P.S. A Word on Addictions - Soul Retrieval and Spirit Release

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

P.S. A Word on Addictions
Soul Retrieval and Spirit Release

In the A—Z Directory you will find crystals for specific and general addictions. Many addictions and obsessions arise from soul loss or traumatic events in past lives, previous life experiences, or failed initiation attempts in other lives. In his book Return from Tomorrow, Dr George Ritchie documents how, during the Second World War, he died and was placed in the morgue. A ’being of light’ took him on a tour of the Afterlife, ranging far and wide. But not everything occurred far from Earth. He was taken to a bar on the Earth plane where sailors drank. All around them he could see the spirits that had passed over addicted to drink. They had been drawn back to what they most craved. As the sailors became drunker, so the spirits slipped into their body to partake of their secondhand fix. Not all of them departed when sobriety returned.

When healing addictions, the cause needs to be located, released and the ’hole’ sealed. Detox crystals will be needed and then crystals to support recovery. However, it is wise to remember that, although an attaching spirit may be involved, most addictions also have a karmic or genetic basis and the person must be ready to overcome the addiction themselves. You cannot do it for them. As Michael Vincent so eloquently put it:

I have known for many years now that no matter how many good people line up to help me their time is wasted if I have no wish to help myself.

Michael Vincent, On Being Alive