Way of the Green Witch: Earth Magick

Craft: How to Be a Modern Witch - Gabriela Herstik 2018

Way of the Green Witch: Earth Magick


The Earth is the ultimate muse for the witch. She is alive, thriving, growing and evolving much like us. Earth magick centres around Gaia, the Earth embodied as the Great Mother and all the beings that she grows. By working with herbs, nature and our ancestors, we’re able to forge a deeper connection to the Earth and to ourselves. This is the way of the witch and the way of the green witch: walking alongside Nature, learning from her, creating magick with her and leaving her in a better place than when we found her.

This chapter will focus on how to work with herbs like mugwort, lavender and roses as allies. You don’t have to have a green thumb to work with plants (though it certainly can help). Nowadays, we’re able to buy our herbs sustainably and ethically without having to grow them ourselves. That means we have no excuse to not utilise their magick. (While Earth magick can include working with crystals and stones, we’ll be looking at these in more detail in Chapter 7.)

You don’t even have to know how to cook to utilise Earth magick. Whether you’re working with herb sachets (or herbal bags or pillows) to create psychic dreams, a ritual bath for grounding and protection or a herbal essence for an open heart, this sort of magick will serve you in all areas of your life.

herbs that heal

The first witches worked with herbs intimately. These folk practitioners, medicine women and midwives had an extensive knowledge about how to work with plants as spiritual and physical medicines. They helped deliver babies, cure diseases and ward off negative energy with these plants. Their connection to them was sacred. Thankfully, you don’t need this level of knowledge or skill to benefit from a relationship with the Earth and her magick. But there is nevertheless a potent form of magick that comes with creating a working relationship with plants and herbs.

grow your own

If you’re a natural green witch, or if you just have a green thumb, you may want to grow your own herbs. You can visit a local plant nursery and talk to them about the best ones to grow in your climate and situation, or you can do your research online. Nowadays, there’s a variety of ways to grow herbs. Whether you’re using hydroponics or growing them outside in a garden or indoors in a pot, you should be able to find something to suit your lifestyle.

If you are growing your herbs, write a blessing for your plants. Talk to them, form a relationship with them and honour their growth as your own. Breathe with them, invite them to flourish and thank them for their magick. Plant crystals in the soil as a blessing and offering (green moss agate is perfect for this); use your period blood as fertiliser (if you bleed); and incorporate your herbs in your cooking and kitchen witchcraft.

If you have a black thumb like me, then not to stress. You can still find ethically grown herbs that will work just as well in your spells, rituals and offerings.


You’ll need: spring water (fresh or bottled); clear-grain alcohol or vodka; sage essential oil; a mixing bowl; a small dark glass spray bottle. Optional: clear quartz, tourmaline, onyx.

In the bowl, mix together 2 parts water to 1 part alcohol and 1 part sage oil. If you wish, add crystals such as clear quartz, tourmaline or onyx to strengthen the protective magick of this spray. Leave under a full Moon to charge. Then remove the crystals if needed before decanting the liquid into the spray bottle. Use the spray to help clear an area of negativity or heavy energy, or during a full Moon, new Moon or sabbat. Can be used when necessary as a substitute for burning sage.

getting to know your herbs

Plants aren’t just physical things; they too have their own spirits and energies. Plants are sentient beings like us, although their senses manifest differently. While each witch will have her own beliefs about the nature of plants, many agree that they have spirits and energies with which we can work and form relationships. Once you begin working with specific herbs, you’ll start to form your own relationship with them. Suddenly, for example, you may find rosemary starts calling to you when you’re energetically depleted, or lavender begins to beckon you when you can’t sleep.

Again, the key word is relationship. Your relationship with herbs will be unique to you and, again, that’s totally okay! If you want to start working with herbs but don’t know where to start, you can refer to the alphabetical list below for some accessible and powerful plant materials to get you started. (Strictly speaking, herbs tend to come from the leafy green part of the plant, while spices can come from the root, stem, flower or bark.) When it comes to herbs associated with love, most will work for any kind of love, whether it’s romantic, familial or friendly. Red roses are generally great for romantic and sexual love, while lavender is good for attracting all kinds of love as well as healing heartache. However, it’s your intention while working with these plant materials that will make all the difference.


