Spirit attachment - Soul Retrieval and Spirit Release

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Spirit attachment
Soul Retrieval and Spirit Release

In spirit attachment, a soul or spirit, a thought form (see page 45), or an entity from outside our universe, is attached to, or overly influences, a body to which it does not belong. Spirit attachment can only occur where there is an auric or chakra weakness, so, in addition to releasing the attachment, it is only sensible to take good care of your chakras, giving them a regular cleanse (see page 56 and Chakra attachments on page 62). The symptoms of spirit attachment, perhaps not surprisingly, are extremely close to those of soul loss (see page 201).

When releasing a spirit, appropriate, cleansed crystals can either be put directly on to the body, spiralled over the chakras or placed in a grid around the room, in the environment or around the physical body. The crystal, which carries unconditional love, acts as a psychopomp conducting the soul through the spirit world and other dimensions to its appropriate ’home’ for the next stage of its journey. Crystals for release work well placed in the aura about a foot out from the physical body as that is where many of the more subtle attachments occur. Sweeping the whole aura with an appropriate crystal often clears minor attachments without needing to know the full story and will send a spirit to the light, dissolve a thought form, or detach undue influence. A crystal with a point will pull out energies or ties when pointed towards and then spiralled away from the body, and draw in light when pointed towards it once again. Crystals need to be cleansed before and after spirit release work or healing. Always ask that a crystal will work for the highest good of all and that a spirit or an entity will be returned to its rightful and appropriate place in whatever dimension or timeframe that may be.

Signals that a spirit may be attached

✵ When you look in the mirror you do not recognise yourself looking back.

✵ You feel that you have lost a part of yourself and gained something other.

✵ You feel as though there are multiple persons within you.

✵ You feel as though you have become a different person after a severe shock or traumatic life event.

✵ You feel as though you are not in control. You hear commands from voices that are not your own.

✵ You experience obsessions and addictions quite suddenly, out of the blue, and especially after a traumatic experience.

See also the Signs of soul loss page 201.

However, it is sensible to bear in mind that the signals that suggest attachment may also be symptoms of a psychiatric illness or mental breakdown. Lost and malicious spirits are attracted to someone who has no defences against them, so the more depressed or psychiatrically disturbed a person is, the more likely it is that there could be an attachment present. But equally, having an attachment can lead to mental or physical dis-ease. Over-medication or addiction to certain drugs, whether legally prescribed or not, can also lead to spirit attachment and (additional) psychiatric disturbance.

Spirit attachment can be seen in the eyes, which are blank with ’no one home’ or ’someone else’ looks out from them. The attaching spirit usually seeks to experience something it was addicted to in life or to control someone. It may be simply lost or be malicious. Attachments are not confined to human beings and may arise from thought forms or alien sources. It’s not always an external attachment although it may feel like it is. It may equally well be projection/repressed qualities/obsessive thoughts manifesting apparently externally. Spirit may also be attached to an object rather than a person. It is sensible to bear in mind that not all attaching spirits will have left their physical body. The living can ’possess’ or overly influence the living. Attachments can arise from the thoughts and feelings of others who try to influence or control, or who try to clutch on to your strength — a very common experience for healers, readers and counsellors. It’s as though they have their hooks into you (see below).

Spirit attachment definition

Spirit attachment means that a discarnate — or possibly part of an incarnate — spirit or entity has entered a living person’s energy field, and is influencing it. Or, that it has become attached to a place. It can only occur when an energy field is weak and depleted, and when someone does not fully inhabit their body and their soul is not fully present so there is a ’gap’ or vacuum in the auric field. It often arises out of momentary loss of energetic boundaries such as in shock or trauma, drink or drug taking, or the effects of anaesthetic. It is common in cases of depression or debilitating illnesses like ME. But it may also stem back to other lives or deliberate psychic attack.

