The aura and subtle energy bodies - The Basics

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

The aura and subtle energy bodies
The Basics

The physical body is surrounded and interpenetrated by subtle energy fields or ’bodies’ known as the aura or biomagnetic sheath. The aura is linked through, but not limited to, specific chakras. All, or any, of the subtle bodies may hold personal karmic or ancestral trauma, engrams and imprints that need to be released and healed. These subtle energy bodies with their imprints radiate out from the body in layers, with the chakras connecting them, each having a finer and more subtle vibration. But they are actually interlinked through multidimensional frequencies and interpenetrate each other. Crystals interact with the chakras and the blueprints to bring the bodies back into an appropriate harmony and equilibrium and to heal energetic ’holes’, energy loss, distortion or imprinted patterns that no longer serve you.


The subtle biomagnetic sheath around the physical body that holds the energetic imprint of your present and former lives, and those of the ancestors.

These interpenetrating layers are like blueprints that hold information, bio-memories and engrams from which the physical body will be constructed and maintained. The blueprints affect how the chakras function as well as your physical, emotional and mental well-being. In some cases, blockages in the chakras may need to be released by healing the subtle energy body first. In other cases, clearing the chakra will result in clearing a specific layer of the subtle energy body. Medical science is beginning to recognise the existence of these bio-memory blueprints.

Bio-memories are memories that are locked into our cells. They carry hereditary memories, past-life memories and memories that have become part of the very fiber of our current personality through constant repetition for years. Both physical and mental patterns can become part of our bio-memory. Bio-memories have the power to trigger physical actions like fight or flight. Mental states like depression and anxiety can quickly become part of our bio-memory if we are not careful. Bio-memories are not only unconscious, but are usually untraceable to any particular source incident.3

These bio-memories are also known as engrams, or engraved memories, and are:

bio-chemical changes that occur in neural tissues as the result of a powerful or persistent reaction to any situation. An engram is not an ordinary memory, but more like a photograph of the situation or event, complete with the emotional response that accompanied it. Engrams exist just below the level of our consciousness, influencing our emotional responses without our knowledge.