Used by priestesses in Ancient Greece to help them channel the Oracle of Delphi, bay is a multipurpose herb that helps to ward off negative energy and offer protection, as well as attract love. Thanks to this plant’s protective properties, you can use bay leaves to clear the energy in your home. According to myth, a crown of bay leaves was worn by the very first Olympians, and they can still be given as gifts at rituals of initiation. Burn bay leaves to help induce a vision, and place them under your pillow for inspiration and psychic dreams.

Try: burn bay leaves as an offering to any deities you work with. You can also scatter the ashes on the floor in a purification ritual, or scatter the leaves and sweep them out the door as a protective ritual.


One of the easiest spices to access, cinnamon can help to protect, ground and cleanse. It increases focus as well as good fortune, and can be worn in a talisman or amulet. Cinnamon bark is associated with the Lovers tarot card and, when combined with the power of tourmaline, makes for a potent way to consecrate and cleanse ritual items. Cinnamon is associated with the Sun, and can also be used for love and sex magick because of its bright, spicy energy. It can be used for spells around prosperity and abundance, and to enhance psychic abilities, especially when channelling energies.

Try: burn cinnamon before a ritual to cleanse and purify a space.



With its striking bright blue colour, cornflower is as beautiful as it is useful. Part of the daisy family, cornflower can be used in matters of the heart, including attracting love. There’s a tale that sprinkling cornflower on your right shoe (as opposed to the left) will attract a mate. It is also said to work with the third eye, helping us open this and see the realm of faery. You can work with the flowers by drinking a tea made from it; making it into an eye mask for clairvoyance; sprinkling in a ritual bath to attract love and strengthen your psychic abilities; or you can use it in spells or offerings.

Try: make an ink from cornflower for use in your grimoire. Boil two cups of fresh flowers (or one cup of dried plant material) in two cups of water in a non-metal container for twenty to thirty minutes. Then strain the liquid into a jar and add two to three drops of vinegar and a pinch of salt to preserve it. Keep it in a dark place and use with a quill to write.



Dandelion is a multipurpose herb, tied to the Greek goddess Hecate and therefore associated with necromancy and the Underworld. A mercurial herb associated with the element of air, dandelion can be used to communicate with the dead. Drinking an infusion of dandelion before a ritual is similarly said to help increase psychic abilities and communication with other realms. You can use the roots to make a tea or make wine from the flowers, and then use this in offerings to Hecate. Dandelion is also an excellent herb to incorporate into your diet. Washed and prepared in a salad, the leaves help the function of the gallbladder and liver, and are naturally detoxifying.

Try: turn dandelion roots into a tea. To make the tea, chop up the roots and spread them on a baking sheet. Place in the oven at 250 °C, for about two hours. Then grind the roots up in a coffee grinder, before brewing one or two teaspoons of them like coffee or steeping them in a tea bag. While remembering that dandelion is a diuretic, drink as much as you like, but leave a little so when you’re done you can go outside and dig a hole, pour some in and walk away without looking back — as an offering to the Greek deities of the Underworld.



There are a number of uses for mint in all its varieties. And the myth of the mint is just as interesting as the leaf itself. The Greek goddess Persephone was jealous of her husband Hades, who set his eye on the water nymph Minthe; so Persephone changed Minthe into a mint plant. Burning mint before bed is supposed to induce prophetic dreams, and mint tea is said to help induce psychic visions. Mint is a protective herb that can be used in healing spells and magick, and to celebrate and invoke success. Mint, thanks to its bright green colour, is also a good choice to use for abundance and money magick.

Try: bless your mint before incorporating it in your food or drink. Hold the leaves in your left hand with your right hand placed on top of the mint, and then imagine the energy of protection, abundance or success fusing into the plant. Thank the plant and enjoy it in lemonade, tea, soup or salad.


