Secret Handshakes of the Illuminati

Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati - Texe Marrs 2005

Secret Handshakes of the Illuminati

T he secret hand signs of Illuminists are thought to work magic, to evoke supernatural beings, and, of course, to communicate messages. For example, the higher degree Mason, Rosicrucian, or other Illuminist can discern at what ritual level a brother in the Craft is at by testing his handshake, or grip. It is, therefore, an important mode of recognition. The commonly used phrase, “Get a grip,” has Masonic origins.

The handshake, or grip, is a sign of unity, oneness of purpose and allegiance or devotion to joint cause. It is considered a bond, or seal, of acknowledgment between Illuminist brethren. The Masonic authorities speak of a “mystic tie” or spiritual union. Certainly, demon powers do congregate together and enjoy one another’s foul company.

The God of Fidelity

The Illuminist handshake, the clasping or joining of hands, can have many meanings. Its simplest is as a symbol of fidelity. Interestingly, Dr. Cathy Burns, in her informative exposé, Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star, notes that even at this basic level, the Illuminist is signifying allegiance to a deity other than the Christian God. For example, Dr. Burns quotes Albert Mackey, 33°, former Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, who admits:

The instructions issued the candidate of the Entered Apprentice, or First Degree, of Freemasonry include these given here. Notice that the candidate is asked, “How shall I know you to be a Mason?” His answer: “By certain signs, a token, a word, and the perfect points of my entrance.” Then, when he is asked, “What are tokens?,” he replies, “Certain friendly or brotherly grips, by which one Mason may know another in the dark as well as in the light.” (Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor, p. 42)

The right hand has in all ages been deemed an emblem of fidelity, and our ancient brethren worshipped Deity under the name of Fides or Fidelity, which was sometimes represented by two right hands joined.

Numa was the first who erected an altar to Fides under which name the Goddess of Oaths and Honesty was worshipped. 1

Burns points out that this reference to the worship of the Roman pagan goddess is literally repeated by the initiate in the very first degree of the Masonic ritual. Yet the Holy Bible commands: “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.” (Exodus 20:3) and goes on to emphatically state: “Make no mention of the names of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.”(Exodus 23:13)

In volume 1 of Albert Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, a large section is devoted to a discussion of the hand and hand signs. Mackey states: “In Freemasonry, the hand as a symbol holds a high place.The same symbol is found in the most ancient religions and some of their analogies to Masonic symbolism are peculiar.”

Mackey revealingly says that the hand is deemed important “as that symbol of mystical intelligence by which one Mason knows another in the dark as well as in the light.”

He goes on to discuss the use of the hand in such ancient Mystery Religions as Mithraism and in worship of the Sumerian, Assyrian, and Babylonian gods. He notes that the tradition of the red seal attached to important documents is a throwback to the ancient use of the bloody hand as a way of authenticating documents.

Examples of Grips and Handshakes

I have included in this section of Codex Magica drawings of a number of Masonic handshakes taken from official Masonic publications and from other objective sources. In addition to Freemasonry, there are scores of Illuminati secret societies and many have their own unique handgrips and signs. Moreover, the Mormon Church, the Sufi Muslim Brotherhood, and even the notorious Mafia have their own identifying handgrips and signs. In the pages that follow in this chapter, you’ll see a large number of well-known persons sharing handgrips and handshakes that clearly are Masonic and Illuminist.

Subject to Interpretation

It is true that a handshake can be a questionable thing in its interpretation. All of us have attempted handshakes when greeting old friends and meeting new acquaintances. Sometimes your hand and theirs do not quite meet and clasp as you and they intended. It might be the fit of the hands due to the relative difference in size of each person’s hands; or perhaps the distance between the two persons’ bodies, causing a longer or shorter reach; or some other factor (Maybe the individual is short or tall, is just not good at shaking hands, etc.).

