Creating Psychic Shields or Protective Auras with Stones - More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Creating Psychic Shields or Protective Auras with Stones
More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

How important is receptivity to the process of projecting and receiving thought forms and thought waves? Can we effectively project thought if the recipient isn’t open? Is it necessary to protect ourselves against free-floating thought waves and forms that we don’t want affecting us? Can they actually harm us in some way? And, finally, can anyone at any time project whatever they want to into us? Is this not an invasion of our privacy and autonomy?

These questions are usually asked when we realize the intentional and unintentional nature of thoughts and their projections. The most important fact to remember when asking any of the above questions is that neither thought forms nor thought waves can affect us unless there are vibrations in any of our bodies capable of responding sympathetically to them. In other words, if we hold any thoughts (or emotions) that are similar, we can unintentionally attract the like vibrations from anyone else or the surrounding environment. Thus, we can see the importance of self-development. As we empty ourselves of any lower desires and focus more on higher qualities, our body automatically vibrates at a higher rate. Any projection of a lower nature with its corresponding slower vibrational rate cannot penetrate this more rapid vibrational state. Not only is it unable to penetrate through our body’s more rapid vibrational rate, but it gets repelled back to the person who projected the lower thought form. Thus, the best protection against any undesirable thought wave or thought form is to develop those higher qualities of peace, love, contentment, and the like. Though we tend to develop these higher qualities just in the course of doing our stone and crystal work, we can also do specific practices, like the ones given in this book, to develop ourselves.

If we feel that we are not sufficiently developed or are in some way still vulnerable to unwanted thought projections, there are other ways to protect ourselves. First, we need to be sure we are getting enough rest so we are not tired. When we are tired and our energy is depleted as a result, our vibrational rate decreases and negative thought forms or other harmful energies can enter our aura and affect us negatively. Secondly, the most obvious method of protection is to avoid environments that are likely to be filled with the thought forms we wish to avoid. For example, if we don’t want to be affected by violent thoughts, we shouldn’t go to a violent movie or attend an activity that puts those thought forms into the immediate environment or encourages participants to have violent thoughts. If we find ourselves in a relationship with an angry or abusive person, we can leave it. Third, if we become aware that unwanted thoughts are being projected towards us, we can use our focused will to actively resist it. As with all stone and energy work, the stronger our concentration and strength of will, the stronger our resistance will be.

Instead of leaving ourselves vulnerable to negativity, we can actively create an environment around us that is of a higher nature. We can fill our environment with appealing colors, sounds, crystals and stones, pictures, plants, and other positive influences that cause us to feel happy and peaceful. Also, a psychic shield can be constructed to surround us with protection if we are feeling particularly sensitive and vulnerable, or in a situation in which we are energetically open. This shield is built on the subtle planes and will keep any undesirable thought or emotion from entering our aura and negatively affecting us.

Even though we may be trying to be helpful by projecting a thought wave or form that is higher in nature, the recipient must be open to it and not actively resisting our projection. Therefore, it is important in our stone and crystal work with thought projection, as well as emotional projection, to prepare the person to receive it. As with all healing work, it is important to ask and receive permission to send the projection. If we have permission and are sending a projection from a distance, let the recipient know when we intend to begin and finish. If the recipient is with us, assist them to relax and open themselves so they can receive the positive effects of our work with them. Explain what we intend to do and the results that we both can expect. Guide the recipient to a receptive frame of mind. Of course, if we are working only with ourselves, as with visualization and other practices, the process of creating the thought in the first place causes us to vibrate in harmony with it. It is possible to affect someone with our thought projection if they are daydreaming or not actively using their mind. Often, then, any higher thought projection that you send their way may find some degree of harmonious resonance with the recipient. However, a neutral state of mind in the recipient is not as conductive to a successful thought projection as an open, receptive state of mind.

The following is a technique we can use to create a shield against undesirable thought and emotional projections that are either actively directed towards us or surrounding us in our environment. This shield is not only created on the physical plane, but also extends into the subtle planes, providing protection for both our subtle and physical bodies.


1. Sit or stand with your spine straight. Hold a quartz crystal in each hand. If you like, hold or wear a double-terminated clear crystal on your third eye chakra. This will enable you to more effectively visualize the shield. Surround yourself in a circle of four or eight evenly spaced clear quartz, citrine, or yellow colored crystals. Hold two clear quartz crystals, one in each hand, in a receptive position. Ground and center yourself, clear your mind, close your eyes, and focus on your third eye chakra.

2. Visualize bright, golden light rising from the stones to completely surround your body and extend outward from it about a foot in all directions. Be sure to remember to surround yourself under your feet and over your head as well. See yourself as being in the center of this egg-shaped, golden orb of light that surrounds you in its protective fire. Let yourself feel its power as it protects you from all negativity and unwelcome intrusions of vibratory energy.

3. Visualize that any undesirable influence is either repelled from the edge of your golden egg of light or consumed in its brilliance as you remain calm and unaffected in its center. Feel that no matter which direction you move, you are still surrounded with this shield of light, even if you step out of the protective ring of crystals or put the crystals in your hands aside.

4. If you like, carry one of the hand crystals that has been programmed with the protective fire of your psychic shield. This crystal will help you to both recall and maintain the shield about you if it weakens.

5. When you no longer feel as if you need the shield, see the orb of light slowly dissipate, disappearing back into the stones that surround you. Though you no longer have the shield around you, you still feel its strength remaining with you.

6. After dismantling the circle of stones, clear each one of them, yourself, and your hand stones, unless you want to keep one with you to continually bring you the psychic protection and strength that its programming will provide.