One of the most healing of herbs, lavender can be used to calm anxiety, insomnia and restlessness, and even help with digestive issues. The purple flower and its scent have a calming and sedative effect, and lavender has even been used to treat and disinfect wounds. Lavender can also be used to help with psychic development and protection, as well as to attract love. Put lavender in a pouch under your pillow to aid sleep, hang stalks of it in your bedroom to attract love and burn it during meditation to help open your mind. Part of the mint family, lavender can be used in teas, tonics, baths, and spells and rituals that revolve around healing and/or love.

Try: add lavender to a salt bath for a healing, grounding and calming effect.


Mugwort is a very popular magickal herb that any witch can utilise. Associated with the Moon tarot card, this herb is most often used to enhance dreams. The botanical name of the plant is Artemisia vulgaris, after Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt, the forest and fertility. Mugwort oil can be used to consecrate ritual items like an athame, as well as to ward off negative energy. Mugwort’s connection to the Moon means it opens the channel to the Divine Feminine, the Universe and our psychic senses. You can use mugwort in a smudge stick, in a pillow or as a tea to encourage lucid dreams. When added to amulets or pouches, it assists the safe return of loved ones. You can also rub fresh mugwort leaves on crystal balls and scrying mirrors to help increase their powers.

Try: put a sprig of mugwort in your shoe to help combat fatigue on long journeys.



Everyone knows the rose, one of the most beloved flowers of all. The flower of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty and sex, the rose is a symbol of love, healing and hope. Roses represent the ability to love and nurture, encouraging the heart to grow and blossom. This flower helps stimulate joy as well as pleasure. Roses are excellent to use in healing matters, specifically concerning the heart and love. Simply buying roses and placing them in your space is beneficial. The rose may likewise be used for magick and divination pertaining to love, and can be used to honour the Goddess in rituals. With a variety of uses, the rose can be used in oils for the skin and hair, in ointments and in rose water.

Try: make some rose water. Take the petals of six or seven organic roses, place these in a pot and add enough distilled or spring water to cover them. On a medium-low heat, bring the petals to a simmer and cover with a lid for twenty to thirty minutes, until the petals have lost their colour. Strain the mixture and pour the liquid into a glass jar. Decant this mixture into a spray bottle, before shaking it and using it on your skin or to cleanse your altar, mirror or ritual tools — or pretty much whatever you like.


A resilient and fragrant herb, rosemary has traditionally been used on important occasions such as funerals and weddings, and as decorations for sabbats. Utilising rosemary during important events helps make the occasion more sacred, while also facilitating a better memory of the event. In Sicily, legend has it that faeries live in rosemary and are able to shapeshift into small snakes. Rosemary is also a very cleansing and protective herb, helping us ground while keeping away negativity and malevolence. Rosemary can be used for rituals and spells of love, fidelity and remembrance. It can be used in ritual baths, in kitchen witchcraft as a seasoning or as a perfume.

Try: wear rosemary oil or perfume to an interview so the employer remembers you.


Also known as ’verbena’, vervain was one of the sacred herbs for many ancient peoples, including the Celts, Greeks, Romans and the Welsh. This probably has to do with the array of uses for the herb, including the fact that it can empower any magick. You can use vervain to cleanse and consecrate altar tools, to protect someone from negative emotions, to aid in dream quests and even to help bless and cleanse a space. You can also work with this herb to help find true love, to attract a mate or lover and to work sex magick. Associated with the Roman goddess Diana, this herb can be worn by itself as an amulet, added to spell jars, made into sachets and incorporated in cooking.

Try: make a sachet of vervain for clairvoyant and lucid dreams. Using red thread, sew a pouch of silver fabric measuring from four by four to six by six inches long. Put dried vervain, mugwort and marigold in it for prophetic dreams. Place it above your headboard or under your pillow.


Elixirs are a form of tincture: a mixture made from alcohol and herbs, only with added honey or sweetener. Hawthorn, apple and rose are all from the same family, and along with honey, all promote an open heart, so this quick, herbal pick-me-up is for whenever you want to channel and open your own heart.