Some lost souls may be deeply troubled and their interaction with the living can be malicious. They may have unfinished business, or powerful desires especially for control over another person or to re-experience substance abuse. Other souls are suspended and simply do not know how to move on or to let go. Sometimes they do not even know that they are dead — after all, they feel very much alive! They may wonder why everyone around them appears to ignore them — and some do all they can to gain attention. Other souls are simply clinging to what they know and, therefore, attach to remain earthbound. This is work for an experienced therapist but if you do become involved, wherever possible, ask for family and friends, or a guide or mentor, to meet the spirit being released to take it home.

Types of earthbound spirits

Ghosts: more like photographic imprints left behind than actual spirits. They can be recognised by their lack of awareness, repetition of actions and general opacity.

Those who are frightened to leave: further progress is blocked because of fear of the unknown or expectation of punishment for deeds on Earth.

Those with unfinished business: in addition to a desire for revenge, incomplete endings, soul agendas or contracts that were not completed may hold a soul back, as may a body from a former life that did not receive the appropriate burial rights. The spirit remains with the previous life body, or attaches to the person with whom there is unfinished business.

Those who are disorientated and confused: the spirit is not aware of being dead. The passing has been sudden and traumatic. The moment to leave was missed. The spirit is still trying to get attention on the Earth plane and is unaware of assistance waiting on the astral or etheric plane.

Those who want to stay to fulfil a craving: the spirit has addictions which can, seemingly, be fulfilled by taking over another physical body so the spirit stays close to the Earth plane. The addiction may be substance related or person-centred.

Malicious: mischievous or vicious, this spirit has an intention to cause trouble or seek revenge.

Thought forms: beings that have not had an independent existence but rather have been created by a mind or idea.

Guardian being: some spirits remain as a family mentor or spirit of place guardian, such as found at a sacred site. This type of spirit may have outlasted its original purpose. It is always wise to check before moving such a soul on that release is appropriate.

Lost souls and stuck spirits

If an attaching spirit has simply lost the way home, holding one of the spirit release crystals in the Directory (see page 374) and asking that the spirit be taken to the light by his or her guardian angel or attending family members works well, particularly if you light a candle and ask for deceased family members to assist. Petaltone Astral Clear or Clear Tone essences on a Quartz, Brandenberg or Smoky Spirit Quartz crystal, or a programmed Aventurine or Candle Quartz facilitates the process. (Petaltone also includes a specialised release essence available only to practitioners, www.petaltone.co.uk.)

If you are able to communicate with the spirit — placing a Yellow Labradorite (Bytownite) or Apophyllite pyramid on your third eye facilitates this — ask if there is anything you can do to assist, what he or she wants. The requests are usually simple and easy to arrange, and often relate to unfinished business. Once you have agreed to do or offer whatever is required or assisted the spirit to do so on the etheric, the spirit moves on helped by the energies of the crystal. If the spirit is deeply entrenched, or is still of the opinion that their advice and assistance is crucial for the well-being of someone still on Earth, then it may take further negotiating by a more experienced practitioner. In which case, leave an energetic net holding the spirit until professional assistance can be found.

The crystal portal

Place a Stibnite crystal crossways over a long-pointed Chlorite Quartz and top with a Selenite wand. This one-way portal soaks up any negativity, releases the soul or attachment and sends it out of the Earth plane and into the Light where it can be handled by wise mentors and soul-rescuers. It is particularly useful for blocking reentry by spirits.


The one-way crystal portal

Emergency Crystal Healing for Spirit Attachment

As the attaching spirit is, usually, an uninvited guest and the influence unsought, I believe this is one occasion when it is not necessary to request the other person’s permission to assist them as the spirit is breaching their autonomy and right to choice. If the person is not present, you can either use a photograph or imagine them in the room with you, or use yourself as a surrogate by performing the healing on your own body.

As soon as you begin, picture throwing out an energetic net to trap the attaching spirit so that it cannot slip away. This can be a net of light or something stronger like a thick rope cargo net. You can also lay out a crystal net before you start using Selenite, Bronzite or Black Tourmaline.

Ground yourself thoroughly (see page 19) and place a grounding crystal at your feet. Wear Labradorite or Healer’s Gold as a shield.

