Ancestral Case History: Powerful happenings in the night - Ancestral Healing

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Ancestral Case History: Powerful happenings in the night
Ancestral Healing

I am including this case history because it brings together so many facets: family history, toxic emotions, thought forms, personal experience and more. Of necessity the writer has to remain anonymous but it is someone I have known for a number of years. Several different modes of healing intervention were involved and I was not the only person working on the complex case. Each approach added, or subtracted, another layer, bringing another level of understanding and release to the overall whole. As I didn’t take notes of the crystals I used, I have to rely on what was noted by the participant at the time. But my abiding memory is of the Rose Quartz skull and the unconditional love with which it enfolded every player throughout the process as I communicated with the suspended soul and the family line, and supported the lineage breaker in his task.

My father died in 2012. When clearing out his belongings, my sister came across a framed photograph of his elder brother in military dress uniform. She brought the photograph to me saying she was going to throw it out. I knew immediately that that was the wrong thing to do and said that it would be like throwing a person away. My uncle had died in 1941 at the age of 21 and there was no one else to remember him. The death of my uncle and a number of otherwise untimely deaths in the family hung around my childhood — not spoken about much, but there. Accordingly, I stood the picture in my kitchen. She also gave me my father’s watches, one of which belonged to my uncle. It still worked although its timing was erratic. I kept it next to my bed. It stopped at one minute past 5 and stayed at that time. The photograph and the watch moved with me in 2014. I did not pay any particular attention to either of them. I think that as they both related to my uncle they were useful in connecting me to him and in bringing what follows in this story to the surface.

I will have to refer in this story to the sex urge if it is to make any sense. It is important to relate that, having been brought up in a very free and easy environment, I have never at any stage had any anxiety about or around sex or the performance of same — although it has been a powerful force with me being a Leo sun sign with Scorpio rising. I am gay. My family made very little fuss over that but, when realising at the age of 13 or so that I was gay, I knew immediately that I would have to spend a life effectively in hiding and learning to fly under the radar. Shame and self-hatred over this issue started at that time. However, the realisation of the power of the sex instinct gave a sense of immediate compensation and I came to see the two elements as being part of the same thing.

In 2015, I went on a course of Psychic Development. The essence of the course was how to raise one’s vibration to work clairvoyantly at the level of the brow chakra. By the fourth and final session, each of the group had to do a clairvoyant reading in front of the class and the tutor. I had noticed between the third and fourth sessions that I had started to become notably anxious around the subject of sex. A casual but intense encounter had laid me really low and appeared to open me up. When my turn came, I was quite nervous and specifically told myself to “open my third eye”. The tutor asked, “What can you see?” I had a quick glimpse of my uncle — visible by his uniform — walking down a street in the sunshine. I was looking at him from the rear and the image was extremely thin. I told the tutor I could see a member of my family but she told me that I was supposed to be finding someone relevant to the other people in the room. So the image of my uncle disappeared and was replaced by a very black face in a pork pie hat — not a black man but the whole image being black — with huge eye sockets like a skull. I didn’t recognise him and no one in the room picked up my description. The two images were markedly different — one a figure like a needle taking up very little space and the other completely filling my vision.

Immediately after the class, I knew that something had happened to my sexual energy. It was as though it had disappeared — along with all physical functioning. It was as though I had been hit hard in the genitalia with a soft mallet. Judy subsequently told me that this was a transferred memory of a blow my uncle had received during the injuries that led to his death, which is referred to later. The next day after I sat for an hour in a meeting, I realised I had lost all sensation in that area. It was as though all blood circulation had gone and I had to spend the day trying to revive any feeling at all. I was relieved to get some sensation back but everything else had completely disappeared. Like a sort of trauma.

So, suddenly, from having been perfectly well, I realised I was in a mess. As one consultant said, I had blown all my fuses. I felt I would never regain my sexual health. The two images I saw did not seem to have any particular relevance at the time — only the physiological effect. One thing I realised later is that I was not grounded at all. I had failed in the method I was using and was completely unconnected. That was a lesson for me.

Anxiety took me over in a big way. I rushed into action with all sorts of healing and therapy — basically anything that might help. The first thing I did, following a curious series of circumstances (which I can now see was part of the journey), was to contact a friend of mine, David. I had known him for a number of years and knew he did energy work. He told me I should look at my sexual history and how I had used sex; have a period of abstinence and that it was imperative that I did work releasing old contracts/templates/patterns — anything that I held that was no longer necessary and useful — or indeed truthful. I would have to change as the old was no longer working. He said this was something that was being experienced by many people at the present time and that I was at least on the button with it coming to my attention. He started that process for me and I found I could do it quite easily on my own. I continued it over several sessions. I felt the old contracts releasing like the pinging of elastic bands held at tension inside me.