You’ll need: a glass jar (a standard jam jar would be perfect); 80 per cent proof alcohol (vodka works great and other spirits will do, although the clearer the better); liquid sweetener (for example, runny honey, glycerine, maple syrup, simple syrup or agave); one tablespoon each of the following dried herbs: hawthorn leaf and flower, organic rose, apple, cinnamon, chamomile (pick as many different herbs as you like, but material from three to five types is usually a sweet spot); muslin or cheesecloth to strain the mixture; small amber dropper bottle(s); tape and a permanent marker to label.

Step 1: Prepare the herbs and add the alcohol and sweetener.

Using a coffee grinder or a blender, finely chop your herbs of choice. Place the herbs in the jar. Then cover with 2 parts alcohol and 1 part sweetener. (If you use fresh herbs or flowers, add a little bit more alcohol. To have a shelf life, a liquid must be 20 per cent alcohol. With the sugar, the preservative qualities are even higher.) Label the jar with the date, herbs and alcohol used.

Step 2: Store in a cool dark place.

Store the jar in a cool, dark place like a closet or a pantry for two to three weeks. Making sure the lid is firmly closed, shake the liquid several times a week.

Step 3: Then strain.

After the elixir has been sitting for at least two weeks, it’s time to strain it. You can either strain it into a measuring cup or straight into the amber dropper bottles. (Not only do the bottles make great holiday gifts, they are also good for storing individual quantities of the elixir.) Cover the mouth of the jar containing the elixir with the cheesecloth or muslin, and then strain. Once all the herbal matter is in the cloth, make sure to squeeze it over the cup or bottle to get any extra liquid out. Then pour the elixir into the amber bottles.

Step 4: Label the bottles and enjoy!

Label the bottles with the date, herbs and alcohol used. Take half a teaspoon of elixir as needed and enjoy! You can add this to water, drinks or simply take as is whenever you need some extra connection to your heart.

other ways to work with herbs

There are a number of ways to work with herbs. As we’ve seen, you can incorporate them in your cooking, in your skincare routine, in your daily ritual practice, in your spells and more. Making herbal teas, tinctures and elixirs, ritual baths, essences and waters are a few easy, inexpensive and accessible ways to work directly with the energy of the Earth and whichever herbs you choose.

A word of caution: before you work with any herb, it’s important to research it to make sure it won’t harm you, since there are herbs that are poisonous like hemlock and lily of the valley.


Who doesn’t enjoy drinking tea? The warm liquid is comforting, and the aroma is healing in itself. Whether you’re creating a ritual out of drinking your tea or simply taking a few minutes to enjoy the cup, it’s a powerful remedy and potent way to see and feel the healing effect of herbs.


When you are feeling anxious and stressed, I recommend preparing and drinking a tea made from organic dried herbs, consisting of 1 part lavender, chamomile or mint to 5 parts rose hips, lemon balm and valerian.


Every day, our energy mingles with that of the world around us. The beings in the natural world, astral world and physical world all have an impact on our bodies and spirits. Protection magick is its own realm of work that has been utilised by every culture in some form or another. And while there’s no right way to work with protection magick, one way that might appeal to the green witch is to work with protective herbs, specifically through sachets. A sachet is a bag of herbs that can be placed somewhere particular or carried for protection. By using herbs that ward off negativity, heal and protect, you can ensure that the Earth is giving you some extra TLC and protection as you go about your daily life.


This sachet uses protective herbs and a banishing charm to keep a particular area — whether it’s a home or car — safe and protected. This charm is best done at the full, waxing or new Moon.

You’ll need: a white cotton cloth or purple velvet fabric (make sure it’s not too thick to gather the edges together) that is about seven inches square in size; red string; a red candle; three or five of the following herbs: rosemary, rue, basil, vervain, mugwort, mistletoe, St John’s wort; any protective stones such as labradorite, onyx and tourmaline.

Step 1: Cleanse your space and ground.

Take a moment to cleanse your space; burning sage and frankincense would be great for this. With all your supplies ready at hand, ground and centre yourself. Connect to the Earth and her power. Decide which space that you’d like to protect before beginning the next step.

Step 2: Create the sachet.