I have done my best to take all these uncontrollable factors into consideration here and I include only what I believe to be indisputable Masonic and Illuminist handshakes, tokens, and grips. Naturally, one must especially consider who is shaking whose hand—and whether the person is known to be an Illuminist, a Mason, a Rosicrucian, an O.T.O. adept, and so forth. With these caveats in mind, let us take a look at the secret handshakes of the Illuminati. But first this brief article by Christopher Story.

(NOTE: The following article by Englishman Christopher Story was originally published in the Economic Intelligence Review (Westminster, England) and was reprinted in Des Griffin’s Midnight Messenger (May/June 2004). It is reprinted here for the reader’s interest.)

Handshake Diplomacy: An Outbreak of the “Grips”

“They are out of the gate, and nothing will stop them.” This description, by one of the sharpest of our informants, with the hectic pace associated with the imposition of the New Underworld Order, sums up the way the world is being turned upside down “as we speak.” That’s why the press is publishing all these “grips.” And the newspaper editors have shown themselves to be only too willing to oblige. A huge photograph showed Tony Blair, our Fabian revolutionary Prime Minister, shaking hands with Adrian Nastase, the son of Illie, a leading Communist who “survived” the fall of Ceausescu. The Romanian Prime Minister is shown doing a five-knuckle grip (five-point degree), indicating to those whom Lenin called “the interested” that he’s “a member of the club.” Masons call their handshakes “grips”—hence the saying, “Get a grip.”

Let’s “get a grip” with what’s going on here. All of a sudden, newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic have taken to publishing large photos of our “chosen ones” indulging in various manifestations of Masonic “grips.” There was that Kerry-Clinton handshake published in The Washington Times in March.

In that instance, Clinton was demonstrating, for those “in the know,” just who was boss, and how high up in the geomasonic stratosphere he is (right at the top). The “grip” in question was a Ma-Ha-Bone Lion’s Paw Grip, which leaves the junior party in no doubt who’s in charge (and in pain as a consequence).

On 26th March, British newspapers carried an enormous picture of Tony Blair’s “grip moment” with Libyan dictator, Muammar Qadhaffi. Before proceeding, it needs to be said that these close-ups of Qadhaffi’s face reveal this man to be burdened with one of the most evil physiognomies on record—far nastier than those of Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein combined: in fact Saddam looks quite benevolent beside this creature.

For his part, Blair looked extremely uneasy, his eyes watery, and his faced tensed up after what may have been some unspeakable encounter or other about which the record is silent (worse case scenario). Beneath the main picture, The Times had taken the trouble to provide us with three smaller close-ups of the “grip moment”—the newspaper’s management being clearly signed up, in advance, to the significance of these New Underworld Order handshakes.

Our expert geomasonic handshake analyst writes that “the Blair-Qadhaffi handshake is a Shibboleth Grip which denotes fellowship and total agreement. The purpose of these photographs is to tell fellow Masons that these two are ’one.'” Beneath the photograph was a caption containing the following odd language:

“Clearly he (Blair) has not read Emily Post, the doyenne of 20th Century etiquette. ’The proper handshake,’ she wrote, ’is made briefly … and one should look into the countenance of the person whose hand one takes’ (Blair was looking at the camera instead of course). But more to the point, this gratuitous reference to Emily Post was intended, our U.S. based expert writes, ’to show compatibility with the USA Scottish Rite. The palmetto in the background (there was a garish green wallpaper behind the pair—Ed.) reminds me of the State Flag of South Carolina (Charleston, on the 33rd parallel is the headquarters of the US Scottish Rite masonry—Ed.), and also relates to the prominence of the Middle East in all things occult.”

On the same day (i.e., the photo research had been done well in advance), The Independent newspaper carried a double spread entitled: “PLEASED TO MEET YOU: THE HISTORIC HANDSHAKES THAT SHOOK THE WORLD.” It showed the following geomasonic grips: Gerry Adams and Clinton, 12th December 1995: Shibboleth; Kim Jong-Il and Kim Dae-Jung (of the two Koreas), 12th December 2000 (Ma-Ha-Bone Grip (master masons); Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin, with top Mason Clinton looking on, 13th September 1993: Ma-Ha-Bone Grip (Lion’s Paw, master mason; Pervez Musharraf and Atal Vajpayee, 6th January 2002: Shibboleth Grip (“friendship”); and most revealing of all Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, meeting for the first time in Versoix, Switzerland, 9th November 1985. In this picture, Reagan is shown gripping with the Supreme Master Grip with a pronounced Ma-Ha-Bone Lion’s Paw. Gorbachev attempts the same but Reagan won’t allow the same grip. This shows that Reagan demanded (and kept) the “upper hand.”

