Our Town

City Magick: Urban Rituals, Spells and Shamanism - Christopher Penczak 2001

Our Town

CITIES ARE NOT ONLY VAST SOURCES of power and spirit energy. They are, first and foremost, homes. People do make their livings there, but what they really create is life. Lovers and spouses are found, and families, in all shapes and sizes, are created. Some of the best families have no blood relationships. As the home of our daily and our magical lives—which aren’t as different as some might think—we should strive to know our cities well. Cities are like big houses. You have to explore every nook and cranny of your home before you really know its potential. If you stay in one room all the time, you may know it very well, but you are forgetting the rest of the house. Better yet, cities are like friends. Each friend has many facets. Some are familiar and comfortable. Others are farther away, deeper and darker. We do not see these hidden parts unless we explore.

Each city has its own personality. Each has a distinct energy, as unique as its people. Every one is built over a unique vortex, an individual power spot. No two are alike. They change over time, with changes in population and social trends, but some core traits remain the same. Each city has its different facets, as we do. People act differently at work than when relaxing at home. The “face” we present to family can be different from the one we present to friends. Cities have similar facets, expressed as similar districts, but each one is a little different, just as each person in astrology has all the signs and planets in his or her chart, yet the expression of these similar energies is different. Cities are a lot like people. They even have astrological birth charts. Their birthdays are the day they were founded. States and countries can have astrological charts too. You can learn a lot about a city and the people who settle there by studying the city’s birth chart.

Here are some common expressions of these traits, found in many cities, particularly in America, as it is more ethnically diverse. They are expressed as different districts, both official and unofficial. Each district may have a different character and history in a particular city, but they share many common traits. There are many more than the ones I’ve listed. Many are based on the various nationalities settling in the area. Others are based on the industries and activities of the city. Some are more magical than others. Explore on your own and discover the magick in your own city.


Downtown is the center of town, where people come to meet, greet, and shop. Downtown storefronts were the scene of commerce before the invention of the mall, and many fine stores, shops, and restaurants have remained in the downtown areas with no intention of moving. Often, these more unique stores help give the city its own personality. Energetically, downtown has a lot of strong, direct energy. The feel is very electric and masculine in many ways. People are always running around. Although it may not be a pure, natural prana site, often people frequenting the heart of the city leave with a strong “buzz” of energy. You may physically or psychically feel a subtle shift in your vibrational level. Your energy rises. At other times, the energy may be very muddy and stuck, particularly around holiday shopping time. The high energy, the frenzy of the day, has no outlet. At these times, such areas can alter your mood for the worse, and often cause tension-related illnesses like headaches and stomach pains. The next time you are running around the city, if you are prone to headaches, notice where they start.

Financial District

Most major metropolitan areas have a financial district. This is an even more concentrated form of electric, masculine energy. The very nature of finance is electric, direct, up and down. One day the market is up, the next it is down, like a lightning bolt, it jumps to all points in between. There are no soft curves to it and the people working with it. Things are very black and white, profit or loss.

Thoughtforms and energy constructs are unconsciously made from the hopes, dreams, fears, frustrations, and failures projected by the movers and shakers of the business world. Spell casters consciously create their own thoughtforms in magick, with the intention that they dissipate once the spell is fulfilled. Many financial wizards have as much personal power as sorcerers, but lack an awareness of it. Because they don’t understand true personal power, they don’t realize what they are creating. Many thoughtforms exist in the financial district. Some have taken on a life their own, like little spirits. Often, the ones created from darker thoughts seek out and join others, and there are a lot of dark thoughts in the financial district. Much of the business is run on greed and control. Physical sickness often comes from thoughtforms, both of our making and from others, intruding upon our energy body. They can cause an imbalance in our energy bodies that manifests as disease.

On a brighter note, many of these financial superstars create beneficial thoughtforms for prosperity, luck, and success. Since they don’t realize they are creating something either, these forms often stick around and can be used. By charging a charm for prosperity in the financial district, and by being on guard against unhelpful thoughtforms, you can attract a spirit of good fortune. You will give it a home and function, as it may be seeking one, and it will give you greater powers of prosperity, since it was created by someone with a stronger power in the financial world. Some spirits that exist on other planes, spirits that were never created by humans, may also be attracted to these places. Strong emotions and thoughts attract them.