Once you’re done grounding, place all the herbs in the centre of your fabric. Imagine them infused with white light; then gather up the edges, wrap the red thread around these and firmly tie together. Make a knot and say:

’I banish negativity, and create a safe space for thee.’

Tie four more knots, one for each element, saying:

’May this sachet guard and protect this [the space you’re protecting] and all who find themselves in it.’

Step 3: Charge it with the candle.

Once you’ve said your charm, place the sachet on your altar in front of the red candle. Imagine the white light from earlier growing from the sachet and encompassing you. Light the red candle and visualise your sachet forming a protective bubble around whatever it is you’re protecting. Hold this protection as truth in your heart. Then say:

’I create this boundary of protection,

I install this boundary of protection,

I maintain this boundary of protection,

That negative energy shall never find its way in.

So it is.’

Let the candle burn all the way down.

Step 4: Ground the energy.

Once your candle is burned and your spell is done, take a moment to ground your energy, feeling that same protection and connection you did before. Press your forehead into the floor, imagining all the excess energy moving back into the Earth.

Step 5: Hang up the sachet.

Once you’re done charging it, hang the sachet above the main entrance to your home or in your closet. You can also keep it under the driver’s seat of your car or hidden in whatever space you’re protecting.

ritual baths

One of my favourite ways to work with herbs is by taking ritual baths. These don’t have to be long and complicated, but they can be tailored to your needs and tastes. Before performing rituals or rites, taking a bath of purification is common, often using herbs such as basil, hyssop, mugwort, rosemary and rue, or a combination of these, to help cleanse the body and the energetic field. And while there can be a whole ritual around taking a ritual bath, the act of soaking in the tub and not doing anything else can be an act of magick in itself. Grab candles that correspond to your magickal intention or simply stick to silver, black and white for protection, cleansing and healing. The following ritual herbal bath is great for self-care, and for rejuvenating spirit and soul, especially after heartache.


This simple ritual bath utilises a few easy-to-access herbs to help heal and cleanse, while also attracting love. This ritual can be done any time, but is best done on a Friday (see the Tables of Correspondences) and during a full or waxing Moon.

You’ll need: Epsom salts; sage or palo santo; a bath tub; herbs like organic rose petals, lavender, calamint, lemon balm, cornflower or any combination of these. Optional: pink or white candles; rose quartz, clear quartz and amethyst; rose and lavender essential oils; anything else you need to make yourself feel comfortable and relaxed.

Step 1: Cleanse yourself and prepare.

Cleanse yourself by carefully smudging around your body with palo santo or sage. If you wish, you can also cleanse your bathroom and tub. Put on some music, light some incense and take a few deep breaths.

Step 2: Draw your ritual bath.

Run the bath and place the herbs in the tub, scattering rose petals on the surface. Step into the bath, being mindful of the temperature, while continuing to connect to your breath. Lie back and focus on the connection to your sacral chakra and your heart. Then say:

’I am love. I am open to love. I accept an abundance of love. I am worthy of love.’

You can also write your own affirmations and say them. Then dunk your head under the water as a ritual of cleansing. Now enjoy your bath. Breathe, relax, meditate and feel the herbs heal you.

Step 3: Finish the ritual.

When you’re ready, blow out any candles, drain the water and slowly start to dry yourself off. You can spray some rose spray on your skin or put on your favourite lotion.

You may adapt this template for whatever ritual bath you’re doing, using herbs that correspond to your intention. Play around with different affirmations, and enjoy the healing powers of the water.

the kitchen witch

If you love or even just like to cook, why not incorporate some magick into your kitchen? You can bless your food as you cook it; use condiments to draw banishing or invoking pentagrams and sigils; use herbs with specific correspondences in your cooking (like rosemary and sage for protection, mint for money, etc.); and infuse your food with gratitude before you cook it. Display your herbs in decorative jars (but not in direct sunlight, so your herbs stay potent), clean your counters with Florida or herbal water and turn your kitchen into a sacred space.