As reported in The New York Times, November 25, 1963, New York City’s Mayor Wagner welcomes Ireland’s President Eamon de Valera to the “Big Apple.” The Irish leader was at New York’s Idlewild Airport on his way to Washington, D.C. for the slain President John F. Kennedy’s funeral. Strangely, the smiling Mayor looks in high spirits, though most of America was in deep mourning.

J. Robert Oppenheimer, scientist who oversaw development of the first nuclear bomb in Project Manhattan, receives a Masonic handshake from President Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson earned only the 3rd degree of Master Mason.

Oppenheimer, a Jewish cabalist, held the 33rd degree. Andrew Jackson (“Old Hickory”), the historical figure in the painting on the wall, was also a 33rd degree Mason. Oppenheimer lost his security clearance when it became clear to security officials that he was most likely a Communist espionage agent and certainly was a Communist sympathizer. Both the Soviet Union and the nation of Israel were given secret plans to the atomic bomb weapon by Jewish spies burrowed deep inside the United States military science establishments.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), left, and a fellow legislator in a Masonic grip. (USA Today, May 19, 2005, p. 6A)

U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Afghani leader Karzai prominently display their Masonic grip. (Newsweek, May 12, 2003, p. 32)

Presider Mathea Falco and Speaker Hime Paz-Zamora, President of Bolivia, at September 28, 1989 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Roundtable Breakfast. (CFR Annual Report, 1990, p. 46)

U.S. overseer Paul Bremer shares a Masonic grip with Iraq’s Ahmed Chalabi, a known CIA asset. (Time magazine, June 23, 2003)

Secretary of State Colin Powell meets with Morocco’s King Mohammed VI. (USA Today, April 10, 2002, p. 14A)

Pope Pius XII greets Cardinal Spellman of New York.

New York’s powerful Cardinal Spellman shakes hand of Pope John XXIII, who succeeded Pope Pius XII.

Boston’s Cardinal Bernard Law and Catholic Priest Paul Shanley exchange greetings. Subsequently, Shanley, a founding member of NAMBLA, was exposed as a pedophile criminal and convicted of molesting young altar boys. Meanwhile, Cardinal Law, forced by public scorn to leave the United States, was promoted to a top position inside the Vatican. At the death of Pope John Paul 11 in April 2005, Law surfaced once again, being given the high-visibility role of conducting a mass for the dead Pontiff that was viewed around the world on TV. This was the Vatican’s way of retorting to those angered or concerned over priest pedophelia: “Get Lost!”

American coinage and currency frequently has borne hidden messages and symbols of the Illuminati. This new clipping from USA Today newspaper discusses and pictures the new nickel (5¢ coin) released in 2004 to commemorate the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. The coin bears the image of the Masonic handshake and also the occultic “X.”

Masonic handshake imbedded in Greek 500 d. note.

This drawing of the ancient Babylonian god, Nebo, from a dictionary of the Bible, makes him appear to be instructing adepts on the finer points of using hand signs or exchanging mysterious grips. In fact, Nebo’s title was “Interpreter of the gods,” and he was said to be the god of learning and of letters. The biblical King Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel was named after Nebo. This cut is in the British Museum, London.