What is stronger than the potential of making and then losing a fortune, with the possibility of making it again tomorrow? For some, that is the ultimate emotional roller coaster, an addiction as potent as any other. Like thoughtforms, some spirits are helpful, and others less so.


Uptown is the land of high society, where the elite meet, so to speak. Homes here are posh penthouses or venerable estates where those considered “upper class” dwell. The vibes of uptown areas tend to fit the culture residing there. Tradition plays a strong role. There is an air of sophistication, of worldliness. If there are any retail businesses, they are high-priced and sell only top-quality merchandise.

Most would consider such a place to be devoid of magick and magical people. Not so. A close look at our modern magical history reveals that many of the old lodges, guilds, temples, and secret societies are maintained by those in the upper echelons of society. The upper crust work in this world because they have the resources, the time, and the inclination to do so. Working-class people are traditionally known for doing “low magick,” or common folk magick, to fulfill their needs. They have more immediate concerns. The urban magical orders have the desire to organize, network, spread out, and maintain an intricate level of high magick. Their lifestyle permits it. You may be surprised by what is going on behind closed doors in uptown areas in a city near you.

Low Town

Low town areas are the dark shadow of the city—the “not so nice” neighborhoods where poverty and potential crime are more prevalent. The magical vibrations of such a place are difficult to assimilate from the “outside.” The feeling that greets you can range from unwelcoming to menacing, particularly if the residents live in fear of gangs, theft, and assault. The important thing to remember is that many people make their home here out of necessity. Yet many wonderful things go on in these places, things not reported by the media because they are the simple kindnesses of life. In any case, be careful on your sidewalking trips through these areas. Always be conscious of your environment and the danger level inherent there. But do not write off a place simply because it does not conform to your ideals. Such low-town haunts are the best places for seeking magical images embedded in graffiti.


Not all cities have a large Chinese-American population, but some of the major centers do. They are worth investigating. The various Chinatowns hearken back to an Old World charm, juxtaposed with modern trappings. Many residents are immigrants from Asia, or first-generation Americans. Foreign customs, traditions, religious ceremonies, holidays, foods, and medicines are common. In some ways, life in a place like this reminds me of being a witch, being different from most of the people around you, hearkening back to the old ways of the world. In Chinatown, however, you have an inner community. The energy in many Chinatowns is more magnetic, creative, feminine, and secret. Old secrets, particularly of medicine, herbs, balance, and the mind/body/spirit connection, are honored. Great healing can be done with these energies, whether in your own rituals by drawing on the energy, or by truly honoring these customs by seeking a knowledgeable practitioner of Chinese medicine.

Little Italy

Little Italy is a region where Italian immigrants and their families have settled. Half of my heritage is Italian, so these areas hold a special place in my heart. The energy is strongly electromagnetic, balancing male and female energies. Even though the culture is stereotypically male-dominated, in truth, I find it more balanced than some groups. Men seem to be in control of the family, but many of the women are really in charge. They have just come to an arrangement. Most Italians are devout Catholics, but they belong to a branch of Christianity that strongly honors the goddess through the Virgin Mother Mary. Yet even some outwardly mainstream residents hear the call to the old ways, honoring both god and goddess through the Strega witchcraft traditions. What others call superstition is part and parcel of their culture. Some have forgotten the roots and reasons, but I’ve had relatives called upon for blessings, removing curses, giving the evil eye, and divining the future with tea leaves or oil. The magick of this culture has been woven into the religion, superstitions, customs, and cooking. The energy of these neighborhoods tends to reflect their nature, pushing and pulling between the two extremes.

