Reading the Ancestral Record - Ancestral Healing

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Reading the Ancestral Record
Ancestral Healing

The Akashic Record can be a useful source of insight if you are trying to track the root of a particular issue or attitude. If you are aware of an ancestor with the issue, make that your starting point. If not, ask to be shown the core person who created the genetic memory. (See page 178 for detailed instructions on how to read the Akashic Record.)

To read the Record for an ancestor

Before you read the record for an ancestor:

Ask permission and that you will be able to access only what is for the highest good of the transgenerational line.

Ask their Higher Self to assist.

Examine your motives in offering to read, ensure that you are not simply trying to confirm something you have suspected or that the ancestor believed. Don’t get caught up in hidden agendas, your own or another person’s.

Protect your spleen chakra with an appropriate crystal when reading for someone else. (The spleen chakra is located under your left arm about a hand’s breadth down.)

Open your causal vortex chakra with Blue Kyanite (see page 53) and ground yourself (see page 19) so that energy can flow through.

Ask to be shown the part of the Record that relates to the ancestor or ancestral issue you are dealing with.

Examine that ancestor’s life and probable causes. Go back even further if this is not the source.

Look at the potential for reframing and healing any trauma or completing unfinished business from that life. Place appropriate crystals on a photograph or the name of the ancestor, or on a family tree (see pages 236 and 237).

Healing with far memory photographs

An excellent way of reading ancestral past lives is through the use of photographs. These can be of ancestors living or dead (but remember to ask permission from the Higher Self). It is useful to look at the lives of successive generations. You may be able to identify themes such as scapegoat, sabotage, power, displacement, loss and so on, and take appropriate healing action. You may also be able to identify positive traits that can be activated to replace them.

Hold an accessing past lives crystal in one hand.

Holding the photograph in your other hand spend a few moments gazing at it.

Ask your Higher Self to assist the reading.

Ask your Higher Self to connect to the other person’s Higher Self.

Let your eyes go out of focus and continue to gaze at the photo.

The face will go fuzzy and you may see another face or figure superimpose itself. Note how the new person is dressed and how they look. Ask what century they are from and listen for the answer.

Ask to be shown the appropriate past lives. These may appear on the photograph. If not, close your eyes and picture a screen inside your head or just in front of your third eye on which they will be projected. You may also need to speak, without worrying what will come out of your mouth, or to write spontaneously… Do not judge what you hear or see, accept it dispassionately…

When the seeing is complete, turn the photograph face down to disconnect and ask the higher selves to disconnect themselves. Disconnect yourself by imagining shutters closing over your third eye.

Take time to tease out the issues and themes that are coming down the ancestral line to you or other members of the family. It may be a day or two before an ’ah ha’ moment occurs.

Place appropriate crystals on the photograph to heal those issues and themes.

Leave the layout in place until dowsing shows you that the healing intervention is complete.

Perform an appropriate healing layout on yourself to ensure that the themes do not carry forward into future generations.