Developing Personal Power with Stones and Crystals - More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Developing Personal Power with Stones and Crystals
More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

Personal power is more often than not linked with the achievement of goals, the more goals reached, the more we assume ourselves to be personally powerful. However, although we can do practices such as the above to help us meet our goals, what underlies the meeting of goals is our connection with a larger power rather than what we experience through our limited selves. In the practice above, not only are we focused on meeting goals, but we are also addressing this larger power.

At the heart of all life is energy, a pure power that forms the basic life force supporting all that manifests as the physical universe (and other universes as well). To have personal power is to align ourselves with, and be one with, this basic life energy of the universe. When aligned, we find that true personal power comes not from what we have or do, but rather from who we are.

In the normal way of thinking about personal power, however, we tend to think that if we are one type of person or another, or that if we could only change ourselves one way or another, we would become more powerful. The problem with this type of thinking is that it attaches personal power to achievement based on a shallow, limited sense of who we are, rather than the infinite reality of who we truly are. If we are only referring to a limited self, we can only achieve limited power, which can always leave us, since that on which it is based is subject to the infinitely changing physical, emotional, and mental whims of life. With this limiting mindset, it seems that in order to become powerful or to keep our power, we have to hold onto whatever power we can get or that we already have, change our life circumstances, or fight others to get what we imagine is in limited supply or may disappear at any moment.

In contrast, if we are grounded in the reality of the unlimited, then instead of grasping after power, we can relax, be ourselves, and effortlessly experience an unlimited, universal power that is always available to manifest through us into the physical world. We don’t have to be afraid of not having enough power because this power is unlimited. There is always enough to go around. We don’t have to compete for it, fight for it, or try to keep others from it.

In line with this, personal power, then, is not made to happen, but instead is allowed to happen. We can’t grab it or force it. Instead, we can only remove the impediments to it in our lives, and then let it flow through us to manifest as actions in the physical world. So, when we want to build personal power in our lives, we have to stop our efforts to be what we are not and let go to manifest who we are. As we increasingly see through the illusions of the world that lend it solidity and resistance, and at the same time follow our hearts’ desires, we will manifest this universal power in our world in the way that is appropriate for us. Our attachment to the unchanging underlying reality of the world naturally brings us deep happiness. When we are deeply happy in this way, being naturally creative and attuned to our hearts, we will find that a path presents itself to us, which, when followed, brings us achievement in this physical world. This is true personal power.


This is especially important in our work with crystals and stones. Though we do certain practices to have things happen or make changes, we are merely setting the conditions through which these changes occur. To the degree that we think it is we who are making the changes, the less these changes will occur. The more we think that it is we who are doing the healing, for example, the less effective we will be and the less the healing will happen. If we ground and center ourselves, calm our minds, focus, and then use our stones in one way or another, we are setting the conditions that are necessary to become channels or vehicles for energy, power, or life force to flow through us to create the desired results.

The work, then, is not to just learn various techniques with our stones and crystals, but also to remove any obstructions that will impede the flow of energy or power through us. The various factors that can impede the flow of energy through us are many, though the most common are doubt, fear, distrust, arrogance or trying to be “important,” feelings of unworthiness, competitiveness, expectancy, preference for one result or another, wanting to please, dishonesty or lying about results to ourselves or others, trying to please others at the expense of the truth, and being over tired and mentally, emotionally, or physical imbalanced in some way. As we do our work with stones and crystals, then, it is most helpful to be aware of these or other ways in which we are blocking the success of our work and the flow of power through us. Some of these impediments may be obvious, but others may be much more subtle. If we are honest as we do our work, however, such subtleties will reveal themselves. True power can only come to us through honesty.