Hispanic Community

Regardless of their divergent points of origin, Hispanic communities are quite possibly the most magical of all. Along with African communities, they retain an almost unbroken link to their magical traditions. Santeria and Voodoo are commonly accepted beliefs, shadowing more traditional forms of Christianity. They contain a sense of magical mystery to them, since, until recently, almost none of this material was committed to print. The charms and magick are passed through families and community lines. Go into many shops in the neighborhood and you will find thinly disguised magical tools. Everyone who lives there knows what they are. Even the grocery stores have seven-day candles marked with the images of patron saints and gods. Home altars are more common here than anywhere else.

Irish Neighborhood

Community settlements of those from an Irish ethnic background are quite prevalent in major cities. The energy here tends to be more male-dominated, with a strong sense of community and unity, often with a strong work ethic. In some ways, such neighborhoods are a bit like closed communities. Everyone knows everyone else. Everyone has a similar background, magnifying this unified tightly knit feeling. I have a special affinity for Irish culture, not through genetics, but more from their ancient history and magical traditions. My original training in magick and witchcraft was very strongly Celtic-influenced, and drew a lot from Irish and Welsh myth, magick, and poetry. Some modern descendents are reclaiming these traditions in their own practice of magick.

Gay Town

Many cities seem to have a district where the queer folk live, love, and party. Some dominate the entire town, while others tend to be more restricted to a single section. They go by different names-Greenwich Village in New York City, Back Bay in Boston, or Boys-town in Los Angeles—but they have some traits in common. Obviously, they tend to be more open and accepting of those in nontraditional relationships. They tend to be the center of new art and theater. Shops there often have the newest trends and styles. The vibes in these places are high-energy and exciting, but in a more relaxed way. They rhythmically range from the electric and direct, to the magnetic and feminine. This is probably an effect of the greater concentration of androgynous people in the area. Even though these areas are high-energy, they are centers of fun and recreation, not power and control, although some people in unhealthy relationships would argue that fact. Magick for creativity and balance tends to be fruitful when drawing on energy from these places.

Theater District

Many cities have a concentrated area of theaters for dramatic and musical plays. The energy in such spots is empathetically wonderful, being very up and exciting. Think of all the adrenaline flowing in the actors, musicians, and directors, the renewed excitement with each performance, and the audience anticipation. For many visiting the city, such performances are once-in-a-lifetime treats. The local neighborhood usually supports the theater environment, with restaurants and shops staying open until the shows get out. There is a feeling of electricity all around. Those who pick up on emotional environments may get a contact “high” from such places, or even be emotionally overwhelmed by such strong feelings surrounding them on all sides. The protection meditation in Exercises 4 (see page 27) can definitely help build your inner defenses against such unintentional assaults. Magical jump-start spells, to increase excitement and activity, or spells for practitioners who are also performers of some kind, are potent in such areas, because there is so much natural ambient energy present there.

Club Row

If there is any type of nightlife occurring in the city-clubs, music, dance, or comedy-it will tend to be concentrated in focused little areas. As in the theater districts, there is an electric feeling of energy here, but the flavor of it will depend on the local “scene” and the types of performances occurring. These areas also tend to exude a predatory feeling. Many singles clubs are known for their “meat-market” mentality. Others are only hang-outs, places to gather and have a good time. Club Row is always an excellent choice for magical sidewalking adventures.

Red-Light District

Here you find adult bookstores, sex shops, and strip clubs. Such areas have a reputation for prostitution and drugs, so the predatory atmosphere found in the club area can be amplified here. Ultimately, this is a place for fulfilling your desires, no matter what they are. Strong thoughtforms run rampant through this section, giving many people creepy, eerie feelings. The true lessons of the area lie in the desires uncovered here and our shame connected to such desires. As long as everything is between consenting adults, there should be no problem. Indeed, the attraction of such places often lies in their forbidden and secret nature.

The red-light districts in the United States are slowly dying out due to zoning laws. People living in the neighborhood simply do not want such sleazy activites in their area. Crime often seems to flourish in such places. If handled well, there can be a happy medium. My first visit to Time Square in New York City scared me to death. Each subsequent visit, however, showed me a more “cleaned-up” environment. You can still get whatever you wanted there, but you feel a bit safer walking down the street.