Start thinking of meals as a form of spellwork: the preparation can be your grounding, the cooking as raising the energy, and eating like releasing the cone of power. Again, find what feels best for you and go from there.

nature spirits

It doesn’t matter whether you live in a city, a suburb or the countryside: there’s Nature all around you; sometimes you just have to look. Taking a Nature walk can be like a walking meditation that invites you to explore the fauna and flora around you.

To go for a Nature walk, put your phone on silent and find an area you can walk around safely. Look around you; notice any plants, trees, bushes or wildflowers. See if there’s anything that catches your eye and explore this. Keep an eye out for any wildlife that might make itself known. Notice the colour of the sky, the feeling of the wind, the shape of the leaves on the trees. See how present you can be. Take a moment to find your breath and register any feelings you have. If you come across any flowers, nuts, pine cones, shells or other natural items — and if it’s okay to do so — collect these gifts and perhaps use them in ritual later on, or simply place them on your altar. When you’re back home, thank the Earth for all you’ve learned.

Besides plants and wildlife, you might find that spending time in Nature helps you to connect with other, ancient energies such as faeries, sylphs and undines.

the faery folk

The faery folk have existed since the dawn of time in every corner of the globe. They are the natural world incarnate. They are the energy of the trees, the whisper of the flowers, the cause of that mischievous cat seemingly chasing nothing. The faery folk — also known as faeries, fairies, the little people and the fey — are the true ancestors of Nature. They are the beings that inhabit the natural world. They exist in the astral realm, although they do cross over to our world from time to time. At the Equinoxes, at Midsummer, on Halloween and whenever the veil thins between our world and theirs, they can come visit us in our realm.

The term ’faery’ works as an umbrella term for various magickal beings that live on the astral plane. Nymphs, unicorns, mermaids, salamanders, dragons and more all fall under the domain of the faery. Just like there are different types of animals and people, there are different types of faeries, each with their own distinct spirit. Though their existence has been disputed for centuries, to believe in faeries is to see them. To acknowledge their presence is to acknowledge the beauty of the natural world, and the spirit that keeps her alive. Faery sightings in our realm are rare, but the more you work with them, the more you’ll sense their energy and their presence. And, who knows, maybe one day you’ll have your own faery sighting as well.


There are a few ground rules for working with the faery. If you’re going to a natural space, make sure not to leave any litter. Clean up the space, leaving it in better shape than you found it. And always leave an offering when you work with the fey. This can be of cake, fruit, wine, sweets, honey or milk. But don’t say thank you. This causes offensc to them; instead, feel the energy of gratitude before leaving your offering.

Many times, the faeries will give you something in return for your offering, like a beautiful stone or stick. If something catches your eye after you leave your offering, take it. You may incorporate this into your magick or place it upon your altar.

Don’t ring bells before working with them either, as it’s said to scare them. And don’t wear or work with iron either, as this is said to repel them.

types of faery

There are way too many types of faery to list all of them, so instead we’re going to focus on a faery for each Element. These entities embody the energy of their respective Element, yet they are still their own beings and shouldn’t be lumped into any categories.


Gnomes look rather like you’d expect them to: quite elderly since they age fast, although they’re believed to live to be about 1,000 years old. These creatures of the Earth are said to live in the root systems of ancient oak trees, where they focus on helping to heal wildlife and animals. The reason we have ornamental gnomes can be traced to these beings, as placing their effigies in our yards and gardens can help bless and protect these spaces. The energy of the gnome, which relates to the North and therefore the Element of the Earth, may be called upon during a ritual or spell to protect you and your pets. They also lend themselves to healing spells, and can help teach the secrets of herbalism. And since they love to dance, you may ask the gnomes to help you raise energy during a ritual by this method; if you’re honouring a deity of the forest, they’ll be even more inclined to help.

How to connect to the gnomes: meditate at the base of an old oak tree, either in real life or by visualising this in the astral realm. If the latter, you can either imagine visiting a familiar tree, or make one up. Close your eyes, ground and connect to the tree. Feel its presence and wisdom before asking to connect with the gnomes. Nothing may happen the first time, so be patient and take your time. When you’ve finished meditating, leave them an offering. This can be of milk, honey, bread or something sweet. Invite them to dance with you when you’re next raising energy during a healing or protection spell. Ask them to protect your pets, and leave offerings for them at the base of old oak trees.


