The karmic groove - Karmic Healing

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

The karmic groove
Karmic Healing

What goes around may come around, but it never ends up exactly the same place… Like a record on a turntable, all it takes is one groove’s difference and the universe can be on into a whole ’nother song.

Thomas Pynchon, Inherent Vice

Many people experience karma as an endlessly repeating cycle playing itself out with subtle variations, rather like the film Groundhog Day. This is because deeply ingrained, reactive patterns have arisen over many lifetimes. The soul becomes ’stuck in a groove’, going over and over the same old ground, unable to move forward freely. So, a soul may become stuck in a feeling of unworthiness for instance — and will attract many situations that, apparently, confirm that unworthiness. It will be attracted to a family in which unworthiness is a transgenerational theme. The soul may look to others for support, seeking worth through their eyes rather than self-validation. The underlying pattern will be reiterated life after life until the soul can break out of the bondage of unworthiness and learn to recognise its own innate worth.

The ’groove-type’ pattern frequently happens in relationships where two souls, or whole families, incarnate together again and again, despite the fact that they have long ago learned everything they had to learn from each other, and have repaid any karmic debts they had. They return together from habit — and even hatred can become a pattern. At some point, they have to learn to let go of each other and move on.

There can be a ’swinging pendulum’ groove pattern where, in one life, one extreme is lived out and then, in the next, the other extreme. Then back to the first and so on. The pendulum may swing between dominator and dominated, abused and abuser, rebel and conformist, codependent and loner. The soul must find the middle way.

The unfinished business of a relationship is often concerned with one soul taking responsibility for itself. Or, giving up responsibility for someone else, or learning to be independent. Codependence is a common pattern in which the soul feels it will die without the other person. Similar patterns include saviour-rescuer and victim-martyr, or persecutor and persecuted scenarios in which one soul can take the dominant role or the partners can alternate roles. Walking away from the role can be an enormous challenge but may be the only solution to the recurring motif. Unless, of course, karmic and ancestral healing is undertaken. Which is where crystals can intercede.

If you suspect you might be stuck in a karmic groove, take a look at the people around you and the way you interact. Have you been there before? Does it feel like the same old, same old? Do the same situations keep coming up time after time, even if you change partners or job or location? If so, you are in a groove.