President George W. Bush and FBI Director nominee Robert Mueller exchange grip behind podium. (Photo: The Washington Post, July 22, 2001)

In August, 2000, Prime Minister Ehud Barak of Israel in a clear Masonic hand grip with Jordan’s King Abdullah as they meet in Amman, Jordan. All Prime Ministers of Israel since the formation of that nation in 1948 have been initiates of the Masonic Lodge. All have been recruited into the Order of the Illuminati, also. (Photo: Associated Press, in Austin American-Statesman, August 17, 2000, p. A3)

European Farm Commissioner Franz Fischler (left) in handshake with German Agriculture Minister Karl-Heinz Funke at a European Community session in Brussels, Belgium. (Photo: Spotlight newspaper, December 7, 1998)

Nelson Mandela, political leader of South Africa, shakes hands (Masonic) with South African Communist Party leader Oliver Tambo. Mandela, lionized by the Western Press, is a life-long Communist activist and a known terrorist criminal. Mandela acquired power at the helm of the South African government by arrangement with the heads of the Illuminati’s Rockefeller, Rothschild, and Oppenheimer dynasties. In exchange, the Illuminati cartel holds exclusive rights to South Africa’s mineral rich assets of diamonds, gold, and platinum. (Photo: from the book, In The Words Of Nelson Mandela, published by Carol Publishing Group, York, 1998)

New York Governor George Pataki and New York State Senator Joseph Bruno meet in December 2003 with Tetsuro Higashi, president of Tokyo Electron Ltd., to announce a new $300 million research and development facility. (Newsletter of State Senator Joseph L. Bruno, December 2003, p. 1)

Pope John Paul II in a Masonic grip with a Cardinal at the Vatican. Notice the pressure on the knuckle.

Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy (left), in Masonic grip with Red Chinese counterpart in Beijing, China in March, 1992 as a bemused official looks on.

U.S. President Clinton receives Masonic grip from United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan at opening of the UN General Assembly. In this staged photo opportunity, aides for the two world leaders arranged the national flags so that Nicaragua’s Illuminati-designed flag, which has a (male) triangle, a solar image, and all-seeing eye as its focus would be most prominently displayed. Kofi Annan is married to a white woman, a Rothschild heiress.(Photo: USA Today, September 22, 1998, p. 11A)

Great Britain’s Duke of Kent, head of the United Lodge, the largest Masonic fraternity in England, holds the title, The Most Worshipful Grand Master. The Duke is sharing a Masonic grip on visit to Cape Town, South Africa.

Frenchman Jean-Marie le Pen (member of Paris’ Grand Orient Lodge) warmly welcomes Masonic brother Nick Griffin, leader of the British National Party (BNP). Jean-Marie le Pen, head of a supposed right-wing populist party in France, is oft criticized in that country’s press for what they say are his anti-Semitic views. In fact, by this hand grip and by other clear Masonic gestures he has made publicly, it appears that le Pen is a covert Mason, which would make him more akin to Zionism and its Communist Hegelian philosophy.

Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld in the Bush Administration gives coded handshake to Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd (top) and Oman’s Sultan Qaboos (below). (Time magazine, October 15, 2001)

Jerry Falwell, Baptist hero, in a Masonic grip with Skull & Bones alumnus, President George H. W. Bush, at the White House in 1991. Falwell claims to be a pro-life advocate but never complained when Senior Bush nominated abortion supporters like Judge David Souter to the U.S. Supreme Court and other federal posts.

Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin (left) a dwarfish terrorist thug who went on to become Israel’s Prime Minister, shares a Masonic hand grip with one of the “brethren,” Moral Majority leader preacher Jerry Falwell. Falwell received the Jabotinsky Award for his devoted efforts to oppress the Palestinian people while promoting Jewish racial supremacy. Jabotinsky, the man whom this award was named after, was a pro-Communist Socialist/Zionist. Falwell also received a multimillion dollar executive jet as a gift from Israel, a nation that receives from five to ten billion in free foreign aid money each year from American taxpayers. In effect, Begin and Israel stole money from the U.S.A. taxpayers and funneled it to Falwell.

President Clinton in a Masonic grip with Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. Breyer, a devout cabalistic Jew, was nominated by Clinton to the Supreme Court. To the right of Breyer is Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, also a cabalistic and Talmudic Jew and again a Clinton appointee. (Photo: The Cincinnati Post, October 1, 1994)

Apollo 8 crewman Frank Borman and a top NASA manager in a Masonic hand grip.