Open your third eye with Golden Labradorite, Apophyllite or other third eye stone.

Lay a protective Selenite or Black Tourmaline pentangle (five pointed star) on which you have sprinkled Petaltone Astral Clear, Z14 or Clear2Light around you. Join up the points with a crystal wand or the power of your mind. If the person is present, lay Selenite around them.

Light a candle for the spirit to guide the way to the light.

Holding a Brandenberg or Smoky Amethyst (or other crystal from the list), place a Bytownite or Apophyllite on your third eye or on the person with the attaching spirit. Ask that the spirit will make itself known and tell you why it has chosen to stay close to the Earth. Ascertain whether the spirit knows it has passed to another plane of being.

Talk to the spirit as appropriate, addressing his or her concerns and offering unconditional love, reassurance and understanding. Then ask if the spirit is ready to move into the light for healing.

Place appropriate crystals over the soma (mid-hairline), heart and solar plexus chakras. Visualise hands reaching down to help the spirit move into the light. If the spirit is reluctant, ask that his or her guardian angel and Higher Self will assist the process.*

Ask if the person who had the attachment needs to call any part of his or her own energy or soul back. If so, call it back with the Brandenberg or Selenite letting it pass through that crystal for purification, and place it over the heart seed. Allow that energy to be reabsorbed.

Now take the Brandenberg or Selenite all the way around the body, sides, front and back, to heal and seal the biomagnetic field.

When the process is complete, detach your contact and close your third eye with a grounding stone. Check that your grounding is still in place.

[Extracted from Good Vibrations with amendments.]

If the attachment is an entity from another dimension you may need to take additional steps, calling on the Galactic Council to call the entity back and placing the crystal portal (see page 213) to close the possibility of any return to this dimension. This is specialised work and should not be attempted unless you are experienced in this type of work. Crystals to assist can be found in the A—Z Directory under ’Spirit release’.

Chakra attachments

Bear in mind that attachments can occur through the chakras and that crystals can be used to ’clean out the hooks’. It’s not only discarnate spirits that can attach here. Anyone you have ever had sex with can have left some of their energy field in your lower chakras, for instance. But strong thoughts of lust can lodge there even if there has been no physical contact. You will find emotional attachment hooks in the sacral and solar plexus, thought forms in the third eye, ancestral hooks in the soma or higher chakras and so on. See Chakra attachments on page 62.

Spirit attachment to objects

It is not just people and places that can have spirits attached, objects can too — particularly where these have had a cultic value. This is why it is always advisable to cleanse previously-owned jewellery, which may still have a spirit part sentimentally attached. Statues, fetishes and other objects may have a guardian spirit who may need to be released. Less tangible things too can be ’guarded’.

When I was working on the manuscript of Good Vibrations it became energetically rather like walking through treacle — heavy and sticky. I actually ’blanked out’ for a couple of hours when checking the proofs: classic indications that all was not well. When I checked, the information in that book had a guardian spirit attached whose job it was to keep the esoteric secret. When it was explained to him that things had moved on from his time, that people generally were much more psychically open and aware, and just how badly a book such as that was needed at this time, he agreed to work with us on getting the book out rather than frustrating its progress. He even offered one or two missing pieces. The book benefited from the way he was able to look back at how different things were when he passed to spirit and how such information could have been misused, and then to the present time when it can bring about an enormous energy shift in everyone regardless of their race, creed or lack of metaphysical training. He then moved on to the light of his own accord. I am grateful to him for his assistance.

To cleanse jewellery or cultic objects

You will need:

Faden Quartz or other crystal (see Directory)

Petaltone Astral Clear

Ground yourself thoroughly.

Light a candle for the spirit.

Place a drop of Petaltone Astral Clear or other essence on the crystal, place it over or beside the object and ask that the spirit will be taken to the light.

If the object is a gem or crystal, clear and recharge before wearing (see The Basics).

If the object is a statue or other cultic object, see Moving on a guardian spirit on the following page.