Programming a Quartz Crystal or Stone - More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Programming a Quartz Crystal or Stone
More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

If we center and ground ourselves, calm our minds, harmonize with the stone, listen to the wisdom of our heart, and access our inner knowing, every time we pick up a quartz crystal, colored stone, or even an ordinary rock, we will know exactly what to do with it. Sometimes we may hear that we should do nothing, or that the stone shouldn’t be used by us at all, but generally speaking, if we are aware, there is always some use that can be discerned. The main thing is to not be afraid to try.

The following are some of the more usual practices that can be done with our stones.

Though these instructions will illustrate some of the more common practices, the more experience we have, the more we will find even more creative uses for our stones beyond those talked about here. The uses we discover may be specific to us, at a specific time or place, or with other specific people. The new stone practices we discover may not be for everyone either, but what is most important is not whether they work for anyone else, but only if they work for us.




Programming a Quartz Crystal or Stone

As explained in the beginning of this book, all crystals and stones attract and store what comes into contact with them in a vibrational form, which can affect us, other people, or the environment. This happens automatically, the Hope Diamond being an example, or it can happen deliberately using a process we call programming the crystal. Quartz crystals are the easiest to program, but other stones can also be programmed. The process of programming a stone or crystal is to consciously create a vibration or set of vibrations in a crystal that are then stored. When we use that crystal again, we can tune into the stored vibrations of the programming and access them to affect the current situation we are in. A programmed stone or crystal can have its energies used in very specific situations, or can be used to send its energies throughout an entire room. The changes in vibration that we caused in our crystal can be used immediately or can be stored in our crystal to be used later. There is no end to the length of time that programming can be held in a crystal as long as it is not cleared or is not diluted with other influences. However, the programming is not locked in our crystals or stones forever. Anytime we want to remove the programming we have only to clear our stones again.

Clear quartz crystals or crystal spheres are the easiest to program because of their unique energetic properties, which make them easier to send and receive energy and otherwise interact with. A colored stone or crystal, especially if it is quartz based, can be programmed fairly easily with just a little more concentration. A denser stone, no matter what its color, is much harder to program, taking a lot of concentration and patience. Whether clear, opaque, or dense, the programming will be combined with the energies of the stone’s color properties. This can be used to our advantage, depending on our programming. Programming the feeling of love to flow into a rose quartz would be of benefit, while the programming of any kind of fighting would probably be mutually exclusive, one cancelling out the other. Warrior energy would, in most cases, be better programmed into a garnet or obsidian. If we listen to our intuition, we will know what will work. It is probably more effective to start with a clear quartz crystal when we first start programming. Once we are stronger programmers, moving to other stones is a natural thing to do.

There is no end to what can be programmed into a crystal or stone. We can program them with thought, intention, emotion, sound, color, touch, imagery, or any other influence, as long as we consciously project it using our focused intention.


1. Clear the crystal that is to be programmed, and then hold the crystal in both of your hands while gazing into it. (If the crystal cannot be picked up, just lay both hands upon it, palms facing the crystal.

2. While gazing into the crystal, breathe naturally and feel as if your breath is flowing in and out of your heart chakra. Feel the floor or earth beneath your feet and relax the small of your back.

3. Continue to focus into the crystal. If your thoughts wander, just let go of them and bring your focus back into the crystal.

4. Now, concentrate on what it is that you want to program into the crystal. Hold this intention as completely as possible. See it in your mind’s eye, feel it, hear it, or sense it. Use any of your senses to make your intention more real to you. However, no matter which other senses you employ, don’t let your attention drop. If your mind wanders, let go of those thoughts and bring your mind back to what it is you are programming.

5. Next, as you continue to concentrate on what you intend to program, inhale, and then forcefully exhale through your mouth, blowing your intention into the crystal with each exhale.

6. Continue this process until you feel satisfied that you have completely filled the crystal with your intention. You will intuitively know when it is enough.

7. Whatever you programmed into the crystal is now stored in vibrational form until you clear it out.

8. If you want to further lock the programming in the crystal, you can quickly pass it through a flame. A small candle flame is sufficient for this purpose.

9. When the programming is done, clear yourself and the environment around you after wrapping the stone or placing it somewhere in your environment. If you have placed the crystal in your environment, make sure that you don’t then clear your environment or you may undo your programming.

Though this practice describes how to program a quartz crystal, it can be done to program any stone, gem, rock, or other crystal. We may find, however, that unlike programming a quartz crystal or sphere, it will take longer before we intuitively feel as if it is sufficiently programmed. If they are very dense, we may find that we have to program the stones over many sessions.

Just as we may check that everything is in its place when we arrive home, it is a good idea to regularly check any stones and crystals around our environment to see if they have been programmed, and if so, how they have been programmed. To do this, we have only to tune into our environment, ground and center ourselves, harmonize and focus on our stones, and see what impressions we receive. Though some do this for protection, it is just doing your due diligence and being sensible.