Chakra attachments - The Basics

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Chakra attachments
The Basics

Chakras may be blocked by an attaching spirit, personal thought or belief, or imperatives or thought forms from the ancestral line. It’s not only discarnate spirits that may attach here. The living may affect you too. It is quite common to find undue influence from the immediate family being exercised through the chakras — and through the navel if the influence is maternal. Thought is a very powerful thing and thought forms or strong belief systems may easily affect the chakras especially around the head and throat. It is also common to find that miscarriages or stillbirths have left behind some of the energy of the soul who could have been born, especially if there is an unfulfilled soul contract operating behind the scenes. You may find emotional attachment hooks in the spleen, sacral and solar plexus; thought forms in the third eye and soma; ancestral hooks operate in virtually all the chakras but especially the causal vortex, alta major, navel (tummy button) and base chakras.

Chakra attachments

Gaia Gateway (below the Earth Star): Planetary connection

Attachments: Cosmic, racial and collective spirits, often those who were dispossessed of their lands or ethnically cleansed.

Earth Star (below the feet): Material connection

Attachments: Spirits of place, stuck spirits. Those who wish you to walk in their footsteps. If it is permanently open, you can easily pick up negative energies from the ground or attract ’spirits of place’, either as attachments or as communication of events that have taken place.

Knee: Flexibility, balance and willpower

Attachments: Those who want you to walk in their footsteps — ancestral spirits or past life personas that have a different agenda to your present soul intentions.

Palm: Energy manifestation, transmutation and utilisation

Attachments: Energy drawn from anyone you’ve shaken hands with or touched in any way, also negative energy from objects or the environment. Anything you wished to hold on to in a previous life.

Base and sacral: Creativity

Attachments: Ancestral figures, previous partners, children, anyone you’ve ever had sex with, needy people, thought forms, unborn children and parents, disembodied sex addicts. Previous partners or significant others leave their imprint in these chakras and may continue to influence through the association. Sex addiction way back in the family may overstimulate these chakras and manifest in the present.

Dantien: Power

Attachments: Energy leeches, control freaks, disembodied spirits seeking energy to re-manifest or move on, past life personas, thought forms.

Navel: Nurturing

Attachments: The mother and the matriarchal line. Thought forms.

Solar plexus: Emotions

Attachments: People with whom you have had an emotional entanglement in the past whenever that may have been. Ancestral spirits, relatives, needy people. Invasion and energy leeching take place through this chakra. A ’stuck-open’ solar plexus means you take on other people’s feelings easily. You may well receive intuitions through your solar plexus as you unconsciously read other people’s emotions.

Spleen (under left arm): Energy

Attachments: Psychic vampires, needy people, ex-partners, children. Psychic vampires can leech your energy and hooks here are common.

Heart seed (base of breastbone): Soul remembrance

Attachments: Parts of your soul left in other lives or dimensions. If you have left parts of yourself at past life deaths or traumatic or deeply emotional experiences, then these parts may be attached and trying to influence you to complete unfinished business.

Higher Heart (above the heart): Unconditional love

Attachments: Guides, gurus or masters, mentors. Not all masters or gurus have clean energy or the best of intentions.

Throat (over throat): Communication

Attachments: Teachers, mentors, gurus, thought forms. A blocked throat chakra results in difficulty in communication — especially in not being able to speak your truth. Problems may arise from your own unvoiced intuitions and the dogmatic nature of a blocked throat chakra may leave you closed to intuitive solutions.

Third Eye (slightly above and between the eyebrows): Intuition

Attachments: Thought forms, ancestors or relatives, lost souls. You may be attached to the past, fearful and superstitious, and prone to create exactly what you fear most.

Soma (above the third eye, at the hairline): Spiritual connection

Attachments: ’Lost souls’, walk-ins, thought forms. When this chakra is stuck open, it is all too easy for spirits to attach.

Past life chakras (behind the ears along the bony ridge of the skull): Past experiences

Attachments: Past life personas, soul fragments, thought forms from previous beliefs. If the chakras are stuck open, you may feel unsafe and overwhelmed by past life memories of trauma and violent death and fears, which leaves the way open for past life personas and thought forms to attach or re-manifest.

Crown: Spiritual connection

Attachments: Spiritual entities, lost souls, mentors. If it is stuck open, then you may be prey to illusions and false communicators as it leaves you open to thought forms, spirit attachment or undue influence.

Soul Star (above your head): Spiritual enlightenment/illumination

Attachments: Ancestral spirits, ETs, ’lost souls’. Stuck open or blocked, disturbances here may lead to soul fragmentation, spirit attachment, ET invasion, or overwhelm by ancestral spirits.

Stellar Gateway (above the Soul Star): Cosmic doorway to other worlds

Attachments: So-called enlightened beings that are anything but. Delusion, deception and cosmic disinformation leaves you totally unable to function in the everyday world.

Causal Vortex (above and behind the head): The record of the soul’s journey

Attachments: Past life and cultural or ancestral beliefs and soul imperatives, thought forms.

Alta Major (inside the head): Expanding awareness

Attachments: Memories from the past, thought forms carrying ancestral and karmic imperatives.

Releasing chakra attachments

Crystals can be used to ’clean out’ hooks from the chakras. Flint, raw Charoite shards, Brandenberg, Lemurian Seed, Clear Quartz points and Stibnite work well. As does Rainbow Mayanite, particularly at a subtle level. Simply spiral the crystal in (counterclockwise is usual but use which works for you), then spiral the crystal out to pull out the attachments. Cleanse the crystal thoroughly and then spiral in light to seal where the attachment was held, or hold an Anandalite or other light bearing crystal over the site.

See Crystal Prescriptions volume 4 for more detailed chakra work.