Karl Rove, top White House advisor to President George W. Bush, sharing a Masonic connection. (Photo: Newsweek, February 20, 2005)

French President Jacques Chirac, Masonic initiate of Paris’ Grand Orient Lodge, with Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern (left).

Shimon Peres, former Prime Minister and leader of Israel’s Labor Party (left), in Masonic grip with Morton L. Janklow of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). (Photo: CFR Annual Report, 1990)

Dr. Foy Valentine (left), President of the Masonic-founded group, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, with the anti-Christian group’s executive director, Barry Lynn. The group is a leader in working to stop prayer in schools, remove the Ten Commandments from public display, and prevent public displays or mention of Christmas.

Egyptian Ambassador to Israel Mohammed Bassiouny (center) and his wife with Israel Prime Minister Shimon Peres. As is the practice of the members of both the Grand Lodge of Jerusalem and the Masonic Lodges of Cairo and Egypt, the left hand is used to conceal the Masonic nature of the grip. (Photo: The Jerusalem Post and International Edition, November 1, 1997, p. 9)

President Bill Clinton meets in 1995 with Pope John Paul II. The Pope is extending his left hand in a Talmudic attempt to conceal the Masonic grip that is about to occur. Dr. Dennis Cuddy, premier researcher of the global conspiracy and expert on occult symbols, writes: “Some Christians have wondered why Pope John Paul II seemed to use a hand gesture when photographed with Gorbachev in 1989 that was similar to the real grip of the Master Mason (a grip shown in Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor, 3d edition, 1976) and Star Trek Spock’s ’Vulcan Salute.'” (Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Now Is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order, Hearthstone Pub., Oklahoma City, OK, 1991, p. 387)

The late Pope John Paul II greets Archbishop Charles Salatka and they share the Real Grip of a Fellow Craft Mason. Simultaneously, the Pontiff gives the “cover grip” with his left hand to conceal the maneuver.

Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and Pope John Paul II combine to present a Masonic symbol in this staged event for the TV cameras. (Photo: The New York Times, October 1, 1989)

Pope John Paul II meets with Israel’s Chief Rabbi, Yisrael Meir Lau, at the papal retreat in Rome. As is customary of members of the Grand Lodge of Jerusalem, the rabbi disguises the Masonic hand grip with his left hand. This is called the “cover grip.” (Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor, 3d Ed., p. 216)

Neal Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (left) exchanges an indisputable (in my opinion) Masonic handshake with Konstantin Kharchev, the Soviet Union’s Chairman of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The occasion was a socialist-sponsored environmental conclave, called the International Forum for a Non-nuclear World and the Survival of Humanity, February 13-15, 1987. The leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) is heavily Masonic. Many SDA officials have cooperated with pro-Communist, anti-Christian lobby groups such as Americans United, People For the American Way, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Jewish ADL. These groups veil their anti-Christian positions with high-sounding goals like “liberty” and “separation of church and state.” (Photo and article: Ministry magazine, May/June 1987, p. 7)

Three world-renowned Christian evangelists were present in 1966 at the House of the Temple, the headquarters of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, in Washington, D.C. The occasion was the elevation of men newly chosen to the elite 33rd degree. The three were Billy Graham, Norman Vincent Peale, and Robert Schuller. Statues of the three Masons have been erected in the courtyard of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California.

Evangelist Billy Graham shares an indisputably Masonic handshake with fellow 33rd degree Mason, former President Harry S. Truman. Also, observe Graham’s left hand, held in the Masonic position. According to Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia, Truman was elected Grand Master of all Masons in Missouri in 1940. A 33rd degree, Truman’s Masonic funeral was the first to ever be televised worldwide.

The Crystal Cathedral’s Reverend Robert Schuller, 33rd degree Mason, shares a clearly Masonic handshake with former Soviet Communist Party boss, Mikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev, an initiate of the Grand Orient Lodge, Paris, France, spoke at Schuller’s church.