Within two weeks of the class, I also had an extraordinary dream which involved a series of images of death and which I wrote down at the time as “powerful happenings in the night”: looking up a rope from which I was being hanged; screaming and terror; the word garrotting; lots of restrictions around the neck; a dead face lying on a velvet pillow; Charles the First; Egypt; finding myself locked alone in a room tied to a chair and shouting if anyone was there; going to a house and looking for an old entrance (now removed) which somehow led to all this. A strong sense of things being uncovered. I woke up and felt huge amounts of warm heat rolling through me. It took a long time and I just lay there in the heat accepting it. I was very surprised indeed to experience this phenomenon as I have not spent a great deal of time considering healing. But I realised I had been receiving it in a big way. As regards the series of death images, were these my deaths or perhaps a mix of mine and others of my ancestors or indeed those of other people? I don’t know. It would make sense that they are somehow connected to me but David (ever practical) told me not to spend time on the detail. We have all had many deaths, he said.

Two weeks later, I had another strange experience in the night. When I tried to go to sleep, I started to feel quite depressed and a huge number of images started to fill my vision. It was constant for some hours but I couldn’t really see what any of it was. It seemed to be black and white and was like a mass of interference or a code (not to be understood for itself) and millions of bits of images all mixed up and jumbled and moving really quickly. There was I think an element of sound to it as well. I managed to get some sleep and when I woke at 6am, it had stopped and my mind was noticeably quiet. I was hugely relieved. It became clear over the next few days that this was not just the content of one life but of many lives and it was like a computer emptying itself. I realised that I had been undergoing a huge clearance of information held by me — and maybe of others.

Throughout this, I charted my state of mind through the prism of my sexual functioning and my levels of anxiety. I found myself very much in the world of comparing myself with others and feeling infinitely inferior and worn out. I mourned my life before I had the experience as though I could never regain it. David asked me: “Are you up for this? Can you just surrender to going with it? That is the best thing if you can find the courage.” By a series of circumstances, I became aware that I had been knocked out of my body and had blown open my third eye. Accordingly, the etheric body had to be realigned with the physical and the third eye issue dealt with. After that, I started to feel better though still anxious. I thought the crisis had passed.

However, by February 2016, I realised I was getting worse again. It was as though something was leeching all my sexual energy. My anxiety was at an all-time high. Someone told me I had an attachment and I went to have it removed. However, I felt worse than ever. Having had a sort of recovery, I didn’t know what to do. Someone suggested that I contact Judy, who I had known for many years. I had already confided in her some of my experiences during this episode and she had confirmed that I had indeed been knocked out of my body. Accordingly, I told her that I seemed to have gone back to where I was and she wrote: “Clearly something more is going on. Can you think back to anyone in your ancestral line who may have been either sex addicted or ’sex starved’? I keep getting a strong sense of that being passed down the transgenerational line and that someone is feeding on your sexual energy.” She told me that the person she was getting wouldn’t have talked about it and I should look at my family history and make an intuitive leap. I coursed around through my family history. The experiences I had had in the class came immediately to mind but I tried to hide from them — they felt too sensitive. However, Judy said that was a good place to start and it rapidly became clear that that was what I should concentrate on.

Accordingly, I set up a session with Judy for the beginning of March. In the days leading up to the event, around the photograph and the watch, I gathered a number of crystals that I had lying around the house — from memory, a Quartz crystal obelisk with rainbows, several pieces of Carnelian Agate, pieces of Obsidian and Rhodonite, some Preseli Bluestone, Citrine and a Lapis Lazuli skull. Plus two crystals, Ancestralite and Celtic Golden Healer, that Judy had said were perfect for releasing — I had attended an ancestral clearing workshop with her as a preliminary to the individual session. I said to the crystals: I don’t know what any of you do but I need you to help me and my uncle with this event. It was clear that they clustered around the photograph and watch and immediately started to do this. I took them to the sitting.

We laid them on the table. Judy had brought with her a Rose Quartz skull but for the operation itself used a large piece of Malachite. I had told her that my uncle had been found in a communal shower with very strange injuries and that shortly afterwards he had died. I had heard rumblings in my family that the death was not straightforward but the details were scarce as it had happened during wartime and, even though we found a mound of correspondence about it in my father’s belongings, the exact cause remained elusive. Nothing really is known and there is no way to find out. However, Judy and I have been able to intuit that rather than it involving matters of a purely sexual nature, more it involved the crossing of gender divides as we commonly understand them. Beyond that we cannot establish.

