your third eye with the energy from your heart center. (This is only possible when your throat center isn’t blocked.)

10. Fill the recipient with the projection until your body feels empty, until you see results, or until you intuitively feel it is time to stop. When finished, sit for a while and center yourself, gently filling yourself with energy again. Rather than let yourself become physically or psychically depleted, draw in energy from the earth through your feet to nourish you or draw in energy from the sun through the crown of your head to recharge yourself. Ground and center yourself again, then clear your crystals, the recipient of the projection, the room or environment around you, and yourself.