Signs of soul loss, soul split, or past life or ancestral persona breakthrough - Soul Retrieval and Spirit Release

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Signs of soul loss, soul split, or past life or ancestral persona breakthrough
Soul Retrieval and Spirit Release

The immediate symptoms of soul loss or the breakthrough of a past life or ancestral persona — which has a similar effect — can be interchangeable with spirit attachment signals (see page 208) but there are additional subtle signals that may take more time to be recognised:

✵ Feeling vague, nebulous and insubstantial. Somehow ’not there’. To an outside eye, incomplete and fragmented.

✵ Feeling like a different person after a shock or traumatic life event.

✵ Multiple selves try to make themselves known, with sudden switches and memory loss.

✵ Problems with time.

✵ ’Blank’ eyes stare into the distance.

✵ No eye contact.

✵ ’Someone else’ looks out from the eyes.

✵ A profound sense of disconnection from everyday life.

✵ Behaviour is out of character with normal persona.

✵ Obsessive, escapist or addictive behaviour including sexual.

✵ Constant ’busyness’, never rests.

✵ Severe insomnia.

✵ Constant fears and anxieties.

✵ Unusual thought patterns, sometimes self-destructive.

✵ Intense dreams or fantasies with a nightmarish quality.

✵ Hearing voices.

✵ A feeling of being controlled by someone else.

✵ Sudden overwhelming bouts of tiredness or yawning and chronic fatigue.

✵ Overwhelming sugar cravings.

✵ Memories of portions of life especially shock or trauma have been blocked out.

✵ Prolonged periods of depression.


✵ Everyone is kept at arm’s length, no openness even to close friends or family.

✵ A profound numbness invades every part of life. Issues are not recognised or dealt with.

✵ Psychosomatic dis-eases are present.

✵ Severe disappointment in life.

✵ A deep sense of unworthiness prevails.

✵ A ’dark night of the soul’ is constantly undergone.

✵ There is no sense of purpose or meaning in life.

✵ Things are done because they have to be done. There is no joy or purpose in it.

✵ Overexcitement, constantly ’revved up’.

✵ Being on a constant emotional or mental ’high’.

✵ Rapid, constant and somewhat random chatter.

✵ Longing for an authentic self.

Healing a soul split and returning a soul fragment

This layout calls home and integrates soul fragments that are ready to return. It is also suitable for healing a soul split, but healing a soul split in this way is only applicable when both parts of the soul are contained within a single incarnated human being — even though the two parts of the soul may be acting as though they are separate individuals; or when one part is in incarnation and the other is not. It is not suitable for cases where two different physical bodies are involved (that has to wait until at least one has passed beyond death of the physical body). Calling on the Higher Self (the part of the soul not fully in physical incarnation) to assist facilitates the process. Dowse to ascertain which would be the best crystals for you. Have a Selenite crystal to hand in case you need a container for a soul fragment that is not yet ready to reintegrate. In this exercise there is nothing to do, simply allow the process to take place.

Higher Self

The ’Higher Self’ is the part of ourself that is not fully in incarnation as it vibrates at a higher rate, and, therefore, has a much clearer picture of why we are here and where we are going. It carries the memory of our previous lives, our soulplan — and our soul overlays and soul splits. It constantly monitors the whole of the soul, whether fragmented or not. The Higher Self acts as guide, mentor and information assistant to the soul in incarnation. It is a useful guide to facilitate soul retrieval.

Self-help soul retrieval exercise

Cleanse and balance your chakras as far as possible (see page 56).

Ensure that your grounding root is in place.

Ensure that you are in a quiet, protected space.

Place a Trigonic Quartz, Shiva Shell, Preseli Bluestone or other soul retrieval crystal on your soma chakra (mid-hairline just above the third eye).

Place an Anandalite, Trigonic or other soul retrieval crystal on your heart seed chakra (base of your breastbone below the heart chakra).

With the fingers of each hand, tap either side of your breastbone, about a hand’s breath below your collarbone on the ’spirit ground’ points on the illustration below. If it feels appropriate you can also tap these points, the ’sore spots’ and the ’baggage points’ with a small Trigonic, Brandenberg or Lemurian Seed crystal.

Ask your Higher Self to call back to you any soul fragments that are ready to return, or to repair a split soul if this is appropriate. Request your Higher Self to ensure that only fragments that rightfully belong with your soul at the present moment will return to you.

The soul fragments will pass through the crystals to purify and re-energize them as they reintegrate, leaving the past behind them but bringing forward any wisdom learned.

As the soul part returns, absorb it along with the crystal energy into every cell of your body and at all energetic levels. Feel the light carried in the crystal healing and reintegrating your whole being.

If a soul portion is not yet ready to reintegrate, place it in the Selenite crystal. When the exercise is complete, ask if it is more appropriate to send that soul part to the care of the Higher Self for the time being. If so, ask the crystal to release the soul part into the care of your Higher Self. If it prefers to remain in the crystal for the time being, check out every few days what the appropriate action is for that soul part. It may be that it stays with the Higher Self for the duration of the current life.

When the integration is complete, pass Anandalite or Selenite round your whole aura to heal and seal it once again.


Soul retrieval points