Indeed, it has become clear to me that the specifics are not particularly relevant anyway, except for the underlying element of shame. What did become apparent from the sitting was that my uncle had been ’in suspension’ since the event of his death. I thought originally that he was stuck but Judy said no, just suspended — time, of course, not having the same relevance as it does to us. It is a curious fact, looking back and entirely with the benefit of hindsight, that a photograph of him that hung in my Grandma’s house had him looking very handsome — but somehow as though stuck in glass. I can well believe that, to my family, if they had any realisation of these circumstances, they (like many others at the time) would be most unlikely to have been able to confront it and, if known, would probably have hidden from it.

Judy first had to release my uncle but rather clandestinely because it was important that she did not disturb the second character that I had encountered, who otherwise might have tried to hide. It seems he was a thought form who had jumped in when I had banged myself completely open doing the mediumship. Once my uncle was freed, Judy was able to disperse the thought form so that we could turn our attention to my uncle.

My uncle had died before he had been able to have any sexual experiences of his own and he, and the thought form, had been vicariously locked into my sexual energy, draining it. I was rather spooked by this until Judy said she had spoken to my uncle about it and he said, “Well he did agree to it.” Or at least, so far as he himself was concerned. The thought form was a hitchhiker attracted by the intense energy of the sexual encounter I had had during my psychic training. That makes complete sense and I thought it was quite funny. It became the relatively routine matter of an agreement between two people/souls and I felt reassured by it. Nobody had taken any advantage of anybody. It seems obvious to me now that having personally experienced the difficulties of a relatively non routine sexuality myself, but living in an era in which it has become very easy in the main to deal with it, I am a suitable person to deal with the issue of shame — especially of the sort it seems he and the family may have experienced.

After the session, we noticed that the Malachite had a crack running through it which neither of us had noticed before. It had clearly opened up with the force of what Judy had to do, creating a portal. I also noted a few days later that the watch had moved on to just before 5.15. I took home with me the Rose Quartz skull that Judy had also used to assist my uncle to heal and to send reassurance and forgiveness down the ancestral line.

At Judy’s suggestion, as we did not have time for further work, I went immediately to another consultant who told me that in his opinion I had been around my uncle in a number of other lives. Something Judy later confirmed. It makes sense to me that, in these circumstances, I would certainly recognise unconsciously when presented with the photograph that it should not be thrown away. I realised also as time went by that, as I was not born until 15 years after he had died, most probably I had come to know of his condition and had made a life contract somehow to release him from it prior to my current incarnation. Of course, consciously, I would not know this. It has taken some time for the circumstances to be right for me to do it. It seems strange that it happened through the prism of sex, but it also makes sense. As Judy said, “They had to draw your attention to it somehow.”

But there is another dimension to this. I come from a family who, even though some members on both sides have had a number of psychic experiences, have in the main not wanted to engage with it — even though I have to a marked degree. However, Judy told me quite recently that in the past some of my ancestors have used their psychic skills — but not for the best motives. It makes sense then that this has set up a resistance and shame around the subject in my family, as with the sexual element. It became clear that what I was being called on to do was to face up to the shame element in my ancestors and possibly effect a release for them from it. I see shame as being a general concept. I realise I have to do it on a personal level and need to stop buying into this generalised shame that I have experienced, and also do it for them.

Judy has recently explained to me the concept of the lineage breaker. It had seemed strange to me that, coming as I do from the same family as my siblings and other family members, I have not shown the same distrust of the psychic world as they have — indeed completely the opposite.

So now I find myself at the crossroads between the past and future of my line with the responsibility of looking after both those who have gone before and those still to come. I was initially hesitant to write this story — especially as it is to find its way into a book — but after some initial resistance from my ancestors, they have come to acknowledge that we need to complete this release. Otherwise, we will remain locked in by the concept of shame. If we don’t face up to it, the opportunity will be missed and it may not come again for a long time. I may indeed be the lineage breaker. My experience is that we have to get away from sticking with ideas and thoughts that are outdated to our generation and are no longer really of benefit to anyone. As I wrote, I hoped I was not making a mistake and asked the Rose Quartz skull to assist me. As the day has gone on, I have felt more and more that not to do this would be a greater error. I offer it in the hope that it will assist other people.