Thought to originate in Greece and Egypt, sylphs appear as small, winged creatures. Given their ethereal nature, their wings might not even be necessary for them to fly. These beings may be called upon for work of all kinds — though anything relating to the Element of Air and its corresponding direction, the East, is especially appropriate. Air represents our inspiration, our wishes and desires, and in the same way, the sylphs rule over these areas too. When we play, when we laugh, when we love, when we find expansion and growth and space; this is the realm of the sylph.

How to connect to the sylphs: you can invoke the sylphs during a ritual when you’re calling in the Element of Air. Turn to face the East and ask the sylphs to join you, opening your heart to them. You can also do this simple ritual: take a second to ground, feeling the Earth supporting you. Then sense the air above, and start connecting to that Element. Acknowledge the presence of the sylphs and invite them to join you. Next, create a piece of art inspired by them: draw, paint, colour, sew, write, sketch or do whatever else pleases you creatively. During the process of creating your art, remain aware of that connection to the Element of Air. When you’ve finished, place the artwork on your altar and light a yellow candle. Then meditate or dance, once more calling on the energy of the sylphs. When you’re ready, ground your energy. Finally, leave an offering for the sylphs on your altar or outside.


Salamanders are the energetic equivalent of the lizards with the same name. Rulers of Fire and the direction of the South, the salamander is a being you can call upon for an extra dose of fire and passion. But if they’re around too long they can become disruptive, so it’s best to banish these beings once their work is done. Salamanders can be invoked for protection magick, where their heat and fiery spirits can be utilised in full force. If you’re working with these beings, do be careful. If you’re burning something during a ritual where you’ve called upon them, scatter the ashes somewhere outside. You can also banish them directly, saying: ’I banish thee, salamanders, back to the realm of the faery.’

How to connect with salamanders: an easy and safe way to work with these beings is to do a fire gazing. This is pretty much what it sounds like. Although you can use any candle to do this exercise, one that’s red or orange would work exceptionally well. As always, take a second to ground and connect, feeling the Earth supporting you. Invite the energies of the salamanders in, asking them for protection, for light or just to be there. Once you’re ready, open your eyes and light your candle. Take a comfortable seat with the flame placed in front of you, and gaze at it, relaxing your eyes without letting them cross. Start breathing rhythmically, keeping your gaze on the flame of the candle. Do you feel or see anything? Be patient. You may not register anything, but you can keep coming back to this. Snuff out the candle when you’re done by using a candle snuffer or a fan. You can use the same candle whenever you do this meditation. When you’re done with the gazing say: ’I banish thee, salamanders, back to the realm of the faery,’ before grounding your energy and leaving them an offering of milk, honey, wine or sweets.



Associated with the Element of Water and the West, undines are said to look like a few different things; some see them as seahorses with human faces, some regard them as looking more like women. The word ’undine’ is an umbrella term of sorts for beings that include mermaids and the Nereids, which are nymphs of the sea. Their abode is in the ocean and in bodies of water, especially if these are natural and located far away from civilisation. The undine’s connection to the Element of Water relates to our connection to our emotions, to the feminine aspect of our soul and to the fluid, effortless nature of being that is found in both ourselves and the ocean. You may call upon the undines to enhance the magick of any spell or ritual, although this will be especially potent if working with the Element of Water, or anything pertaining to the emotions and healing.

How to connect with undines: find a body of water either in the physical realm or on the astral plane by visualising it. (You can also do this exercise in the bath if necessary.) Ground your energy, connecting with the power of the Earth beneath you. If you can, go into the water, and start singing. Swim if you’re able, before floating on your back. Breathe into the water, feeling her support. Imagine the undines carrying and supporting you. Feel them holding your body and filling it with white light. If you need some healing, tell them about what’s going on and ask for their help. Breathe into your heart space, imagining a white light, and notice if you see or feel anything different. Once you feel like your time is complete, leave the water. Ground your energy, leave an offering and be on your way.