Sustaining Thought Forms with Crystals and Stones - More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Sustaining Thought Forms with Crystals and Stones
More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

A thought form will stay alive and continue to affect its recipient as long as there is some form of attention behind it and the recipient is open to its transmission. There are times in our work with crystals and stones that we may want to continue a particular process for a length of time, especially in mental, emotional, or physical healing work. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to personally attend to the process for the length of time that is needed for the healing to be successful. Nor can the person who is receiving the healing be with us that long. The following is a technique we can use with our crystals or stones to maintain and project a thought form or visualization extending over distance and time. This can be done either when we desire to remain open and receptive to a particular thought form that is being sent to us, or when we want to keep sending a thought form.


1. Obtain a picture of the person whose healing you are working with. If you do not have a picture, draw a picture of them as best as you are able. (It doesn’t matter how well drawn your picture is, only that you know who it represents.) Place this picture on an altar or any special place that can be left undisturbed. Choose a quartz crystal or colored stone that you feel would be good to work with. Clear the stone or crystal before you begin.

2. Sit or stand comfortably, clear your mind, ground and center yourself. Now, focus on the other person as you visualize the thought form that you wish to project. In this case, it may be the thought of that person as healed. See every detail in your mind’s eye as you focus on the person. While you do this, hold the crystal or healing stone you have chosen in one or both hands and gaze into it. As you gaze, feel as if you are beginning to send the projection of them as healed through your eyes.

3. Next, use your breath to project the healing visualization or thought into the crystal or stone. While continuing to focus, inhale with strength, and then with your exhale blow the projection into the crystal or stone, imagining that it fills up with your healing projection.

4. When you are intuitively satisfied that the stone or crystal is filled with your projected thought, place the crystal or stone on top of the person’s picture, maintaining the focus of your healing projection. Using your focused will, suggest that the vibrations of the crystal or stone, which now carries your healing thought or visualization, continually projects healing to that person through the medium of the picture, continuing nonstop whether you are present or not.

5. Continue this for thirty days, or any length of time you feel is appropriate. During this time, pay attention to the stone atop the picture any time you are in its presence. If you feel that the stone needs charging with a different type of healing thought or imagery, or if you intuitively feel a weakening of the thought transference, focus on the stone and add some more thought or imagery of healing or whatever else you feel is needed. You might carry another smaller crystal or stone with you to remind you to tune into this healing process to see if anything else is needed. You can also use it to help transfer more thought forms into the crystal or stone on top of the picture.

6. When you are through with this process, remove the crystal from on top of the picture and clear it while sending a prayer or good wishes to the person being healed. Clear yourself and do what is appropriate with the picture.